The blog for books and movies

Twilight vs Harry Potter

Which books are better? Are you Team Edward or Team Jacob? Do you wish you could go to a school like Harry’s? Let the argument begin!

Comments on: "Twilight vs Harry Potter" (589)

  1. Grace Vu said:

    Definitely at twilight! Even though I lean more towards a werewolf, I am undoubtedly on Team Edward. However, I may be a little partial because I haven’t read any of the Harry Potter novels; instead, I’ve only seen the movies, and I’ve heard that the books are excellent. Twilight was a great novel, and I truly enjoyed reading it. Now I just need to finish the other books. The only reason Edward is my favorite, in my opinion, is because I find him attractive!


  2. The movies? Harry potter.
    The books? Twilight.

    I’ve watched Harry potter so much I can and will recite the whole script of the first movie.

    When reading Twilight, my poor book has been thrown across the room, stained with tears and graffitied with chaos.

    (I’m also a Gryffindor as well as Team Jacob)

    I rest my case.


  3. How is this even a debate? Twilight sucks! The books are horrible and the movies have horrible acting it doesn’t even make sense. Edward is a 100-year-old vampire and wants to eat a 17-year-old girl that falls in love with him. EDWARD WANTS TO DRINK BELLA’S BLOOD!!! Don’t you find that an old man literally marries a teenager? If he loved her he would stay far, far away from Bella. team Jake.


  4. Twilight fan said:

    Twilight all the way! I am definitely on team Edward even though I’m more like a werewolf myself, but I a bit bias because I haven’t read Harry Potter, I have only watched the movies and apparently, the books are really good. I really enjoyed reading twilight and I think it’s a great book now I just have to finish the others. I would have to say Edward is my favourite only because I find him attractive!


  5. for me harry potter is way better! i love the first one when they’re kids, they’re so tiny and cute!! one of my favourite scenes is when, Draco tried to approach Buckwheat, and Buckwheat scratched him ahaha can you tell i’m a huge Draco fan…๐Ÿ˜…. anyways i 100% recommend the movies i find there more interesting than the books, i feel like you get a better experience from the movies, even though they go for 2 hours….


  6. Zoe W said:

    I absolutely think that Twilight is WAY better than Harry Potter 7 I’m definitely on Team Jacob because I’m more of a werewolf than a vampire!

    My favourite character in Twilight is definitely Bella because she is very brave & she’s very dependable too! She is also very kind and loyal to her friends, like me.

    Thank you


  7. Tiahnee said:

    Personally, I LOVE both of these amazing series.
    harry potter is more of a feel-good book where you watch the trio grow up whereas twilight is a sob story of Bella and her undying love for Edward and her wish to be like him eternally young. but with harry potter it isn’t 2 people falling in love. yes, there is some romance but it is all about how these three amazing witches and wizards can band together to fight a larger cause while still being best friends and getting good grades at school and protecting those that mean the most to them. I love these books for very different reasons. twilight is a story of what love should be and what life is like when you find the one that you love. and harry potter is a story of three amazing people carrying on the work that their families and parents couldn’t do to prove the overall theory that with good friends anything can happen.


  8. twilight all the way,
    this series are so much more interesting than harry potter. i find harry potter repeats itself using the same villains every book. in twilight it changes villains and every book and i also like how there is chemistry between bella and edward, unlike harry potter where there is barley any love interest. i also feel like there is no plot to harry potter except for fighting voldemort.


  9. Olivia said:

    I have just started to read the whole series all over again for literally the 10th time. I love these books so much! They have me hooked on the first page and keep me hooked right to the end. The best part about Harry Potter is how unpredictable it is. In the half blood prince I had the shock of my life to find out that………. NO SPOILERS!! Honestly just read it, I still can’t get over it!

    All of Harry Potters books are so good, they are each completely different storys that go really well one after the other.

    I would 110% recommend reading Harry Potter, I can’t explain how much you will like it. Only people who have read the whole series of Harry Potter will become true fans.

    Do your self a favor, stop reading this and go read Harry Potter!!!!!!!


  10. Grace said:

    Harry Potter and Twilight are truly rivals, there is no question to be said. They are both novels that appeal to both fantasy and action loving readers, so there is quite a lot to be said.

    Let’s begin with J.K Rowling’s Harry Potter. Harry Potter is really predictable and quite self obsessed, he is supposed to be a really brave character and a good ‘role model’ but if you rip off all those layers of glamour you get back to that boy under the stairs. Harry should’ve been in Slytherin and Hermione in Ravenclaw, that was truly a mistake on the sorting hats behalf. Also, it should’ve been Harry and Hermione instead of Ron. But on the brighter side, Harry Potter really does have some really good morals to the story and I do really love the Weasly twins.

    Twilight is all based around the romance between Isabella (Bella) Swan and vampire Edward Cullen. But, there is also the guarantee of some major plot twists throughout the whole story. Some of the things that let this novel down are Edwards quite over the top anger problems and the fact that Bella is quite useless when influenced by Edward. On the other hand, it really is a story that makes you want to keep reading, it really draws you in.

    So, for me it’s got to be Harry Potter- but only just!


  11. Sybilla said:

    Twilight all the way. I find twilight more interesting it doesn’t just repeat it self. I find Harry Potter does a bit.


  12. morrissey said:

    As Dumbledore says: “It is the choices harry that show us who we truly are far more than our abilities” and that pretty much sums up why harry potter is better


  13. having grown up with Harry potter I love these books to pieces!
    the stories just hooked me in straight away and i never put the books down in fact i am still in love with them! these books are so very special to me they are like my best friend i never really had
    always (;


  14. morrissey said:

    Harry Potter by far it has more action and magic and it has auesome characters such as hermione granger and harry potter inspires lots of people like hermione shows that brains arnt everything harry shows that justice pays off and ron shows that friendship is one of the most important things in your life

    Liked by 1 person

  15. twilight is just full of people that can not act and all they care about is kissing.
    all the way


  16. Obviously HARRY POTTOR!!!! These are the most heartfelt, intense, creative, original, funny and fantastically AWESOME!


  17. Payton said:

    I think that Harry Potter has the best storyline and is overall an amazing series of books and movies.


  18. Layla said:

    i love harry potter once dad said that i could not read harry potter the half blood prince and don’t judge i cried and got really upset. Any way harry potter is definitely the best because it is got i lot of adventure in it and a bit of romance to get it going i think everyone has to read harry potter if they don’t the are not cool!!!!!!!!


    • Layla said:



  19. I actually love Harry Potter so much it is the best book in the whole world and I love it so, so much. I have never seen Twilight and i don’t really want to because it seems rather boring. Harry Potter is full of excitement and magic. Twilight is just about vampires and I’m not really sure what else but it seems dark and boring. The first 3 years of Harry’s Hogwarts experience are my favourites because it is when he just found out that he is a wizard and he finally get’s to leave his horrible aunt and uncles house. All my friends know how much i love harry potter and I’m not ashamed because it’s honestly the best book I have ever read and I love JK Rowling so so much.


  20. Ashleigh said:



  21. Harry Potter 100%. harry, ron and Hermione vs vampires? well wizards have defeated vampires before sooo… they’re both great but I’m a potter head through and through


  22. Elizabeth said:

    If you prefer twightlight instead of harry potter there is something is wrong. maybe you did not read the book. Harry potter is amazing


  23. Ainsley said:

    Harry Potter by far. Twilight is pretty boring Vampires really? I know that Harry Potter isn’t real but what kid doesn’t want to go to Hogwarts????!!!!!


  24. Harry Potter 100%. I don’t have anything against Twilight and actually had a good time reading it but Harry Potter had a much better storyline and a much more worthy cause. I mean in Harry Potter they fight for a better future, world and because they want there loved ones to be safe. In twilight, for the first three books Bella fights to become a vampire and to decide which of her ‘two lover/friends’ she wants to be with more. Individually Twilight was a great book but in comparison to Harry Potter it doesn’t even come close.


  25. Rhani said:

    The two books have something in common the fantasy… you don’t see everyday a wizard walk down the street or a vampire sparkling in the sun. If I had to choose I’d always go with one specific book or movie TWILIGHT!!!!!!!!!! I’m a twilight fan through and through. Harry Potter is ok but at the end of the day vampires are still awake not sleeping like a human getting rest for the next day. Good luck Harry Potter but I hope twilight wins.
    And remember keep calm and love reading


  26. Salina said:

    Tough one, i really don’t know who to choose?
    i have seen two twilight films and all the harry potter movies, so if i had to choose between Twilight or Harry potter… I would have to go for Harry potter!
    There are more people you come across in the harry potter books and movies that you will love and hate. Not a bad choice to choose between these to amazing movies but if your loking for some magic, i’d say that your looking at Harry Potter… No offence Twilight fans


  27. Sienna said:

    I would definently choose harry potter in a heart beat because it is so much more captivating and entertaining to read and watch. I’ve read all of the books and I absolutely loved them all and there all fun and enjoyable to read. I’ve also watched all of the movies and there just as good to watch all over harry potter it a great series on its own and now it even has its own theme park now!!! the harry potter series is great for ages 12 and above.
    Well its 100% better than twilight series and thats all that needs to be said!!!


  28. hermione, harry and ron fort for the wizarding world, to stop evil and risked themselfs for others, Bella Swan just sits there letting her sparkling boyfriend do all the work, I would rather be in the Arena than be Bella Swan


  29. harry potter is better, a story about three students, fighting for their lives beats a story about a sparkling vampire, anyday.


