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The hottest summer of the twentieth century.

A tiny community of five houses in the middle of wheat fields.

While the adults shelter indoors, six children venture out on their bikes across the scorched, deserted countryside.

In the midst of that sea of golden wheat, nine year-old Michele Amitrano discovers a secret so momentous, so terrible, that he daren’t tell anyone about it.

To come to terms with it he will have to draw strength from his own imagination and sense of humanity.

The reader witnesses a dual story: the one that is seen through Michele’s eyes, and the tragedy involving the adults of this isolated hamlet.

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Comments on: "I’m not scared – Niccolo Ammaniti" (80)

  1. I liked this book because it’s sad but also has a lot of suspense and drama. The film was good because it represented the book well and the characters and scenes were represented well. My favourite part was when the boy was set free and hopefully back at home, but when Michele was shot i was shocked and sad. My favourite character was Michele because he’s a nice boy and helps anyone if their in need. I like the whole book and film. I recommend this to anyone that likes action, and suspense because this has plenty of it. The only i would change would be to see if the boy was ok after he was set free by Michele just to see if he’s back with his family and alright.


  2. When I first read this book in Year 9 I really enjoyed it but it was a thriller type book which I don’t usually like. It was originally an Italian book which had been translated into english. It was the story of Michele and how he struggles to deal with his coming of age when he finds a boy trapped in a hole. As his child like imagination takes over his emotions were taken on the journey that it takes for Michele to free him and try and understand this mysterious boy.
    This book can be somewhat graphic so it would be aimed at ages 13+ and I rate it 8/10.


  3. This is such a good book. At first I wasn’t sure about it becuase I thought that is was a bit boring and I was not really sure where it was going. But as I kept reading the book started to get more and more interesting. And eventually I didn’t want to put it down. I never knew what was going to happen next. It is such a beautiful story about friendship and I loved how they made friends and stuck together throughout the whole book. It is really cool throughout the book how we get to see Michele grow and change into a stronger person. At the end of the book I was so shocked and I could not believe what had happened. It makes the book even more interesting. I would definitely recommend this book to others as it is such an interesting and unique book and it is very different to most other books which makes it even better.


  4. I read this book for year 9 english and at first I thought it was quite boring but after going through each scene with my class I realized just how well this book was written. Michele is a really strong character and we definitely see him grow throughout the book. It’s difficult to think how such a little boy could go through such heartache and trauma but still push through and help out a friend. I loved following his journey and they way he grows throughout, he is able to become a man so quickly in a boys body. I really liked reading this book and watching the movie as it gives you a bigger understanding of trust and loyalty. I would recommend it if your in for a good read but it is a little full on! Be ready to be quite emotional.


  5. Tylah said:

    I enjoyed reading I’m not scared, by Niccolò Ammanti as there are not many other books like it.This book for me gave me allot of different emotions including happiness, sadness, laughter and confusion at the same time. I loved seeing the way Michele matures throughout the novel from facing new experiences and overcoming his fears which also help him to learn about the real world we live in. Because of this Michele is my favourite character in this book. This book would probably for people over thirteen as the themes in the novel can be a bit scary and some language is involved.Why not go and explore it yourself? I rate this book a 7/10.


  6. Monique said:

    I just finished reading this book for year 9 English and I thought that it was really good. I really enjoyed I’m Not Scared and I thought it was well written.
    The story is about a young boy named Michele who lived in Italy and one day he discovers another boy called Filippo. Filippo has been captured by Michele’s farther and his boss. Michele tries to free Filippo and goes against his farther’s back. This is a really good book to read and it really shows you how desperate people were to get money. I thought it was really sad how they had to capture innocent children to do this though and I thought that the Author did a really good job describing this. I think this book would be most appropriate for ages 13+ as at times its a bit difficult to understand and mature themes. Overall I give this book a 7/10


  7. This is a coming of age story regarding a nine year old boy in the small village of AquaTraverse situated in the South of Italy. Michele is a young boy who has typical childhood fears; witches, monsters, werewolves however when he is forced to do a forfeit summoned by Skull he makes a very interesting discovery. Michele ends up finding a young boy trapped in a hole with no food or water and he is very dirty. At the first glance Michele is repulsed by his appearance but as this situation continues to get interesting, there is a story behind why the boy is there. This story is really intriguing and interesting, it’s also part of the Year 9 curriculum so you need to read it. I would recommend this book for 12+ as it deals with some mature themes as well as being confronting. I give this book
    7 / 10.


  8. Eibhlis said:

    This book is a little boring-I found. It was a bit too creepy. It didn’t help that it had such a long first chapter that was so boring though! However, after the first chapter I sought of got into the story but after reading it I never really did get fully into the story. It was a bit muddle up, there was no reasoning for the characters actions and at parts I was a bit confused as to why this person did that. I liked the bravery of the little boy and his determination to do the right thing, despite going against his fathers wishes. He knew that his father was in the wrong and risks his own life to save another. I thought that the descriptive writing in this book, particularly in the scenery was really well written. I really had an image in my mind of the town and the house and of each of the characters, which made it more interesting to read. Overall I thought that this book was alright, not my favourite though. I rate it 6/10.


  9. This has to be one of my favourite books I’ve read, that has been a school book. It was a bit scary and weird at different times like when the little boys leg was weeping or the boy found someone underneath the mattress. Or when father said he’d cut of the boys ear when the mother of the boy was on TV. My least favourite part of the book was when the father accidentally shot his son thinking it was the boy who he had kidnapped and left in the whole alone. I would change it not only because the boy did nothing wrong, but because he was trying to save an innocent boy, but the father shot him. I would recommend this book to others and would rate it a 8/10. It has been one of the best books I’ve read.


