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Comments on: "The Smurfs (movie)" (2)

  1. Tori:) said:

    awh! The smurfs, this is one of the cutest shows that i have seen. I love it so much because the smurfs are so cute and sweet, and i love the way that they talk in there different voices. My favourite character would have to be smurfet, because she is the only girl in surf vill and she loves all the boys and takes care of them all, even thought thats papa smurfs job. I would recommend it for kids under the age of 13 or over. My favourite part is she the smurfs just magically end up in New York City and they don’t no how they even got there. Its a great family movie and i am pretty sure that everyone will love it. 🙂


  2. This is a great movie for kids under the age of 14 or over, its a story of a village of blue smufrs that accidentally full down a big water full that ends up in the heat of New York city. They wonder around and end up at a normal business persons taxi that takes them to there house, they end up scaring them but then the evil gargame finds them and try’s to take them away. It a great family movie that everyone will love and enjoy


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