  30. sophie said:

    Before I read twilight I would of said that there couldn’t possibly be a better series than harry potter, but there is!
    In harry potter its good but in some bits it gets kind of boring because it goes on and on and keeps repeating the same story line – but twilight theres no boring bits and you just can’t put the book down. Its got more romance which I love and a way better story line.


  31. Harry Potter by far, Twilight doesn’t interest me at all


  32. Harry Potter is so much better in my opinion by far! Twilight isn’t that engaging to me, if I was to choose to be a wizard or a vampire it’s obvious what I would pick.


  33. Hannah Shepherd said:

    Harry Potter


  34. Lydia said:

    I much prefere HARRY POTTER because it drags on a while and it keeps you hanging and eating for the next book to arrive in your hands, I have read the twilight series and the Harry Potter series, and I LOVE the HARRY POTTER series.


  35. I think harry potter is better because it has so much action and spells. You never know whats going to happen next so its so exciting. Harry potter gets you wondering whats going to happen next.


  36. harry potter bets alllllll!! โค


  37. Harry Potter.
    The mysteries and the storey lines set the movie perfectly.
    There just amazing


  38. Ashley said:

    harry potter,
    harry potter is a great book because off the mysteries in it and it has a great ending!


  39. Daniella said:

    Harry Potter. Duh.
    From my limited extent of knowledge about Twilight, I know that it’s really boring and that’s all I need to know about the book.
    Plus, Harry Potter’s a good book, end of story.


  40. Harry Potter all the way!!!!


  41. Hannah said:

    I believe the answer is Harry Potter. Not necessarily because of all those reasons like it is good for all age groups or that stuff but because it is more interactive. You can go on pottermore a website make by JK about the story. You get sorted and everything. Also there are extra books. Some books that are mentioned in the stories like Fantastic beasts and where to find them are actually available to buy. So are tales of Beedle the Bard and Quidditch through the ages. These short books help you to understand the series much better and make you feel like you are part of it. Harry Potter.


  42. It is really hard to decide… but i think that Harry Potter is still the best. I have read Harry Potter 4 times and I will read it many more times. Harry Potter has an amazing story line and Like Taylor says ‘a story that keeps going!’ and I agree with that so much.
    I LOVE HARRY POTTER!!!!!!!!!!!


  43. Taylor said:

    I like Harry Potter way better. Twilight is so boring and the books are so yuck. They don’t even make sense and it doesn’t go anywhere. Harry Potter is a story that keeps going on.


    twilight just isn’t my thing…


  45. Personally,


  46. harry pottter wins END OF STORY !!!! lets go to hogworts !!!!


  47. Lizzy said:

    Having not read twilight I don’t know much about it. I have seen some bits of the first movie though. It did’t seem a patch on Harry Potter. I love Harry Potter. I’ve read all the books, and watched all the movies a million times each. The stories are great and J.K.Rowling did a great job of making up her own world and not copying from some other book. I know I can’t make a fair argument having not seen twilight, but Harry Potter will always have my vote.


  48. Felvia said:

    Although I havent read twilight I still think that it wont beat harry potter. I have watched some movies of harry potter and its amazing.


  49. Emily said:

    I love all the Harry Potter books and movies better than twilight so Harry potter.


  50. Alexandra C said:

    I would go with Harry Potter since all ages can read/see it. Twilight on the other hand is a little bit grown up and slow. Twilight never got my attraction because in the middle of the book it got really boring and a tiny bit annoying since it never wanted me to read more. HARRY POTTER ALL THE WAY!


  51. EllaMG said:

    I have to stay with the classic Harry Potter.


  52. Harry Potter all the way! No one has time for a boring love story. Even though Harry Potter has a minor romance, you still have all the action and mystery which is much better. The Harry Potter books are also a lot better. Some of the books are smaller which is good if you can’t handle long looks, But Twilight. They are very big books. This is challenging. Also they take a long time to get to the point where as the harry potter books get straight into it. Any way enough with my blabbing… in the end HARRY POTTER WINS. Plus the Harry Potter movies are way better!


  53. Olivia said:

    I never found harry potter interesting enough to watch all of them, but on the other hand I have watched all the twilight movies and loved them. My opinion is Twilight and TEAM JACOB!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  54. I do love the Harry Potter franchise more than the twilight. I find that arguing this topic is quite weird because each franchise aims to tell a whole different story. In Twilight we are told that true love will triumph overall, and although it may or may not be a lie, it’s one of the most beautiful lie we have. Harry Potter is after a completely different goal, to give us a story we will enjoy, and I truly did enjoy it. Overall they are different stories that aim for different goals, but I still love the Harry Potter franchise more.


  55. Why is this even up? Twilight, if I ever wrote a book, would be the one I’d least like to have it like.. no offence vampy’s.


  56. charli said:

    I absolutely love both of these books there absolutely amazing! I am team jacob all the way but still, nothings beats harry potter because I have been reading them over and over again since i was little….. ๐Ÿ™‚


  57. To be really honestโ€ฆ
    I dont like any of them!
    There isnt really a reason I guess they just arent the books for me!
    Good Luck though to all the Team Edward and Team Jacobโ€™s who want their team to win!!!


  58. Rebecca said:



  59. DEFINITELY HARRY POTTER BY FAR!!! Twilight is so boring for me to watch and I haven’t bothered to read the books because they don’t slightly interest me. I don’t know why, I think its the whole vampire wolf thing, I’ve never been a real big fan. To me Harry Potter is much more interesting and is much more detailed and overall it just seems like they are a better franchise


  60. wow that’s gonna be hard because they are both really good and if I had to describe each of them….. well lets just say that they both have great action, fantasy and great adventures to so all I can say is its a DRAW for me!


  61. Grace said:

    Definitely Twilight! I have seen all the movies and they are way better then Harry Potter! I’ve tried to sit through a full movie of Harry Potter but it’s just to boring for me! Twilight is a lot more of an emotional, romantic and adventurous series than Harry Potter! So DEFINITELY Twilight!


  62. Kealy said:

    Okay I mean come on seriously Twilight wins hands down. Who doesn’t want super speed sight and the ability to sparkle in the sunlight! and werewolves i mean they are hot! What does harry potter have that you can’t get from twilight apart from ugly evil people and spells to kill people.
    Twilight has every thing you need Drama, Romance and Action.


  63. I can’t go past twilight. I have read all of the books, and seen all the movies. The books are so good they grab your attention and you can’t put them down. They are moving, touching and are full of drama, romance and action.
    So I choose TWILIGHT!!!!


  64. Matilda said:

    harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter


  65. Georgia said:

    HARRY POTTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    It is a story that has way more meaning and fun then Twilight! It has funny charecters, amazing stories and unbeliwvable settingings and ‘going ons’! I love all the made up stuff like the:

    Lollies & Food

    Hands down, Harry Potter is a better read AND watch!!!!!


  66. Quinn said:



  67. Amy Dat said:

    harry potter


  68. Lizzie :P said:



  69. Gracel said:

    Harry potter all the way why would you chose TWILIGHT that book just teaches girls how important it is to have a BoyFriend but HARRY POTTER teaches you So much more like how important it is to have friends who stuck by you also how you should be confident & when ever a new opportunity comes by take it by the reins and hold tight because it might never happen again


  70. Sophie said:

    Both of these books are amazing and so different. I love both movies so much but I feel that it would have to be Twilight. It is so different to other books and you are very drawn in to the characters and you can follow them all the way. They create so many things you would never imagine is really possible. It’s twilight for me


  71. Both these books and movies are different and are created on different story lines. The twilight movies are much more exciting than the harry potter ones. For me the harry potter movies drag, but I did like the harry potter books better than the twilight ones. the harry potter books had more detail and were written in a more exciting way. To me they both have things they could improve on but they both help you to imagine and create something that doesn’t exist.


  72. TWILIGHT i have not read Harry Potter and i have heard that it is good but i just love Twilight more, i don’t know why but i just like how the author has written it and the movies are to DIE FOR ๐Ÿ™‚


  73. Rachel said:

    I like harry potter better because it’s fantasy is amazing. it reaches out to all readers and pulls them into a story of magic, spells, fighting and fantasy. Amazing things only you would dream of come to life in all of the Harry Potter novels written by J.K Rowling. They are way better than the Twilight series.


  74. Annalise said:

    Twilight is better too me. I have started reading them and they are really interesting but when I started to read Harry Potter I got bored and stopped reading it.


  75. Alannah said:

    I reckon harry potter just wins for me. I started reading the twilight series and i actually got bored and stopped reading them! I love harry potter so much!


  76. stephanie said:

    Twilight i would have to go with because of the drama and twist and turns throughout the movie. Its shows what a family would go through to save one of there brothers , sister or friends. this movie is full of the scarifies and drama the characters have to take to take care of there gift of being vimpires.


  77. obowker said:

    HARRY POTTER is the bestttt ever you can never put one of those books down when you get reading.It is sooo much better then twilight harry potter is a favourite remember the lines to get his books well that was a sell outt.The potter books are way more exciting and interesting and just cant wait to see what the next book is like!!!!