  10. This book took a while to get going, the first few chapters were setting the scene, and giving the read an insight in to the like of an italian where poverty and unemployment is rife. It was a bit hard to put different parts of the book together and some events were hard to follow. Though the events in this novel were cruel and displayed loss of morality, they was this book was written sort of indicates that it was incredibly justified and it was their only option. Seeing the events unfold through the innocence of Michele was interesting, because through the dark and immoral occurrences of the novel, he is forced to come of age and act in a way that is more morally correct than the adults of this village.
    I do recommend this book to people, however you will need to read it a few times to understand it. I rate it 8/10. A very good read with a lot of hidden meaning.


  11. When I started the first few pages of I’m not scared’ i was bored. I didn’t want to read further on. But then we read it in class. And I was very very wrong. It was not a boring book at all, it was surprisingly quite interesting! It’s about a little boy who was kidnapped and put into a hole (sounds a little weird) Then main character, Michele, finds the little boy, and secretly brings him food and water and looks after him. It is set in a very small italian town called AcquaTraverse, there are a group of kids in the novel who are all friends with Michele, and they roam around the wheat fields on their bikes and go exploring all day long. My favourite character is probably Maria, who is Michele’s little sister who tags along with him and his friends all the time, she’s just so cute. It’s a very good book once you get started! I rate it a 7/10.


  12. I loved this book for it’s simplicity yet cleverly written story line, it was refreshing to read a book from a child’s perspective because you can really pick up on their thoughts. I also enjoyed it because it is a school book it wasn’t boring I actually wanted to pick it up and read it every night. I really liked the idea of the book being set in a small town and how everyone knew everyone and the kids were free to ride around and make their own adventures. A privilege I don’t have as times have changed from then and I live in a big city. This book was humorous, funny, sad, mysterious all in the one book!
    I recommend this book to anyone up for a great read with a hint of mystery!


  13. I completeed reading this book in term 2… it was a mind blower, i sat on the edge of my seat, every time I read it. this book protrays how a young boy grows throught the novella. The book is set in Acqua Traverse, a small town, that only a few people knew about. The book is adventuries fun and a real thriller. I personally enjoyed this book all the twist and turn from the main character Michele, I know a few of my friends didn’t but I recommed if you like or prefer a on the edge book. This is the book for you. I rate this book a 9/10 🙂


  14. I’m not scared isn’t the best book I’ve read for school, but its still good. Its about a 9 year old boy who lives in a small, forgotten town of Acqua Traverse in Italy. He hangs out with the other kids of the town who consists of a bully, one fat girl, his 5 year old sister (sometimes) and two other boys around his age who go along with everything. His only true friend is a boy his age that he found tortured and trapped in a hole. Which the adults of the kidnapped from a rich family. I give this book 1 4.5/10


  15. I am not scared – I didn’t really enjoy this book to much. I thought it was a little boring. I found this book was hard to read and get into.I did like the way it described the setting and I could imagine the place I was in. This did make those parts enjoyable but I personally didn’t enjoy the story line. Some of it didn’t come together well and this made it hard to keep reading. I give this book a 4/10


  16. Again, i enjoyed another school book. Is this bad?! This is a lovely book, and it tells how a young boy grows and changes throughout the events that shape who he becomes. I find it amusing how the author tells the story, kind of through the child’s eyes, but as if he is telling the story. I love how everything the author puts in is for a reason, and when we were ‘dissecting’ this book in English, my teacher uncovered all the secret little things that Niccolo put in. It just makes it more interesting and mysterious, and then when you figure it out, you have that “Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh” moment. My favourite character is definitely Maria, because even though she is the youngest, and she doesn’t have much to do in the movie OR the book, she is quite adorable and innocent. I think i would rate this about a ★★★★☆, because it was just so wonderfully written and thought out. I would recommend the book to any age really, but it would be more understood for ages 13+. I do NOT recommend the movie however, for anyone! I nearly ran out of the classroom when something (not giving it away) happened. Even though i knew it was going to, i didn’t know when, and maybe that was the scariest part!


  17. Hayley said:

    I watched the movie I’m Not Scared with my English class in the last week of school. We had all studied the book for our essay and it was nice to all sit down and watch something together. I did enjoy the movie a bit but the book was much better. It also wasn’t the greatest thing ever as its different to what I would usually watch. The annoying thing in the movie was that they spoke in Italian and had the English sub titles. This meant that we had to read the movie instead of listening to it. The movie also changed some of the things in the book such as the little wash bears and left parts out. The movie is a bit disturbing as well because all these parents that have kids but have kidnapped an innocent child to receive money. This movie also teaches us about the North and South divide in Italy at the time. My favourite character would have to be Michele as he is very adventurous and curious. He is also brave when he concours his fears throughout the book and movie. I don’t have a favourite part in the movie but my favourite part while in class was that when Filippo jumped out at Michele the whole class screamed. It was very funny 🙂 I am not quite sure what person I would recommend this movie to but I believe that every student at Sacred Heart would watch it in year 9. I rate this movie a 6.5 out of 10.