  78. chloe said:



  79. Look at all these replies. Um hello? Isn’t it obvious Harry Potter all the way!!! What does Twilight teach you – to fall in love with a vampire oh and get married young and to turn into a vampire yourself. What about Harry Potter you ask – It teaches you to believe in magic and that anything is possible! Harry Potter will get you addicted


  80. They are both amazing stories that have completely different topics but they both have fantasy/real life subjects. i LOVE TWILIGHT SO MUCH I HAVE READ THEM 100000 TIMES. it never gets boring and i hope everyone loves it as well! and i vote harry potter 99999/10000 and TWILIGHT 100000/100000 and i am going to read them 10000 more times


    Harry Potter teaches you to stay strong no matter what is thrown at you. And what does Twilight teach you? That you should depend on you 118 year old sparkly boyfriend to do all the fighting. I mean COME ON!


  82. Maddie said:

    I think Harry Potter because there are more movies and books than Twilight. The more books there are the more you want to read them. I love Harry Potter because its awesome and adventurous and it make you want to read the book or movie. I choose Harry Potter.


  83. Tori:) said:

    i believe it would have to be twilight..
    because its a great movie. Harry potter is just a boring move that i really don’t like. Twilight is a love story and it has way more action and better scenes then harry potter. so my opinion is that twilight is better.


  84. Maddy said:

    I would have to say Harry Potter because there are more movies than the Twilight saga but as well I feel Harry Potter will be a rememberable movie forever!
    Both of the movies have great story lines to it but as well as the structure of the movies. I really enjoy watching both of the movies. My favourite Harry Potter movie would have to be the last one because that is the one movie that will never be forgotten. In a way, I am quite sad that Harry Potter has finished making movies but there will be a new exciting movie that will come out and I will be ready to watch it!!!!!


  85. Ellie said:

    These two can HARDLY be compared. I mean, Harry Potter has so much more STORYLINE…the characters are so much more developed…people from the ages of 7 to 77 adore these books. JK is an absolute genius and inspiration. The series teaches you so much…for example, to always fight for what you think is right, because there is always, always hope. And to never judge people on their ancestry or family. What does Twilight teach? Vampires sparkle? Oh, yippee, how handy. Werewolves have a six-pack? Hoorah, I’ll keep that in mind when I MEET one. It’s really just a story about a silly girl who can’t make up her small mind who to go out with. Not so deep, is it?
    Harry potter is so MAGICAL. It makes you wish so, so much that you were Harry, that you knew Harry, that you went to Hogwarts. It makes you completely despise some characters, and love others so bits. Every beautiful words will stick in your head forever, swirling around and around, never really going away at all.
    POTTERHEADS WILL LIVE FOREVER!! And twilight fans…well, they’ll die out as soon as the next generation of readers comes along, in my humble opinion. Goodbye now ๐Ÿ™‚


  86. Twilight movies are terrible. The background is always black and there’s no colour. I don’t really like the acting much either, it’s a bit fake. The Harry Potter movies are fantastic though. They’re funny and scary and you can watch them over and over and not get sick of them although I liked the first movies the best. I’ve tried reading the Harry Potter books but I just can’t do it. There are so many words in each of them. The first time I read the Twilight books I loved them and read them again and again. They books for Twilight are so much better than the movies. So out of Twilight and Harry Potter, I think I like Harry Potter better because it’s more creative and unique. I’ve heard a heap of vampire stories like Twilight.


  87. Rebecca said:

    Obviously Harry Potter. I mean I only heard about twilight and I almost fell asleep


  88. Rachel said:

    I’m not a big fan of either but I would have to go with the Harry Potter series.


  89. Maddie said:

    Of course, as Harry Potter is my favourite book and movie series of all time, I would have to go with that. Twilight, although it is a pretty good book overall, has a few flaws. For one, there really isn’t much creativity to Bella’s character and background story. Next, is the fact that is never actually explained; why Edward can’t see into Bella’s thoughts.

    Anyway, Potterheads unite!


  90. Isabelle said:

    Of course Harry Potter!
    Harry Potter is way more exciting than Twilight because all Twilight is that wolf guy loving the girl and it is sooooooooo boring. But Harry Potter is tonnes better because it is full of magic and in someway it makes you feel really special!


  91. teresa said:

    i think twilight is better than harry potter, it captures into a world of fantasy world it is amazing just to read these types of books, even though harry potter is still good i think twilight can take you into a whole new world so i choose twilight i would rate twilight just 8/10 while happy potter is 6/10 the books are still good though


  92. alana said:

    harry potter all the way it is just… i don’t know the story just captured me more than twilight. they are both made up stories but to me harry potter had a better descriptive story line


  93. chloe said:

    harry potter is so much better than twilight I love harry potter


  94. Harry Potter by far twilight is way to predictable


  95. Casey said:

    I Love Harry Potter. I haven’t really been that interested in Twilight. I have started to read the first book but I haven’t got that far. Anyway my vote goes to Harry Potter. Harry Potter is a very good series so read it if you haven’t.


  96. Georgia said:

    I think Twilight is better than harry potter because it has more dramer in it and it is more adventurous. Bella falls in love with Edward and Jacob also likes Bella. The problem is that Jacob is a ware wolf and Edward is a vampire, so they are initial rivals to each other, and the plot thickens from there. This is such a great series and easy to keep track of. i recommend this series to anyone within the ages of 12-100. I think Twilight is so much better! I give it a rating of 8/10.


  97. Isabella said:

    I think that Harry Potter is heaps better only because the Twilight series i feel were rushed and that they tried to start a huge franchise like Harry potter. I also think that Harry Potter is better because i grew up watching the movies when i was little and i got a lot more interested in the movies then i did with twilight. I also think that harry potter series are a lot more interesting and when i was little i used to always be amazed at the magic used at Hogwarts, Where as i never really thought any scenes in Twilight were really good as i thought some where in harry potter.
    So i think Harry Potter is heaps better!


  98. Adriana said:


    I chose Harry potter because its not all romantic and sloppy. While Harry potter to me is Action packs and I couldn’t take my eyes off the screen.
    Twilight is really boring while Harry potter on the other hand is really exciting, Also for me twilight is one of those movies were you feel like you can go to the toilet, because you won’t miss anything. And I’m sure I wet my pants when I watched Harry Potter I just couldn’t leave my seat!!!!
    So that’s why I say……. HARRY POTTER
    Nothing can beat HARRY POTTER


  99. Paige said:

    Wow this is a hard one but I think I might go for Harry potter. I love both the books but Harry potter has just made it on top.


  100. Gemma said:

    i have not read twilight yet but i have heard that it is a really good book


  101. I definitely think the Harry Potter series!!!!!!!
    Because Twilight books are pretty boring, dont get me wrong their good but after the first ones the get a little bad, but the movies on the other hane are really good.
    I have only read a few pages of the 2 Twilight book but after that i thought that i was going into snoozevill, whether with the Harry Potter books the are really good.

    Nothing will ever beat the Harry Potter series!!!!!!!!!!!!


  102. Twilight all the way once you start you can’t stop come on lights


  103. Dominique said:

    I think twilight has been my favourite for years, i have nothing against harry potter it is just that i think there books are to boring.
    Im sure the movie would be great but i like twilight better, the mivie is more capivating and drags me in.


  104. both they are both soooooooooo awesome lol bye


  105. Jasmin said:

    Twilight is the best book i have. it is so cool ill rate this book a 10/10


  106. Twilight is the best book I have ever read! Harry potter is not better than twilight! there are less twilight books then harry potter witch is good if you really like reading a lot but I don’t like reading as much so that might be why i like twilight more. I find Twilight more funny and interesting to read and I really like the thought of vampierโ€™s and just how fun and cool it would be to be one it would never happen but I would love it to. I would love to live forever as well.


  107. Olivia said:

    TWILIGHT because it has so much more action in it. Harry Potter only has action towards the end. So I pick TWILIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  108. Melody said:

    As much as a good book like Twilight is, nothing will even beat HARRY POTTER, because I knew, Twilight wouldn’t last.


  109. Annie B said:

    I chose harry potter because I love how much they make it look realistic and I love how much you see all the characters grow up as up watch the movie my favorite movie and book is harry pottre and the philosopher`s stone because it introduces all the characters and it is really funny my faveorite person in the movie is Ron because he is really funny
    I give this book a 100 out of 100


  110. Olivia said:

    I love both but I do find that their are a bit to many Harry Potter movies and books I love them all but with the Hunger Games it is easer to understand than Harry Potter because you have to keep going back and trying to remember what has happened.


  111. Olivia said:

    I love the Harry Potter movies but after seeing all the twilight movies and seeing breaking dawn part 2 I think that I really love twilight movies now. But I still love the Harry Potter movies.


  112. I like Harry Potter so much more than Twilight because in Harry Potter it’s more like I wonder whats going to happen next than Twilight. Also in the movies I think Harry Potter would reach more age groups and the reason I say this is because my whole family (my mum, my step dad, my sister and me) loves it and we would rush to the first cinema show. As well as the movies I also think the Harry Potter books are better too! I haven’t read them all but when I read one of the books Harry Potter I couldn’t put it down where as when I read twilight it was a bit boring. And that is why I think Harry Potter is better than Twilight!


  113. cinnamon said:

    I thought harry potter but after seeing today twilight breaking dawn part 2 I honestly think twilight’s won me over!!:D


  114. Olivia said:

    I love the HARRY POTER movies a lot better than the books. For me the books are a bit to long, but I love the movies and I also found them a bit funny in one of them.When I first watched then I actually felt like I was with them the whole. I’m not a twilight fan but I enjoy the movies so much more than Harry Potter. But I really enjoyed both of them.


  115. Caitlyn said:

    Now I no that mos People would say “HARRY POTTER BY FAR!!!!!”. But as good as Harry Potter is I would honestly pick Twilight. Yes, Harry Potter does have mystery, comedy, romance and other stuff but Twilight has all the same things if not more. I like vampires and wolfs but if others don’t the agree then that’s their opinion. For all those people who haven’t seen Twilight, you should totally watch it, you will love it, trust me!


  116. Harry Potter beats Twilight by so much. Harry Potter has mystery, romance and conflicts. But so does Twilight, for some reason I just prefer Harry Potter. Because I love the wizard craft and all spell names. I especially love Quiddtich, it’s such an amazing thing that JK Rowling thought of!


  117. Harry Potter beats Twilight by so much. Harry Potter has mystery, romance and conflicts. But so does Twilight, for some reason I just prefer Harry Potter. Because I love the wizard craft and all spell names. I especially love Quidditch, it’s such an amazing thing that JK Rowling thought of!


  118. eve. L said:

    Considering that most of the people that read twilight are girls and further still most of them only read it because they think Edward the Gothy Vampire is ‘cute’, I think it more or less screams to us all that Harry Potter is truly the better in this.


  119. Chelsea said:

    neither!!!! I honestly think both of them could be better! I have only seen one movie of each series and I didn’t really like neither of them and their so different too. But everyone has different opinions


  120. Annie said:

    obviously Harry Potter is way better considering that its been going for 10 years and people are still reading and re-reading all of the books and still sit down to watch all of the movies. Whereas Twilight was short-lived and didn’t appeal to everybody. Though there is still another movie to come, i think that people have lost interest and even those who were truly in love with the series are over it too.


  121. Serendipity said:

    Harry Potter Rocks! Hermione ,Ginny , Cho or Luna would beat Bella hands down. Harry, Ron, Neville or Malfoy would beat Edward or Jacob hands down. Harry Potter 4eva


  122. Natasha (DONT MAKE ME CHOOSE) said:

    How can you expect me to Decide I REALLY LOVE THEM BOTH!!!


  123. Elly S said:

    I think that they are both good but harry potter is way better! My brother loved harry potter since he was little and the minute i was old enough he read the books with me and showed me the movies! I loved harry potter since i was little and still am obsessed now! It is an amazing story about the boy who lived and has so many interesting twists where your always wanting to read or see more! The movies and books are great! They are so interesting and amazing where your always left to want more! I love all the movies and books. No one really writes about a boy who survived a killing curse and has to go and kill voldemort after dumbledore dies but there are lots of stories about vampires! I’ve read and watched the twilight movies and your not sucked in the whole time. So I definitely say HARRY POTTER! It has so many cool characters some are strange like luna and some are funny like Ron and some are giants some are evil some are good its all so interesting. I loved guessing what was going to happen next! I knew harry would have to kill voldemort so I was always guessing how he would end up killing voldemort and what would happen! Over all Its pretty obvious which ones better HARRY POTTER!


  124. Sienna said:

    i am not a fan of really any, but i think Twilight is better because it is different to other movies and its creative and it has a different perspective on every thing thats happening in the book and movie. I prefer Twilight.


  125. I would go with Twilight because it is a fantastic book and movie. I love Harry Potter because it is adventurous and its funny.


  126. jorja said:

    i love twilight. i love the movies and the books. same as harry potter but i donโ€™t read his books cause there to long, i love his movies.
    I can’t actually pick which one because there both so good but if i had to i would pick harry potter more my style.


  127. maddyh13 said:

    I change my mind, TWILIGHT!! definitely. It is just more exciting coz they have powers and they are vampires and wolves and they don’t need wands to use magic!


  128. Genevieve said:

    Harry Potter, All the way.
    In Harry Potter you can relate to at least one of the characters, from the tall and gangly Ron Weasley to the smart, bossy Hermione Granger. Harry grew up with us and we grew up with him. Life wouldn’t be the same without Harry Potter and his friends.
    If there was no Twilight book, there would be no movie and there would be no other crazy vampire movies and TV shows, the ones that came out after Twilight became ‘popular’.
    I think Stephenie Meyer is secretly a fan of Harry Potter. Why else would she write about a character who turns into a dog, rides a motorcycle and has the last name ‘Black’?
    In Twilight there are these stupid teams, like ‘Team Jacob’ or ‘Team Edward’, in Harry Potter there are no restrictions to who you can like in the books.

    I’m on ‘Team Guy that nearly ran over Bella’. ๐Ÿ™‚


  129. Eve L said:

    Twilight is like a little piece of heaven… that should be ripped up spat on and flushed down the toilet I mean hello seriously the only thing the twilight books are good for is propping up wobbly tables. I agree with all the SANE people that prefer Harry Potter


  130. Sidney said:

    Harry Potter is better, hello, DRACO and LUCIUS MALFOY


  131. Sidney said:

    Harry potter is better, we grew up with Harry potter, we watched them mature, and hello
    I’m a vampire I sparkle in the sun
    I’m a Malfoy I sparkle al the time
    Harry potter actually has plot.
    The only hot ones I twilight are Alec, Jacob, and emmet
    Harry potter gre up with us


  132. Sidney said:

    Harry potter is better because it actually has a plot, did u no Stephen king told Stephanie Meyer that she can’t write but he complemented j.k Rowling, J.K Rowling actually researched different myths and magic cultures, Stephanie pulled it all out of her ass. The la push pack is a bunch of overgrown dogs, and the Cullen’s aren’t real vampires they sparkle for crying out load. Harry potter teaches you that if you fight for what is right you will succeed, twilight teaches you how important it is to have a boyfriend.


  133. Bella said:

    I like Harry Potter better because the drama is not to girly and the story is amazing. I like it how JK Rowling has planned the story really well and the characters are very well thought out.


  134. Chelsea said:


    I think that Harry Potter is better. It has more excitement because in Twilight they hardly smile, it is boring and it is not exciting. In Harry Potter there is action, excitement and I have no idea of what is going to happen. I have not read the books of either so I have no idea what happens but in twilight I can tell. In Harry Potter you can sometimes but you don’t know how it is going to happen and when. The effects are great and the actors are better. Also I am not a fan of wolves and vampires. And Harry Potter is funny, theres jokes, and some humour. Twilight is boring and I have literally fallen asleep watching it!!!

    By Chelsea


  135. Elly:) said:

    I like harry potter better because its more interesting and different then most movies aand tv shows but twilight is not as interesting and lots of tv shows movies and books have vampires in them HARRY POTTERS BETTTER


  136. Catalina said:

    Harry Potter for sure!!! it is sooooo much more interesting and is way better written and thought out. Harry Potter got me hooked in but Twilight the book was pretty boring. I think that the characters and places were much more interesting. Harry Potter is much more action packed!!! HARRY POTTER FOR SURE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  137. Taylah said:

    TWILIGHT BY FAR!!!!!, i know that Bella is boring and bland but i’m all in it for jacob :P, he is soooooooooooooooooooo cute, i could just marry him,
    When i just c something harry potter, it makes me want to spew!, i have never read any of the books, (because they suck) or the movies (because they suck to) who doesn’t like hot guys fighting over a girl, especially if they’re vampires and werewolf’s, my favourite character is alice because she is nice, caring, funny and smart, i would love to be in the cast of twilight, harry potter its the same old thing in ever movie (as i’ve been told) and in each twilight movie, theres a different adventure ;), I LOVE TWILIGHT SO MUCH, I’VE READ THE BOOKS AND SEEN THE MOVIES 3 TIMES EACH. IM IN LOVE WITH THEM!

    TEAM JACOB xoxox โค

    taylah mason


  138. taylahrox said:

    TWILIGHT BY FAR!!!!!, i know that Bella is boring and bland but i’m all in it for jacob :P, he is soooooooooooooooooooo cute, i could just marry him,
    When i just c something harry potter, it makes me want to spew!, i have never read any of the books, (because they suck) or the movies (because they suck to) who doesn’t like hot guys fighting over a girl, especially if they’re vampires and werewolf’s, my favourite character is alice because she is nice, caring, funny and smart, i would love to be in the cast of twilight, harry potter its the same old thing in ever movie (as i’ve been told) and in each twilight movie, theres a different adventure ;), I LOVE TWILIGHT SO MUCH, I’VE READ THE BOOKS AND SEEN THE MOVIES 3 TIMES EACH. IM IN LOVE WITH THEM!

    TEAM JACOB xoxox โค


  139. Caitlin said:

    I think that Harry Potter is way better thanTwilight because Harry Potter is for every one but Twilight is mostly just for girls. Harry Potter looks so real and the makers of Harry Potter have put in a lot of effort to make 7 movies and 7 books. That should get a lot of credit.

    Secondly because Harry Potter is so fun to read. It’s scary and exciting. My family loves it. Finally, you are very excited.because you don’t know what’s going to happen next, That’s why I think Harry Potter is much better then Twilight.


  140. Natasha said:



  141. Isn’t anyone sick of the same old lovey-dovey vampire, werewolf, frowny chic love triangle? At least Hazman Potter has some adventure in his heart!! I’ve read the series almost 3 times and every time it gets better and better.

    How could you even question Hazman’s AWESOMENESS!!!

    Dobby (R.I.P.) all the way!!!