  18. Claudia said:

    I’m Not Scared is a book that is mysterious and a thriller, it has many twists and turns along the way to keep you guessing and you never know what to expect. The main character Michele becomes conflicted between his best friend and his father because he loves them both very much and doesn’t want to disappoint either one of them but he trusts his gut instincts to work it out and make the right decision but it might not be the one necessarily best for him. The book is set in Acqua Traverse which is in Italy and they are going thorugh poverty so it is hard and tough to get through each and ever day so the parents have to do what ever they can to escape the hardships of life they faced. This book along with the movie is quite graphic so I recommend it for people 14 and up because of the language and visuals used. I rate this book a 7/10!


  19. Maddison T said:

    I’m Not Scared, a novel written by Niccolo Ammaniti, is a novel reflecting on the horrible, mysterious childhood of Michele Amitrano. After reading this book just a couple of weeks ago i found myself drawn into the adventures of Michele, Filippo, his family and friends. Michele lived in a very small town, Acqua Traverse, where a lot of significant events occurred in his life, the book and movie show him growing in an adult and he also learns some crucial lessons during the path of his experiences. I personally still can’t get over how crucial can person be to kidnap a nine year old kid and treat him like nothing and not feel any gilt towards what they had done. I was recommend this book for 14+ just because of some of the information you get when reading the book is a bit intense. I would rate it a 7 out of 10 🙂


  20. Romy B said:

    I was surprised when I read this book, because I didn’t think it would be the type of book I would enjoy but when I started reading, I couldn’t put it down. I liked it because it was really different to the usual books I have read and it has a story line that really pulls you in and makes you wonder what is going to happen next. My favourite part of the book was probably when Michele helped Filippo out of the hole and showed him what the world was like outside. Michele was also my favourite character because he was so loyal to his friends, he always kept his promises and I think it’s amazing how a 9 year old boy could have so many good qualities. If I were to change something about the book it would be the fact that Filippo is trapped in a hole and has no freedom, but then ago, if that wasn’t in the book then there really wouldn’t be a story line. I recommend this book to people aged 14 + and for people who love a story line that’s interesting and gets them hooked straight away.


  21. I’m Not Scared was a really great book. It was very dramatic and was full of suspense but however I preferred reading the book, as I found I could picture the characters the way I imagined them as the detail the author gave was immense.I liked this book because it’s sad but also has a lot of suspense and drama. The film was good because it represented the book well and the characters and scenes were represented well. My favourite part was when the boy got found in the whole and the mystery for Michele. My favourite character was definitely Michele, the way he just kept going back to the little boy. I would recommend this book to other people, anyone who enjoys a good adventure and some mystery would love it!


  22. I just read this book for english. It was different from the books that I am used to reading and really widened my knowledge of other peoples characteristics and their life styles. I have to admit i didn’t enjoy reading the book very much it was a bit to serious for me. I did however like how they wrote it from a little boy’s point of view because it added a bit of mystery because he didn’t know what was going on so neither did I. The boy Michele was the main character and he was quite naive but very brave. The character i really didn’t like was Skull he acted like a bully and was very rude. I would recommend this book to people who like a serious book with a bit of mystery. 🙂


  23. ccaruana14 said:

    When I heard that I had to read this book for school, I wasn’t very excited, but when I started it, I just couldn’t put it down! I’m Not Scared is about a young boy and his friends, living in a small town called Acqua Traverse, in Italy, in the summer of 1978. One day, Michele, the main character comes across a hole in an old ‘house’ at the top of a hill, making one of the most amazing discoveries any one could ever make…… It was a little boy. But Michele can’t tell anyone about his secret. So many things happen to Michele and as this situation builds up, something happens that you most definitely would not predict would happen…….. .

    My favourite character in this book would have to be Michele and this is because he is determined to help Filippo (the little boy in the hole) and restore peace in his family. His is a very brave young boy, who is very naive and innocent to everything that is going on. I also really like Salvatore (Michele’s friend) because even though he is very young, he is logical and acts a little older than what he actually is, making good decisions, most of the time.

    I can not actually relate to a situation like Michele’s because it is one that has never happened to me, but I can definitely feel empathy for what would have happened in the past, and what sometimes, still happens today.

    I don’t think that I would change anything in this book because Niccolò Ammaniti (the author) leads up to the different situations and problems very well and explains things so we are able to understand them.

    I would recommend this book to any one over the age of 14 because some of the scenes that are described are probably a little too ‘much’ for younger children, but I would definitely rate this book a 9/10!

    I love the way Ammaniti has written this book and I will definitely read I’m Not Scared again, even though I am studying it for school! I loved it! 🙂


  24. I’m not scared is a really interesting book. I thought the book was engaging to the very last word. I liked how the book was based in Italy giving me an idea on what it was like in the 1970’s. I thought the ending was a bit rushed and confusing though. At the end of the book I still had questions that still needed an answer. My favourite part of the book was when Michele found the hole as I thought this part was well written and descriptive. My favourite character was Michele because he is naive when he helps Filippo, even when he got caught. I rate this book a 7/10 and recommend it to people aged 13+. This book is definitely worth reading, but even more so if you are into mystery type books 🙂


  25. srainbow said:

    Im not scared is a really good and interesting book! It is about a young boy named Michele who lives in Italy out in the country side with his sister and parents. Later he discovers a young boy living in a hole in the ground out near an old abandoned house. My favourite character in the book is definitely Michele, I think he is a really strong character and we definitely see him grow throughout the book. If I could change something about the book, it would probably be the ending. I found that the book ended a bit suddenly and with some questions unanswered. I would definitely recommend this book to others. It is a very creative book, I really enjoyed it! I would recommend this book to people aged 13-16 years old. I would rate this book a 9.5/10. This book is definitely worth reading, you will love it!! 🙂


  26. srainbow said:

    Im not scared is a really good and interesting book! It is about a young boy named Michele who lives in Italy out in the country side with his sister and parents. Later he discovers a young boy living in a hole in the ground out near an old abandoned house. My favourite character in the book is definitely Michele, I think he is a really strong character and we definitely see him grow throughout the book. If I could change something about the book, it would probably be the ending. I found that the book ended a bit suddenly and with some questions unanswered. I would definitely recommend this book to others. It is a very creative book, I really enjoyed it! I would recommend this book to people aged 13-16 years old. I would rate this book a 9.5/10. This book is definitely worth reading, you will love it!