  142. LUNA LOVEGOOD said:


    people say that its really bad but i think its the best book series ever made. i love jk rowling. Jk, thanks for writing them you have influenced my life. when i saw the last harry potter movie that would be ever made, i cried because harry potter has been part of my life FOREVER. i love harry! i love ron! i love hermione! i love neville! i love luna! i love ginny! i love dumbledore! I’LL LOVE VOLDEMORT IF I HAVE TO! they have all been so special. i mean…i like twilight however harry potter dominates it all! i mean…team jacob team edward…what is the point of that…do you like jacob yes or no…do you like edward yes or no…no need for the team thingy. i mean i love stephanie myers work to but JK rowling is perfect in the way she writes. if i could ask jk 1 thing i would ask her if she could write another harry potter book! i would DIE to see another one because i will never get bored of all the other movies. of course i have my favourites (the half blood prince at the moment) but they are all AWESOME! ๐Ÿ™‚ omg ive written so much sorry for boring you all… but yeah…


    hunger games vs harry potter

    NOW THAT WOULD BE SO HARD FOR ME! i love the hunger games and i am seeing the first screening in geelong im so excited!


  143. Maddison said:

    HARRY POTTER is def the better choice for me. It is more magical and super natural. Twilight is just Vampires and Werewolves. Harry is witches and wizards fighting and killing each other. Harry Potter is a scary but funny movie. Ron Weasly(Rupert Grint) is my favorite character because for one he has the same color hair as me and he is dumb but funny dumb. I also like Bellatrix because she is the most evil witch there is and she is really funny.


  144. Brooke said:

    i love harry potter better because it has way better and more special effects than twilight and i would rather go to a magic school than be a werewolf or vampier.


  145. Genevieve said:

    Harry Potter is the better book. I agree Stephanie Meyer is a great author but J.K Rowling’s books are more exciting. Twilight only has romance and a couple of fighting scenes, however Harry Potter has it all; romance, action, sorrow, comedy, adventure and ALOT of fantasy.
    I have read the Harry Potter books soooo many times, but I’ve only read Twilight once because once you read harry Potter it’s kinda hard to read any other fantasy books with vampires in it.
    Anyway, Wizards are more believable than Vampires.


  146. Hayley xx said:

    Harry Potter is much better than Twilight. It has magic,
    wands, Diagon Alley, fun characters, and more. The Harry
    Potter movies are very excellent because they have really good
    special effects. Harry Potter has also been around longer than Twilight,
    with better storylines.


  147. Niamh said:

    TWILIGHT is sooo the best, by far, I think it is much more action packed than
    harry Potter is all up!! You see Twilight has Vampires and Wolfs, plus many events that will keep you on the edge of the seat wondering which was it will go. Stephanie Myer is a very talented writer and I think she has this in the bag. There is a wonderful romance between Bella and Edward, BUT will that last, well that is the beauty of the power of the writer you cannot tell at all which way the relationship is going to go when things look tough. The other point I like about Twilight is that there is only 4 Twilight books so the chances of you getting bored of them are highly slim compared to the whopper 7 books of Harry Potter that you would have read to know what is going on, because you couldn’t skip any because then you wouldn’t have any idea whats going on, so all in all thats is why I believe Twilight is the better book out of Harry Potter and Twilight, GO TWILIGHT!!!!! โ˜บ


  148. Olivia said:

    I would have to make my vote with harry. I have always despised vampires, they way that they think that they rule the world just because they could suck blood!! Harry potter is really good even though i would much prefer other books, it’s better than blood-sucking vampires. The reason that I chose Harry Potter was because I think that Hermonie and Ron are awesome because they have always believed in Harry whether his decision was tuff or easy. GO HARRY POTTER!!!!!!


  149. Georgia said:

    Honestly I couldn’t care less about either one of them!!!!! ๐Ÿ˜›


  150. Dempsey said:

    Harry potter is the best because i love it because it came out in 2000-2001 and so that means it has been around when i have been born.
    i love the story line about the movie because i love wizards and i love there school it’s so big i would not now were everything is i don’t now anything at my school haha.
    My favourite part of the movie is the end i don’t want to give anything away but everyne has seen it i am guessing.
    harry and ron have meet each other and they become BEST FRIENDS.
    i give this a rate out of 10/10 love it !!


  151. Chloe said:



  152. Chelsea said:

    I haven’t read either series but I have seen the movies and I would have to say Harry Potter beats Twilight. It has a more exciting and enchanting story where as twilight just goes on and on about a doomed love story. At the end of each harry Potter movie I was always left hanging and really wanting to find out what happened next. Harry Potter also has great characters that are well created by J.k Rowling. They are very detailed and are made with very different personalities where as in Twilight the characters are all gloomy and boring. I will admit though some parts of Twilight are good and I did enjoy watching it but I started to read the books and got bored straight away. Even though I like both my vote goes to Harry Potter ๐Ÿ™‚


  153. Natasha said:

    I got four or five words for you DONT MAKE ME CHOOSE (4 actully)!!!!!!!!!!


  154. Chelsea said:

    i dont read or watch any but i do prefer twilight. its more interesting than harry potter and to be honest who would want to read 7 books 30000 pages long full of harry potter, its sooo boring. I once watch a harry potter movie with all of my friends and it scared us all to death, no one was brave enough to turn on the light ๐Ÿ˜›
    i once wath the first twilight but that was all and again i would want to read like 5 more books 2000 pages long! i suppose some people are different and like reading but for i wouldnt want to!


  155. Jassy said:

    i think Harry Potter is way better than Twilight because Twilight is boring.
    whereas Harry Potter is so cool. J.K Rowling is a great writer and the Harry Potter books are so interesting. i also love the Harry Potter movies.


  156. I am with harry potter alllll thheeeee wayyyy!
    it is such more of a classic and has a bit of every jonra in it! It has been around for ages and it is so sad to see it go! I wish harry potter could go on forever and not stop because i love it so much. I also feel sorry for harry potter and all the rest of the famous people because they have made such a name for themselves i don’t think they will ever be able to get rid of it. If someone saw daniel radclif walking down the street they would shout hey that’s harry potter not his real name!


  157. Although i have not read all the harry potter books- my vote goes to Potter. Their is just sooo much more history behind the book- Harry Potter started in 1997- and finished in 2011- thats over 10 years of history. twilight on the other handed started in 2005 and the movie came out in 2008. The series in set to finish 2012 so the movie on goes for 4 years- and it starts when they are teenagers. Harry Potter starts when they were babies and now they are all grown up- twilight they start as teenagers and end as teenagers. I don’t really see much history behind that- oh other than the fact that edward has been round for over a hundred years.

    Harry Potter Made history and broke box office records- and though twilight guys may be “hotter” and i have read the series and it was great- it just doesn’t live up to the standards of Harry potter. Harry potter is a magical story for all ages and twilight it a story for tweenagers and teenagers- the fact the J.K. Rowling made a story that is appropriate for all ages- and by coming out with a version for younger readers as well- It just makes it a wonderful experience for everyone.

    And i do admit I do love the twilight series as well. Not only does it have great descriptive language- but its a more mature read- and its still fantasy- because real people don’t run up trees.

    I’m kind of debating with myself.

    So in the end i’m still with Harry Potter- though they both come under fantasy- I just love the magical world of Harry Potter- that almost transports you into another universe- a magical place were before you saw the movies – you used your imagination to create an image of what it would look like- before I say Harry Potter and the half blood prince- even before i had read the book- I imagined him as a really nice kind of gothic character. Just the name made me imagine things. Im not saying that Stephanie Meyer is any less talented than J.K. Rowling- I just think Harry Potter has more potential.


  158. Holly said:

    Harry Potter all the way!!!!

    Not only are the Harry Potter books in depth and amazing to read, but there are 7 books to read which means there are 7 more adventures to be had. Unlike Twilight which only have 4 books and are just about the one story. In Harry Potter, each book is different to the other so once you’ve finished one book you have no idea what is going to happen in the next one.

    You can predict what is going to happen next in Twilight and you could as well in the movies, but in Harry Potter there’s a surprise at every turn even when I watched the movies after reading the books. The movies are very entertaining to watch and yes I cried when some of the characters died (I don’t want to spoil it by telling you who).

    Harry Potter wins, face it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ๐Ÿ™‚


  159. Brittany said:

    I love both Twilight and Harry Potter, and i like and dislike things about them. I love Harry Potter because they have so many characters, and my favourites are definitely Bellatrix, Snape and Draco, I just realised that i love all the death eaters! I also like Harry Potter because the characters have their own personalities, some good some evil, and J.K Rowling made the the stories so interesting. What i dislike about Harry Potter is that all the characters, hocruxes and death eaters can get really confusing. Sometimes when i read something, and it doesnt make sense, i sometimes have to jump on the internet and research it. Now for Twilight… I am going to start off and say I am totally Team Jacob! I am telling you now, when i found out that Jacob imprinted on Renesmee, I was not to happy. I love Stephenie Myer’s writing, it is also much more descriptive than Harry Potter in my opinion. What i dislike is Bella. All she cares about is how hot her husband is. I find her character boring. Thank you!


  160. Tylah said:

    First of all I have seen both of the movies and tried to read the books but i just found the books boring. .I must admit that I love jacob.But if I had to choose which one it would be harry potter, some reasons why I said harry potter was better because i found the twilight book more boring than the harry potter one. Another reason I liked harry potter better was because I feel as I can connect with harry potter a bit more than twilight.


  161. ONE WORD TWILIGHT IS WAYYYYYYY BETTER THEN little harry potter, harry potter boards me yuck sorry to the people that like harry but yuck I love twilight ๐Ÿ™‚


  162. Hannah said:

    I have to say Harry Potter is WAY better then twilight. i think Harry Potter is better because there is a lot more adventure, laughter and tears. I’ve read and seen the whole series and it was THE BEST!!!!!!!!! When I read the books my mind was set in a different atmosphere I was really engaged, I felt like I was there almost!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My favourite character is ginny(ron’s little sis) she is laid back and likes to look for adventure, she tells ron off for doing something wrong!!!! I dont think there is anything to change about the book, I recommend this to anyone over the age of 9-10 because they need to understand the book well and alo understand the feelings, commotion and murders that go on inside the witchery world. I cant believe anyone would like Robert Patterson isn’t even hot- UGLY!!!!! So all I’m saying is HARRY POTTER IS 100000000000000 TIMES AWESOME!!!!!


  163. Monique said:

    I prefer Harry Potter!! Harry Potter is such an exciting series of books, the movies are great and full of action! My favourite part out of all the series was when Harry Potter defeated Voldemort because it was so exciting and there was heaps of action! My favourite character would have to be Ron Wesley because he is a really funny guy. I would Defiantly recommend this series to everyone it is such a great series to read and the movies are awesome!


  164. Bianca said:

    HARRY POTTER IS SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH BETTER THAN TWILIGHT. All of the books in Harry Potter are great but I can’t say the same for Twilight. In New Moon thats just TERRIBLE because for 3 quarters of the book Bella is going ON AND ON about how much she misses Edward, I mean seriously she needs to get off her lazy butt and do SOMETHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Harry Potter on the other hand is FANTASTIC I just finished reading the whole series and I LOVED them all but the way some people died in the last one was so sad esspecially Hedwig, Tonks and Lupin. WHY DID THEY HAVE TO GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. See in Harry Potter there are no sooks, just an awesome story where Dumbledore uses big words and Hagrid has a half giant brother.

    This is why Harry Potter is A BILLION times BETTER than Twilight.


  165. Harriet said:

    Harry Potter is better by far. Every sensible person knows that. The Harry Potter series actually has an interesting storyline, and has a different variety of characters. Some characters are only mentioned once or twice, and they may not have any impact on the story at all, whereas Twilight consists of only the same dull characters, who are all related to the story, therefore there are no extra characters mentioned. HP doesn’t over exaggerate the fact that he has a scar, or Voldemort has no nose, and in Twilight, all the author writes about is how Edward’s skin sparkles and how Jacob wears no shirt. Bella is an astonishingly boring character who tends to show no emotion whatsoever. The movie is even worse, as it shows even less detail and less emotion, not to mention the fact that Kristen Stewart is a terrible actress. The author of Twilight stated that the ridiculous idea of the Twilight series came to her in a dream. As Albus Dumbledore siad, ‘It does not do to dwell on dreams’.


  166. Georgia said:

    I like both Harry Potter and Twilight because they the both fantasy books, and like reading that genre. They are both really exciting and adventurous, that its to hard for me to pick out of them both.
    I like the characters in Harry Potter because they are all different and have different personalities. My favourite character would have to be Hermione, because she is very smart and is a great witch. I love the idea of Hogwarts and how it looks like a castle and inside how the pictures move and talk.
    My favourite character in Twilight are Jacob. I like Jacob because when I saw Breaking Dawn it made me almost cry, when he was crying. It was so sad! I also like it when the vampires and werewolfs fight over Bella because they both want to keep her save.
    I would recommend it to people over 10 years old because some bits are a bit scary for younger people.
    I love both Harry Potter and Twilight, so its so hard to choose between them. ๐Ÿ™‚


  167. They are bothh good,but Harry Potter is better and more imagination has been in to both the movies and stories. Twilight is also good,but a bit annoying. The only reason I watch Twilight is because of Jacob. ๐Ÿ™‚


  168. brodie said:

    i like twilight because its very exciting, my favourite part of the movie is when the girl said go team jacob that was so funny, but i all so like harry potter too they are both very good movies/books everyone should like both because both of them aren’t bad so i recommend both of them. i love every single bit of twilight and harry potter they are very good but what really got me mad was that i thought that Bella was going to die in the last movie but she didn’t and that would of been a disappointment and i also loved the last bit of harry potter that was so amazing:)


  169. grace said:

    i strongly think twilight is a great series of books, but harry potter is way better it has more of everything out, it has very very good characters in it,its a lovely story line, it gives people an opportunity to have a very good imagination.It shows good and bad,the acting OMG its sooo goood!!

    IT also shows passion and romance in it,i can just keep on watching it over and over again and it never gets boring you just have to think about the little details, but the best thing about HARRY POTTER for me is that i cant just assume whats going to happen it actually tricks me!!!


  170. cinnamon said:

    I think Harry Potter RULES!!!!!!
    Twilight was good in the movie but the book was disappointing soooooooo I don’t like Twilight anymore!
    I recomend Harry Potter to anyone at least it makes more sence than Twilight!

    Harry Potters a great movie and I love Hermione (not as a crush but as my fav character!)
    Hermione is AWESOME! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    So take my point of veiw looking at Robert and Kristan kiss is revolting like whatever big deal GET A ROOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  171. HARRY POTTER ALL THE WAY!!!! Why Harry Potter? Because twilight is just about Bella being chased by vampires and someone getting injured. But Harry potter just ticks all the boxes with more to say. it has Action, Romance, Humor, Drama and oh I can just go on. The Characters are so powerfully detailed and explained and unlike Twilight they all have a mystery to them that you just want to find out! Reading one book will just not do with Harry potter reading the whole series is what what you need to do!!!! You’ll be excited to read and maybe even ending up reading all night!!!


  172. Genevieve K said:

    Harry Potter is obviously better, I don’t know who told the Twilight fans otherwise. Harry Potter goes on for 7 books and is way more interesting than Twilight. In Harry Potter you can actually relate to some of the characters, however in Twilight, unless you know of someone who is a vampire attending school and falls for a human, you seriously can not relate to any of it.
    Bella Swan vs Hermione Granger: Both the main girl characters, the only difference is that when everything looks hopeless Hermione still fights but Bella just lies there and lets her sparkling boyfriend do all the work.


  173. Sienna said:

    Personally, I think Twilight it better than Harry Potter, because…
    It’s full of mystery, you watch one series, and they keep you hanging for more at the end, it’s annoying how they keep you begging for more but i love it.
    it’s full of mystery and it’s just plain amazing, another thing is, JACOB IS THAT HOT, it’s not even funny how amazing he is, Edward is just the loving and loyal to Bella, you watch the first series and straight away you know he’d do anything for her.
    it’s like wow! so yeah, i like Twilight better. ๐Ÿ™‚


  174. Hayley said:

    The movie “up” tells a better love story in 7 minutes than twilight does in 4 books!!! I love the Harry Potter series much better than twilight!! ๐Ÿ˜€


  175. Matilda said:

    OMG!!! HARRY POTTER ALL THE WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I absolutely love Harry Potter!!!! I love everything about it!!! The magic, the friendship, the romance, the drama, the adventure and how I couldn’t put it down!!! I read all of the Harry Potter books and I absolutely adore them!!! I haven’t read Twilight yet but I saw the movies and Harry Potter wins easily!!! The characters are so much more complex and every character is different. I love Harry Potter and it wins by a mile!!! ๐Ÿ˜€


  176. Twilight vs Harry Potter, one of the biggest book debates ever. I am definitely a Twilight fan though. I have read almost all of Harry Potter, but I stopped in the middle of the third, and i have read all of Twilight and seen all the movies a million times. Yes Harry Potter is a classic series that everyone knows, but so is Twilight.

    One of the main reasons I love twilight is because it covers so many genres – romance, action, fantasy, vampires, warewolves, (Got to love Jacob Black) comedy, (Alice, Emmet and Eric to name a few) and definitely drama, drama, and more drama. As for Harry Potter, here is my idea on what it was about-

    Book 1-7: Something is in risk. Harry plays quidditch. EXPELLIAMUS! Harry, Hermoinie and Ron meet Voldemort. Someone dies. EXPELLIAMUS! Harry and Voldemort cast a few spells. EXPELLIAMUS! Harry survives, and Voldemort disappears to come back to the next book. Repeat.

    The only genres of Harry Potter is wizards, magic and fantasy, which in my world means nothing. In Twilight the genres make you want to be Bella, and if you’re like me, you put yourself into her shoes, and wish that you could see Jacob shirtless in real life.

    As for Twilight, every book has a different storyline that is so interesting. I could go on and on for pages about every book, but I don’t want to spoil it for anyone who is about to start reading the best book ever. (I mean Twilight by the way.)

    An also extra bonus of Twilight is the witty comedy in some of the characters lines. For example, Emmet says to Bella- (SPOILER ALERT) “I hope you’ve had a lot of sleep over these past 18 years, because I don’t think you’ll be getting much more.” That is one of my favourite lines, and there are many more.

    I remember waking up early every morning the first time I read Breaking Dawn to read a few chapters. That was in winter. That means something to me, because I was prepared to miss my extra half hour in the morning in bed, slowly getting used to the cold, to read. That is the first time in my life that that happened. I was so attached that when I woke up, the first thing I thought about, looked at, and saw was the Twilight series.

    Another great thing about twilight is that Bella actually goes to a normal school, not some place that doesn’t exist. It’s realistic. The vampires are re-invented. It is now rid of the coffins, and bring on the sparkle skin!