  27. This book was very interesting! I liked it because it is very intense and you want to know what happens next. So you keep reading and reading and soon enough its finished. I liked the range of characters you meet in this book too. At points in this book I was really mad at some characters like when those adults could keep a little boy in a whole with hardly no food or water. But then I really liked Michele because he is so kind to the little boy and even after he gets caught he still goes back and then he basically saved the little boys life knowing that his own life could be in danger.


  28. Lily Moodie said:

    This book is about a young boy called Michele who lives somewhere in Italy with his family of both his parents and younger sister. He was out with his friends when he found a abandoned house with a little boy living very unhygienic underground. It is a very interesting book you have to read it, you wil love it!!!!1


  29. This book is about a boy Michele who lives in the Italian countryside with his family and friends. After finding a hole near a deserted house, he realises that there is a boy in the hole! Michele returns to the whole day after day and talks to the boy. This book is one of those that once you start reading, you cannot stop! There’s always something interesting that happens or something you weren’t expecting, so be prepared! Although it seems boring at times, it is a good read and I enjoyed it very much! I recommend this book to anyone 12 and above. I rate it an 8/10! 🙂


  30. I read im not scared for one of our year 9 books. I actually enjoyed the book. Most of the people i talked to didn’t really enjoy it. But i found it really interesting. The ending was a bit confusing when read it but once i thought about it it made sense. The main character Michele Amitrano is a caring character who lives in Italy. He has a sister, a mother and a father who has just come back from a long time away. Michele has 4 friends called, Barbra, Skull, Remo and his best friend salvatore, they go on adventures together all of the time and ride their bikes around their town aqua traverse. The main one of the gang is Skull who is the oldest and the meanest and the others follow everything he says, Barbra is the annoying one of the group and the girl that just tags along, remo lives on a farm and is also a part of the gang most of the time he keeps to himself and last of all salvatore, his father is rich and he gets everything he wants, he is very smart but also very quiet and doesn’t like to be a hassle. One day Michele and his friends go on an adventure up the hill which will change their lives forever. I would rate this book a 7/10 and i would recommend it for children 13+ because there are big words in the book and sometimes the concept and the story line is hard to understand, you really have to have full focus on the book to understand it all and pick up and helpful things.


  31. I have just finished reading “I’m Not Scared” and I thought it was okay. It took a while to get to the really goo part though. My favourite part was when Michele kept on coming back to the boy in the hole and giving him food. I didn’t like it when the boy in the hole kept on saying “little wash bears” because it really confused me and still does. I didn’t mind this book but it wasn’t the best ever. I would recommend it for people who like sad stories and are 13 years +.
    rate: 6/10


  32. A great book to read is i’m not scared it’s about the portrayal of childhood and is a story got to do with friendship and betrayal, guilt and innocence this book is a book you can not put down as its very surprising and many interesting things happen. Every time i go to a new paragraph or new page my eyes are wide open and this is why i recommend you to read it now.


  33. Claudette said:

    After reading the blurb of ‘I’m Not Scared’, by Niccolo` Ammaniti, I was eager to get reading. This novel drags you in at the very first sentence. It is a gripping story of innocence, guilt and betrayal. The novel is full of mystery, and will leave you on the edge of your seat, curious as to what is coming next. This is the kind of novel that you either hate or love. It has been translated from Italian, and at times was confusing because of the way it has been written. This extremely dramatic novel is full of suspence, and leaves you wondering. It is based on a young boy, Michele, who one day, makes a terrifying discovery in which he finds a young child in danger. But what is the story behind this? I definitely reccomend you read this intriguing novel, as it holds true meaning, and will leave you with an unexpected conclusion. I rate it a 9/10-for ages 13+ 🙂


  34. I just finished reading this for Year 9 english. The first few pages, I found really hard to read.. But once I continued I got sucked into the novel completely (which I never thought I would) I really enjoyed ‘Im not scared’ because it was full mystery.. and all the little clues led to something in the end. My favourite part was when Michele went to visit the young boy who was in the hole. My favourite character was Michele because he seemed to be really nice, always going back to check on his ‘new friend’ even though there were dangers of doing it. My least favourite part of the novel was at the start when all the kids were going on an adventure.. I got a bit confused in this part. If I could change anything in this book, it would be the ending.. it was sad. I would recommend this book to other people, anyone who enjoys a good adventure and some mystery would love it! I rate it 8/10


  35. Mollie said:

    This book is full of adventure and mystery. When I was reading this book for english, I really enjoyed it because it had lots of adventure and teaches a bit about different cultures. My favourite part about the book and movie was when the main character Micheale helped one of his friends, it showed there strong friendship. I would recommend this book for people who love a bit of an adventure and twist.


  36. Chloe said:

    I read I’m Not Scared we had to read this for Year 9 English in this book it has a bit of mystery.the book was about a young boy named Micheale It shows a friendship between very different boys who come from two very different family. It is a little scary, I would recommend it to anyone that love a great read I would rate this book an 8/10 🙂


  37. I really enjoyed reading I’m Not Scared for my english book this year! It’s a really good read I think! Some people hated it but some others loved it and I definitely loved it! Despite being an english school book, it was actually a good book to read! it was suspenseful, and had outcomes you never anticipated were going to come! I enjoyed writing about this book too, gaining me full marks on my essay woo!
    This is a great book for anybody to read! It’s been translated from Italian, so if you rent the movie it is in Italian but it is still enjoyable! I think that the book is way better than the movie of this particular story, because it better explains the story and the movie is very confusing as they all talk fast Italian and it’s hard to read the subtitles in time! This book was great because it didn’t give an outrageous amount of detail on what the characters looked like, so it was easy to imagine them any way you wanted! The illusion of which was shattered when I watched the movie, haha 🙂 I would never ever have chosen to read this book, had I seen it sitting on a shelf in a bookstore, but I’m glad that it was set for my english this year because I really enjoyed reading it!


  38. I’m Not Scared was a really great book. It was very dramatic and was full of suspense.
    I thought the movie was a great representation of the book but however I preferred reading the book, as I found I could picture the characters the way I imagined them as the detail the author gave was immense. It is about the discovery of a boy who lives in a whole and this book is very interesting and full of adventure. It is not the typical book I would read but I had to as it was compulsory for school. Surprisingly I really enjoyed this book and would recommend it to those who like adventurous and mysterious stories.


  39. Isabelle said:

    After reading this book, I was still a bit confused about the ending. I thought this book was ok, but as this isn’t the type that I generally read, I didn’t enjoy it that much. I felt the chapters went on for a bit to long too. It is about a boy named Michele who discovers a secret which could end up putting some people in jail. He doesn’t understand what is going on until one day when things begin to make sense to him. There is also a bit of betrayal in this novel and at times you are left wondering what just happened. Overall, I give it a 6/10 and recommend it to people over 14.


  40. jorja said:

    Im not scared is a great book and i really enjoyed it and the movie. The book was mainly about a young boy ‘michele’ who lived in a small villiage in italy and has his few friends to muck around with day to day. He made a discovery of a boy in a whole and the adventure goes on. Has a great start and finish. I would read this again and watch the movie again.


  41. Olivia said:

    I really enjoyed reading this book, this is my type of book because i love mystery and murder. Reading this book made me feel different emotions though out the book. My favorite character is Michele because he is like every other Italian boy and because he seems to find everything you’re not really supposed to find. The part that surprised me the most is when Michele found out his father had buried Fillipo. The character i hated most in the book was Skull because he was really bossy. When i picked up this book i couldn’t put it down. I recommend this book to the ages of 13 and over, i did this age because it has some violence in and and i think they really enjoy reading this book.


  42. For year nine’s, this book is compulsory for students to study and write an essay on. At first I didn’t want to read this book because I had other manga to read online ^^ Until we started to really look into this book and of course everyone spoiled it for me. So I read over this weekend, and surprisingly it only took me two days to finish it. It is super interesting yet mysterious. I really enjoyed the novel myself. The way the author described the scenery was extraordinary. I liked his style of writing. He uses short sentences but very intense. I rate this book a 7.5 out of 10. The book brought me wonders, but I felt as if the novel is incomplete. I was reading the reviews up there ^ I guess it depends on people’s taste, if you like mystery, a bit of horror and adventure then yeah you may find I’m not scared interesting. 🙂


  43. I have just recently finished reading this book for year 9 English and to be honest I honestly didn’t like this book at all. I found that it just wasn’t my type. The language they use in this book is very different and some of things they had said it was just like what do they mean by that?. I found this book wasn’t interesting at all it was confusing and very hard to understand. I don’t really have a favourite part in this book because just the things they did and the things that came out of a 9 year olds mouth was disgusting they spoke horribly and I don’t think any parent or 9 year old child would speak like that. I felt really sorry for Barbara the things they made her do were horrible from a girls perspective there is no way a guy has the right to ask a girl to do those kind of things and I would feel really uncomfortable doing what she had to do. I would change a lot of things in this book i would defiantly change the ending and I would change what they did in general. I would recommend this book for years 11 and above because i found that by then you should know what they are talking about and you would understand the language a bit better. I rate this book a 4/10 🙂


  44. I have finished reading the book for year 9 English and to be honest i honestly didn’t like it at all. Seeing as the book is a V.C.E book I found it very difficult to read, I found it hard to read because some of the language was different, some words I have never really heard of, it was confusing as they talk about things that you would think whats that?. I found it a bit disgusting at some times as their only little kids in the book and the things that came out of their mouth and the things they said was rude and just so horrible. I would recommend this book for people in year 11 and above to read this book as i just think it is more suitable for that age group and you would probably understand things a bit more better. I would change a lot of things about this book, I would change the ending and i would change the sort of things they had to do. I felt really sorry for Barbara the things Skull made her do was horrible and from a girls perspective i honestly think that no boy has the right to ask a girl to do those sort of things in front of people. I feel sorry for Michele and the type of family he has and has to live with, I find his mother was really mean to him, but nice to his sister. I would rate this book a 4/10.