    Oh, And the movies. I have to say I like Edward and Bella together, because it makes Jacob run around with no shirt on, and it sure is some eye candy. The actors are amazing to watch, and I could have a twilight marathon 365 days a year, and 366 on a leap year.

    I think I have been going on for a while now, so if you have read this and STILL don’t believe me, check out this link –

    My last sentence. TEAM JACOB FOREVER!


  177. Bella said:

    I think that Twilight is way better than Harry Potter ( i am sorry but Jacob is way hotter than edward)
    Twilight has a good story and has alot of love in it
    if i could change anything , i would change bella to be in love with jacob instead of edward because jacob is hot !!!!!
    Go Team Jacob !!!!!!!
    i have to say that i am married to edward but i don’t even like him !!!!!


  178. kirra said:

    i agree with anyone who would rather twilight, i still like harry potter but twilight is so much better! because twilight has a bit of every thing that i enjoy reading about like… action, romance, vampires and i just cant wait for the movie to come out! (breaking dawn part 2)

    i recon that anyone who loves twilight sould thank stephanie meyer for her fabulous writing skill’s THANK YOU!!!!
    GO TEAM EDWARD!!! as well i just love twilight and all i have left to say is thank the linc for providing this AMAZING!! book! thanks!


  179. Emily B said:

    in my own opinion, l think that Harry Potter is alot better. l love the way how Harry Potter is a whole new magical world, and twilight is just followed out by the rest. Harry Potter has never been copied, and the way the movies and books have been created, you can never get enough of re living all of those magical moments from the movies and the books. Harry Potter has had 8 films and 7 books, and within 11 years, it has become the most highest engrossing series of all time. l love Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, because l have never heard of the Triwizard Tournament, when Harry, Fleur, Victor and Cedric all battle for the Triwzard cup. l love it how that Harry and Cedric are port keyed to the graveyard where Voldemort’s father’s bones are. l can never get enough of the second triwizard battle, when the champions are forced into the Black Lake to retreive a treasure from the bottom. l love the names of the schools (Beauxbatons and Dermstrang) and the way they are introduced. l have seen every single HP movie, and by far, this one is my favourite. My next favourite is HP and the deathy hallows part 1 + 2. I love the wedding of Fleur Delacour and Bill Weasley. I love it how Harry has left Privet drive never to return. Harry has left to destroy all of Voldemort’s horcruxes, so that they can finish Voldemort forever. I love it soooooooo much and l will continue to love it forever.


  180. Caitlyn said:

    ALL YOU HARRY POTTER FANS TWILIGHT IS BETTER, YES I NO EDWARDS CHEAST IS HAIRY BUT YOU CAN ALWAYS LOOK A JACOBS I MEEN AFTER ALL HE IS MY HUSBAND!!!! It’s sooooo interesting i mean in breaking dawn you think Bella might die but she lives and the movie shows Jacobs abbs HOW COULD YOU NOT LIKE THAT??? Besides I read a chapter of the Harry Potter book and stopped!! I will admit that the movie of Harry Potter is good but Twilight is better!!!!! GO TEAM JACOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  181. Matilda said:

    I prefer Harry Potter because I really felt attached to these movies because you really got to see them grow up. It feels like you really know them, also because I grew up watching the harry potter series, reading the books so it is apart of my childhood.


  182. Brianna D said:

    My favourite character is Hermione because she is brave and loyal to her friends. she sticks up for harry and Ron. They all look out for each other. Hermione is the brainy one {of course. she IS a GIRL after all}


  183. Eliza said:

    Twilight is better then harry potter because it has all different types of genres like Action and romance were as harry potter only really had one genre and it takes awhile to get though them my go would have to be twilight i don’t think that i have ever been into a series more then i am into twilight. cant wait for more of the movies to come out !!! ๐Ÿ™‚


  184. Brianna D said:

    HARRY POTTER IS BETTER THAN TWILIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! harry potter has more action than twilight and there is more of harry potter. twilight is just a bunch of mushy “i love edward” crap. harry potter is a great series and although i havent read the book i have savoured almost every moment of almost every movie. it is gripping and you get kept in suspense, trying to work out what will happen next. harry potter is mythical and magical and it is the best because is has more action and drama and overall it just has more “body” than twilight. by that i mean that theres more of everything. GO HARRY POTTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  185. I HATE twilight sooooooooo much. it makes me cringe just thinking about it. harry potter is waaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyy cooler. jk rowling actually kept me entertained the entire time, unlike the twilight books.


  186. josephine said:

    i think harry potter totally way better than twilight because…..

    it has more adventure than twilight is just all lovey dovey
    and blood and its not that exciting.i also think that harry potter is
    more brighter and twilight is all gloomy and dark :/


  187. Tara D said:

    harry potter by far

    i think harry potter is better than twilight because it takes you to a whole different world. like when you read about when Sirius black sees harry in the muggle world as a wolf J.K. Rowling write it so that you feel harry’s fear. when i read it i feel like i am of the characters in the book and i feel like i am harry and i feel his pain his joy and his fear.


  188. Claudia said:

    I have read 5 books of the Harry Potter series and none of Twilight. I have enjoyed all of them so far but can’t get hooked in the 6th one. My favourite character is Hermione because she is a little bit like me but I’m not as smart as her. My favourite book would have to be the 2nd one, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.


  189. HARRY POTTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Definitly. who doesnt love harry!!!!!!!! and especially everyone would know who harry potter is!!!!!!


  190. I love Twilight and Harry Potter.
    Their both awesome:)


  191. Eleanor said:

    TWILIGHT IS HORRIBLE!! Harry potter is the best series ever!! Harry potter is way better than twilight!!! I hate twilight it is so depressing and frustrating to watch. I cant stand watching Twilight so i DEFIANTLY GOOOOOO HARRY POTTER ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€


  192. I’m sitting on the fence! I can’t decide! Both series are so good and so are the movies… I think I might only just be on the Harry Potter side because J.K Rowling is sooo creative and I think it took a lot of thinking and imagination to write that book. I really can’t wait for the next Twilight movie to come out though, maybe that will convert me…….


  193. i have read both books and they are both great!!!!!!!!!! it would be impossible for me to choose personally because they are both sooooooo good at their genres. harry potter was supercalifragilisticexpialidious because of the way it was totally impossible yet J.K Rowling is a fantabulous writer and definitely one of the best in the world!!! Harry, Hermione and Ron are soooo funny and soooo cool but if i were to choose the character i would be mostly compatible to would have to be hermione the smart almost know it all girl with a strong opinion.
    And twilight because of the whole romance and vampire, werewolf topic and the way bella finds out whats going on and how she is ok with it and it semms really strange to the rest of them. once again stephanie meyer is a definate for one of the best in the world and i also liked how the book was written how it wasn’t quite a biography yet it is written in bella’s way if i had to name 1 thing i didn’t like about twilight is when it’s written by jacodb because it is sooooooo slow but otherwise it is great!

    but i could never choose out of them!!!


  194. Gemma said:

    The reason i like harry potter more than twilight is because it is lots more fun and i loved reading the book and LOVED the movie !


  195. Georgia said:

    I really don’t know because they are both great!! Harry Potter is amazing with all the magic and cool characters!! And twilight a fantastic romantic story with heaps of twists along the way (vampires and werewolves). But if I had to choose I think I’d have to go with Twilight, I am in love with it, the books and movies!!


  196. Monique said:



  197. Weasley75 said:

    I really like both, but i’m going to have to say Harry Potter. It is much more creative than Twilight, and much longer.


  198. Tonks_ said:

    Who cares about twilight! Harry Potter is WAY BETTER!!!!!!!! Dumb twilight Versus The Great Harry Potter!


  199. Abi Grigsby said:

    Harry Potter doesn’t interest me and I’ve read a bit of Twilight so TWILIGHT!!!! ๐Ÿ˜€


  200. Maddy said:



  201. Isabella Murray said:

    Harry potter is a classic and will always be. It has the power for you to run away into another land. It is really detailed and has depth. Harry potter went for many years were as twilight has only been around for about 2-3 years. You would always wait anxiously every year waiting what would happen next. Twilight came out in the movies so fast I could not even keep up with it. Now they are trying to drag it out because after this one its all over. I am not saying I don’t like twilight its just harry potter will always be superior and that is how it will stay.


  202. Chloe said:

    Harry pottor is the best because it has more movies and is magic it takes you to a whole different place but in twilight its all about bitting.


  203. Heidi said:

    Twilight All The Way!!


  204. Well, Obviously Harry potter is better better guys! Robert Patterson was sparkling in it FIRST!!!!!


  205. i would really like to go to a school where harry goes


  206. Brielle said:

    twilight all the way.


  207. Sarah Weasley said:

    It is da bomb! The Weasley twins are my favourites because they like to prank people a lot, but it is sad that one of them dies.
    Not saying that I don’t like Twilight. I think Jacob/Taylor Lautner is hot. But Harry Potter is better and so much that I read the last book over and over again.


  208. Sarah Weasley said:

    It is da bomb! The Weasley twins are my favourites because they like to prank people a lot, but it is sad that one dies.
    Not saying that I don’t like Twilight. I think Jacob/Taylor Lautner is hot. But Harry Potter is better and so much that I read the last book over and over again.


  209. megan said:

    go harry potter


  210. Niamh said:

    Harry Potter Love Harry Potter the best thing ever for any age an adventer that last when Its finished for good. Love Harry Potter!