  45. I just finished reading this book for year 9 English and to be honest, I actually quite enjoyed it. It made me want to keep reading because I just wanted to know so much more about the kid in the hole. I didn’t really get scared although i thought the idea of finding the kid where he was, a little creepy. I think this book would suit people in year 7 and above. The ending was quite shocking for me because it was unexpected and quite sad. I like reading about where he lived because I had never really thought or imagined what the poor parts of Italy would be like. I was used to seeing nice places with big buildings and beautiful homes but that wasn’t the image i got when i read this book. I would rate this book an 8/10


  46. I have recently read this book, as I am in year nine and studying it. I really enjoyed the book i’m not scared. Although it is a sad novel, it shows hope and how the people of that time lived in that country. This book taught me a lot from the time of the 1970’s. Although I am not really a big reader I still really liked the book. My favourite part was when the boy got found in the whole and the mystery for Michele. My favourite character was definitely Michele, the way he just kept going back to the little boy. The saddest part for me was Michele got shot by accident by his own Father. Overall I thought this was a good book and probably suited for people over the age of 13. I would rate this book a 7/10 and recommend it to people. Even if you think you aren’t going to like it still read it, because that is what I thought in the beginning yet it turns out that i actually enjoyed the book.


  47. I did not like this book at all, mainly because we HAD to read it but also because it was dull, boring, long, depressing and sad. I dont have a favourite part in the book because I really dont like it, my least favourite part is when Barbara nearly has to do the forfeit. I feel so so sorry for her. My favourite character would be michele because he is the main character, but I feel sorry because he is so innocent in what is happening around him. If I could change anything about the book I would change the whole thing so that it was brighter and a more funner read. I dont recommend this book to anyone and rate it 5/10 🙂


  48. I really put off reading this book for ages but after I’d finished it the first time, I ended up reading it twice! I found it really interesting seeing in the 1970’s of Italy, how poverty compared to wealth. I am not usually a person to like mysterious type books but I really found myself not wanting to put this down. My favourite character in the book was Michele as he was so naive as to what was going on and shows that not everyone is tarred with the same brush – family or not in the way he cares for Filippo. This story really touched me and was an eye opener as to how the environments people live in reflect their different behaviours. This really stood out to me as Michele’s father wanted to be wealthy, and rich like Filippo’s family was, so he kidnaps Filippo and holds him hostage to get money from his family. The moral of this story is that in the end the good people always come out on top (except Michele being shot by his own father, which he didn’t deserve). I found the end really quite distressing to read when Michele does get shot because it is so unexpected and happens so suddenly. But overall I I definitely recommend this book as it really shows the different environments in our world and how people respond to them. Although I do not recommend this for readers under the age of 15 as it may be very confronting and hard to handle!


  49. Gina Maddalon said:

    This story is a book I read in Year 9 English. I don’t normally like the novels we have to read at school but I really enjoyed this one. It is about a young boy named Michele who lives in a poor town of Italy. There is nothing to do in his town so he often goes on adventures in the fields His adventure leads him to a little boy who is hidden in a hole. In this novel you find out why this little boy is in the hole and who put him there. This is a great novel and you can really imagine the characters and scene in the novel.


  50. Jessica Farley said:

    I loved this book. There was so many emotions that I couldn’t believe it. When I saw the front cover I thought it was an interesting book to read. When I began to read it I smile on my face was unbeileveable. It is about a boy named Michele who lives in the country with his parents and sister Maria. He has a lot of adventures that can be frighting and happy. He has a lot of friends that support him throughout his adventures. One adventure that I found was scary when Michele found a young boy who had being kidnapped. If anyone picks up this book I would recommend it because its such an amazing book to read.


  51. Gabby said:

    This short novel is a captivating story about the changes that occur when a young innocent child is forced to grow up. If you are looking for a light thriller or a book you don’t want to put down then go no further. There is many great characters that all develop and deal with the circumstances of the small country town in their own way. This novel was made into an Italian film several years ago that got pretty good reviews, and I really enjoyed it and would recommend it as well, but only after you read the book.


  52. Well… This book when I first saw the book, I didn’t want to read it because it looked boring, but this just tells you not to judge a book by its cover! Once I had began to read it, It was a great book, and also thrilling to see what would happen next. It is about a young boy called Michele who lives in the country with his parents and sister Maria. He has many friends around there and always goes for rides around the place. But one day as he was playing with his friends he found this hole in the ground, that he wondered what was in it but all of a sudden he saw a leg it was a young boy who’d been kidnapped. I don’t want to say anymore because I would recommend this book to abit older people as it is quite confronting at times. There is also a movie to this book and that also good to!!!!


  53. I liked this book because it’s sad but also has a lot of suspense and drama. The film was good because it represented the book well and the characters and scenes were represented well. My favourite part was when the boy was set free and hopefully back at home, but when Michele was shot i was shocked and sad. My favourite character was Michele because he’s a nice boy and helps anyone if their in need. I like the whole book and film. I recommend this to anyone that likes action, and suspense because this has plenty of it. The only i would change would be to see if the boy was ok after he was set free by Michele just to see if he’s back with his family and alright.


  54. I read this book an also watched the movie. Its quite interesting and also a little scary, and I didn’t think that I was going to like it very much but at the end I realised that it was quite a good movie. It was quite scary in the part when the young boy michele finds the hole and sees a leg sticking out, and it turns out to be a young boy. I scene which I least liked was when the father accidentally shot Michele at the end of the books. The film was good because it represented the characters and scenes were represented well. I think it is a pretty good book and movie. I would recommend this to older kids because Its not that easy to understand. Overall I enjoyed reading it and watching the movie.


  55. I’m not scared is a great read! I read this book all in one day because I was that interested in it. It shows a friendship between to very different boys who come from two very different worlds. This book had me interested all the way through with all the surprises and suspense. I recommend this book to anyone over 13.


  56. this book was great


  57. I read this book for year 9 english and at first I thought it was quite boring but after going through each scene with my class I realized just how well this book was written. Michelle seems to be ‘weak’ and boring to everyone on the outside but on the inside he is a hero, with more courage than any other young boy trying to help his friend Fillipo who is in great danger


  58. Im Not Scared which i have read in year 9 english i have found it very interesting because before i stsrted i thought really this looks boring but once i had got right into it i found that the main character had a great personality and showed his father that he may not look all strong n the outside but in the inside he had lots of courage and tried to help a little boy in danger .

    you really should read this book .


  59. i read the book ‘I’m Not Scared’ for year 9 english this year. This book was alright; i didn’t love it and i didn’t hate it. I liked some of the characters and the setting and i didn’t like some of the descriptive language used in the book. In this book the main character, Michele a 9 year old boy, finds a boy trapped in a hole and his friendship with him. The novel is about Michele becoming grown up.
    i recommend this book to 13+ and I rate it 6/10.


  60. For english we had to read a book called ‘I’m not Scared’, I really enjoyed this book, It’s about a boy named Michele who lives in Italy, he is 9 years old and has a younger sister Maria.

    In the book Michele is a typical 9y.o. boy, as the book goes on he becomes more mature and grows up mentally beyond his years. Michele finds a boy in a hole while doing a forfeit. As you continue to read the book Michele discovers more about the boy in the hole and where he is from, and who he put him in there in the first place. Michele’s view on his parents, the adults in his small village changes from his experiences.

    I better stop or I’ll give away what happens in the book, I recommend this book to secondary school students even though it’s about a 9 y.o. boy.

    I enjoyed this book and I hope you do to, it’ll only take a day or two to read as the writer catches you within the first few chapters, you won’t be able to put the book down. xx


  61. I’m not Scared is a very compelling novel. It is written by Niccolo Ammantini who uses a great amount of detail to make this book come to life.
    I read I’m not scared just like everyone else for my Year 9 English novel for term 2 of 2010 and was very impressed in what the teachers chose for us year 9s.I loved this book and it became a very addictive book to read over the summer holidays.
    Michele is a young Italian boy who discovers a boy in a hole in the ground named Filippo. It is a story of their friendship and how Michele find clues which lead him to find out who put him in their. When Michele finds who did it, it was most definitely not what he expected.
    I recomend this book from about 13 yrs and upwards. It is a great story and I think a great book to read. I would most definitely rate it a 10 out of 10. Everyone who like drama books should give this book a go. Its better than it looks.


  62. I read I’m Not Scared this year for English and I loved it! I thought it was not what I expected and once I started to read it, even though it was not the book I would usually go for I could not put it down.
    I’m Not Scared is about a young boy named Michele and how he finds a boy in a hole. He latter finds out the boys name is Filippo and he becomes friends with him and visits him regularly. Well Michele finds out who put Filippo in the hole and it is most definitely not what he expected.
    I loved this book and I think anyone who reads is will get drawn to it even if it is not the type of book they would normally read, just like me. If I had to rate this book I would rate it a 9 out of 10. Everyone should have a go at reading I’m Not Scared!


  63. im not scared is an amazing story that makes you realise how lucky we are to be living in a country like australia, im not scared is based in a small town called aqua traverse in italy, michelle is a young boy who discovers a terrible secret. a really really good book that i really enjoyed, i would recommend anyone that loves a drama should read this book.


  64. I have just finished reading reading a book. We have to read it for English and I didn’t really want to. After reading the book, i was glad i read the book because it was really good. The book is called “I’m not Scared”. It is about really being scared but hiding it inside. The main character Michele, finds a boy in a whole and wonders about him. Eventually he finds the true story and try’s to save him. Read the book and find out more.


  65. I’m not scared by Niccolo Ammaniti is a book about growing up and becoming more mature. Michele is a 9 year old boy who lives in Acqua traverse in italy. one day when his group goes to the top of the hill near there village the discover an abandoned house where Micheles father id hiding a kidnapped boy.Michele becomes friends with the boy and tries to help him escape.i would recommend this book for ages 13 and up and i’m sure you will enjoy it.


  66. I have just finished this book for year nine english. i thought it was a well written. the Niccolo Ammaniti has set the book out well. it is set in Acqua Traverse in Italy. it is about a boy who lives with his mother, father, and sister maria. they are a poor family and need money. whilst doing a dare that his friends had set him Michele makes a gruesome discovery. Michele doesn’t know whether to tell his family and friends. as the story goes on he discovers that his father and mother are in on the plot.
    i think it is a great book to read and recommend it to any one over the age of 13.
    i encourage all year 9″s for next year to read it before they start it in english


  67. I have recently studied I’m Not Scared in english and really enjoyed it. I loved the story line because it was interesting and you had no idea what was coming around the corner.

    The story is set in a small town in Italy and follows the life of a young boy called Michele. On an adventure Michele and the other kids in the village discover an old house. Inside Michele makes a discovery that changes his life forever.

    I recommend this book to anyone who loves adventure and is over the age of 13.


  68. I’m not scared is a great book and I really enjoyed it.
    It is about a boy who lives in a small, hot village in Italy. Whilst doing a dare, Michele, a 9 year old boy makes a discovery which is one that he won’t tell anyone. Michele learns many things throughout this book, including ones that he never thought possible.
    This is an amazing book and has an ending that you won’t believe!


  69. This book is about Michele and his journey through growing up and an incredible (and scary) discovery. It is the year 9 English text for term 2 2010 and it is a very interesting read.
    One day all Michele had to worry about was his annoying sister and the drought that seemed so surreal to him. Then one day he went on an adventure with his friends, lead by Skull, up to the farm with the crazy pigs. The discovery Michele makes will change his life forever.
    My only disappointment in this book was that in places it can be a bit hard to relate to as it is translated from Italian into English so there is obviously a very different climate, lifestyle and landscape over there.
    I recommend this book to anyone who like mystery books and twists and turns. Also 13+ and I rate it 7/10


  70. I read this book for english. The book is about how a small town in Italy isnt very wealthy and they go to extrodinary measures to get some money. Micheal is the main character and the book is told from his perspective. Micheal goes through a journey in discovering himself and his whole idea of his family. This is all turned upside down when Micheal discovers a secret. The book was so different it was not what i expected. The ending was so unexpected. Niccolo Ammaniti has a very good imagination as it is quite confusing at times but it is well written.


  71. I think that Im Not Scared is a great book i really enjoyed it , the book was about a young boy named micheal who lived in a small little village with hardley any one to play with. one day micheal made a scary descuvery in a old abandoned house, this nbook is very powerful and the author Niccolo AAmmaniti did a great job writing this book


  72. I read this book years ago, and then taught it to year 12 students few years ago. I am thrilled that it has had so much positive feedback. Michele’s voice is very believable and real. It makes the horror of what happens seem even more horrific. It is a wonderful moral story of a young boy’s courage against such corruption…


  73. I read this book for english and i thoroughly enjoyed it. It is about a young boy called Michele. Michele lives in a small isolated little village with few children to play with. One day he gets dared to venture into an unknown old house and makes a terrifying discovery but doesn’t tell anyone. I didn’t really like this book but I’m sure some people would. I think that it is suitable for anyone aged over 13. It is mysterious and interesting.


  74. I read “I’m Not Scared for my year 9 english class and enjoyed every part of it. It is a book that I would not usually pick up and read but I found myself hooked the minute I started.

    This book is a bout a small boy, Michele who lives in a very small Italian village. One afternoon is playing with the few children in the town and comes across something hidden, and very dangerous. He keeps his findings secret but continues to go back without realising what he has actually discovered. As a child he does not understand what is happening around him. The end of the book was so unexpected I had to read the last few pages again.

    Of course I cant tell you what it is, but I hope you now want to read it and find out!!!!


  75. My first impretion of the book ‘I’m Not Scared’ is ‘this is a really a boring book’, but when I read more I really wanted to read more and find out what would happen next. It’s a book about a young nine year old boy (Michele Amitrano) in Italy who discovers a mystery in an old abandoned house. In the house he discovers that the mystery is a boy, in a hole who is his age. Throughout this story he visits the boy and they grow as friends, but there is more to the mystery, the boy was kidnaped and put in the hole by a group of people you wouldn’t expect. In the book you experience love, caring, betrayal and loyalty. It’s a powerful book thats good to read in your spar time. Niccolo Ammaniti did a great job in creating this story and expressing the feelings throughout Michele’s life.


  76. I’m Not Scared is a good book and is very interesting. It was a bit weird at the start and kind of confusing but once you get to the middle of the book you will want to keep reading to find out what happens at the end. This book is about a boy called Michele who lives in Italy with his family. One day he finds an old house with his friends. and he is dared to go in. He falls and finds a whole were he finds something no one would suspect. You will have to read it to find out what it is!!!


  77. I have just completed reading this book for year 9 english. I really enjoyed I’m Not Scared and I thought it was well written.
    The story is about a young boy, Michele who lives in a tiny Italian village. One day, as he and the other children are having races around the countryside, Michele comes across a tumble down old shack. As a dare he investigates and what he finds in the house is so terrible that he decides never to tell anyone. As the story goes on, Michele finds out many secrets about his discovery but as a child, he does not understand the meaning of what is happening around him. The ending is shocking, a really unexpected twist that I did not see coming.

    I recommend this book to anyone over the age of about 12.


  78. Im not scared is a good book, and is different to most books, it about a young boy who discovers another young boy the same age as him in a hole in an old farmhouse. He finds out alot about the boy, that makes him suspicious about who kidnapped him and left him to die. This is not the best book ive read but is still a short good read id rate it 5/10 and would recomend it basically from the ages 13 to 100.


  79. I read I’m Not Scared on the holidays and i loved it! This book is about a young boy who finds another young boy in a hole and the hard decisions that the boy has between helping the boy or not. It may not sound that great but when you start to read it you cant put the book down! I found this book very intriguing and it had many surprises along the way. I’m Not Scared is a great book if you want to read a book that keeps you on the edge of your seat when you read it. This book is a great choice to read and when you read it you will want to tell all of your friends about it!


  80. I just finished reading “I’m Not Scared, ” the Year 9 English text for Term 2. It’s set in Italy, and has actually been translated from Italian. The storyline was similar to that in Boy In Striped Pyjamas. A young boy makes a discovery at a secret place from his home, in this case it is an old, dilapidated house on top of a giant hill. He lives in a hamlet, with a very small population, and few children to play with. As a child, he does not understand what events are occuring around him, and why what he finds at this shack is there. Despite the danger, he returns to this place. I found it was a slow start to the book, but halfway through it became really thrilling and ended with a bang! A completely unexpected ending. I would recommend this book to all those not in Year 9, as those in Year 9 are reading it anyway. One of the best call texts yet…


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