    Twilight the Not as Good as Harry Potter.But good I am on team Jabocb

    But I love Harry Potter Better Then Twilight I got to say I think Harry Potter is much much better then Twilight And well to me thats a fact!


  211. king Weasley said:

    Harry Potter always!!!

    Harry Potter has touched the lifes of millions of people acroos the world. I for one would not be the same person or not have a child hood if I had never had Harry. It teaches us to stand up for what you belive in, be brave and carry on when everything seems lost. Twilight is about how it is ‘important’ to have a Boyfriend. It is a book full of sparking canible fairys and Jacob Black is a rip off of Sirius Black. Harry Potter is full of hope, love, bravery and Magic. When Harry Potter finished millions of People cryed for days, when Twilight finished nobody ever realised.




  213. harry potter full stop, well for 1) the guys in harry potter actually smile.


  214. Rachel said:

    Harry Potter is hands down the best book series OF ALL TIME! It’s not even a fair contest to compare Harry Potter to Twilight because Harry Potter outshines it in ever way possible. The characters are more complex and interesting, the plot has many different layers and are never straight forward (which makes it exciting), and above all the idea of Harry Potter is very well thought out and portrayed well with vivid use of language to create pictures in your mind. Also the Harry Potter series makes you feel something whether it’s anger, happiness, joy, or sadness while the Twilight series is just flat and unemotional. Now, to answer your question, yes I have read both series but unlike Twilight, I grew up with Harry Potter while Twilight is more of a “flash in the pan” series. So in the end Harry Potter will always win against this flat, unoriginal, “romance.”


  215. HP-all-da-way said:

    I LOVE HARRY POTTER!!!!!!!!!! i loved the books and i have read the whole series 2 times! i was ssooooooooo excited when the last movie came out, but i think that the next big movie sensation will be da hunger games series. luv that 2oo!


  216. Alana said:

    Harry Potter ROCKS and is the BEST!!!!!!!!! Twilight is silly and is really bad!!!!!! Hahahaha!!


  217. Alana said:

    Come on girls, what’s the matter? All the people who voted ‘Twilight’ is wrong! Harry Potter is the BEST and will always be! So my vote goes to HARRY POTTER!!!!!!!!!!


  218. Voldemort said:

    Harry potter is so awesome not even i could kill him


  219. courtdogga said:

    as the people from harry potter in 99 seconds said about harry potter and the goblet of fire (the movie) “harry is entered into the tri-wiserd tournament, with dragons and mermaids oh-no EDWARD CULLEN GETS SLAYED!!” because if you don’t know Robert Paterson plays credric diggary.


  220. i don’t really know, i haven’t read any harry potter books and I’ve only read the first two twilight books because the second book was soooooo boring but the first book was really good. I’ve seen all the harry potter movies and I reckon that the first few movies are the best! toward the end it’s pretty much just people killing each other and there’s not that much of a story line. I’ve also seen the first three twilight movies and they’re really good! I don’t know, i’m not really a huge fan of either.


  221. I like them both the sam and i can’t decide ๐Ÿ˜ฆ
    I love them both soooo much – but i think i am gonna have to go with….
    …..HARRY POTTER!!!


  222. Ashlee said:

    harry potter is better


  223. I think that Harry Potter is sooooo much better then Twilight. I have read both series and I think twilight is boring cause the same things happen over and over again! Harry Potter is awesome and I just went to see the last movie today!!!!! It was so good and everyone should see it. But read the books first!!


  224. I love both books.

    I love Harry potter because of the magic and the story line. But the way J.K Rowling writes the book it leaves you wondering what will happen next and you can imagine that you are there fighting along side Harry, Hermione, and Ron. same with the movie. But in number 5 they leave out so much from the book I found it boring but the rest is just Fantastic:)

    But I love twilight because of the romance, Hatred and the fantasy and excitement it brings to people. Twilight is also a great movie because by their expressions you can feel the hurt or other emotions. Also because Jacob is HOTT. The movie also leaves out a fair bit but I still think besides those little minor details the movie is FANGTASTIC ๐Ÿ™‚


  225. the HARRY POTTER books are SO much better because they have a much better storyline to it. HARRY POTTER RULES!


  226. sarah coutin said:

    twilight. team jacob of course!!!!!!!!!!!


  227. Isabelle said:

    Harry potter is so much better than twilight. If you want a book that makes you want to keep reading and really makes you feel like you are right there in the book, then this is the one for you. The series is the best I have ever read and i read it over and over again. you can also relate the book to the movies and know what is going on. it is so exciting with new adventures in every book and you feel like you are going on the adventures with harry and the gang.

    i would recommend anyone read this book and rate it 10/10
    way better than twilight.


  228. definitely harry potter ๐Ÿ™‚ I have read both the book series but Harry Potter is so much more exciting and adventurous. Both the books are really good but I prefer to read about magic then reading about sparkly vampires and werewolves.


  229. Okay so,
    First of all, why do people say that they love Twilight because Robert Patterson is in it and hate Harry Potter because he isnโ€™t in that? Um, newsflash, ROBERT PATTERSON IS IN HARRY POTTER.

    And donโ€™t even TRY to compare J.K.Rowlingโ€™s writing skills to S. Meyer.
    Yes I have read both series. And I have to say, that Harry Potter OWNS TWILIGHT!
    In my humble opinion.


  230. ayisha said:

    TWILIGHT is better. i’m team jacob bt i still love edward and his cold skin….harry potter books are alright but not great. TWILIGHT ALL THE WAY.


  231. Laura is an owl said:

    If you ask me this what i’ll say Harry potters way better cause it’s got dragons and way more variety when it comes to magical creatures. and its got owls.
    if twilight was on tv this is what i’d do: I’d say wake me up when its done.
    if harry potter was on i’d do this: beg mum to let me watch it and when the actual movie was on i’d tell my brother to shut it and let me watch the movie.


  232. I think that Harry Potter is so much better than Twilight because Harry potter is much more interesting and Twilight is so predictable like Bethany said.


  233. I love harry potter

    I mean come potter all the way i mean the storyline in twilight is so predictable but harry potter even though in almost every movie and book harry, ron and herminie are always defeating voldemort but think about this if people found this boring there wouldn’t be 7 books.


  234. talisha said:

    I LOVE BOTH OF EM!!! ๐Ÿ™‚ Yes I could not put Twilight down. IT WAS SO GOOD!!! ๐Ÿ˜€ but Harry Potter I had to keep reading when I finished the Deathly Hallows. I wanted to read more!! SO GO HARRY POTTER!!! ๐Ÿ˜€ i luv it


  235. I love harry potter

    I mean come potter all the way i mean the storyline in twilight is so predictable but harry potter even though in almost every movie and book harry, ron and herminie are always defeating voldemort but think about this if people found this boring there wouldn’t be 7 books.


  236. OMG i also love the whole thing about hogwarts and the honey dukes place………… heaven……………! i love the whole magic idea to. AWESOME!!!


  237. I’ve read both books. First Twilight, then Harry Potter. At the time when I read Harry Potter, I was in love with Twilight, but after I read halfway through the Philosophers Stone, I switched to Harry Potter. To me, Harry Potter is better than Twilight. Personally, Twilight will never be Harry Potter. Harry Potter will be remembered forever, but Twilight will eventually die out. Though I do advise one thing before you think one book is better than the other, Read both and keep an open mind.


  238. Maria said:



  239. TWILIGHT ๐Ÿ˜›


  240. Harry Potter diffidently. Twilight is sooo boring. Harry Potter is about crime, mystery and fantasy i love mystery and crime books i love to solve things, fantasy i wish i could like be able to fly or cast a spell. Twilight didnโ€™t grab my attention didnโ€™t take me to a different level i watch the harry Potter movie but wish to read the books. Harry Potter 10-10 Twilight 2-10 sorry twilight fans


  241. I think they are really different books. Twilight is all about romance and relationships. Harry Potter is about mystery and adventure. What I want to read depends on what mood I am in. I think Harry Potter is more complex and the characters more developed โ€“ but I also think simplicity works better for twilight because itโ€™s mostly told through the eyes of Bella. The last book, where Jacob takes over for a bit, has some of the best writing of the series I think โ€“ even though the plot was a bit of an indulgence. I think of harry potter as my brown bread and twilight as my candy. Everything in moderation rightโ€ฆ


  242. Well this is pretty obvious that Harry Potter has been round longer than the Twilight series Harry Potter has more action and twilight is more running then fighting then winning when in Harry Potter its a fight then a problem to really get your heart running when twilight it is so obvious that Edward and Bell are going to fall in love. When harry you just donโ€™t know if its going to work out or NOT!!


  243. i think that Twilight is better than Harry Potter because Harry Potter is sooo boring when Twilight is exciting and interesting. iโ€™m team Jacob because Edward is ugly.


  244. i LOVE the Twilight series because there exciting and awesome its a mixture of romance and action i wish i could be Bella!!!! im team EDWARD coz his hot and cute even though his cold. my mum got me to read the harry potter series but i just got SOOO bored of it so i stopped reading it.


  245. I quote from Dear Blank Please Blank:
    Dear Edward Cullen,
    Vampires donโ€™t sparkle!
    Sincerly, Severus Snape.


  246. s a hard decision but i would have to say harry potter because it is much more exciting and a lot more interesting. twilight is exciting and interesting but my opinion is harry potter.


  247. Harry Potter all the way!!!


  248. im going for twilight, its more discriptive. and i like it more than harry potter because harry potter just keeps going and going. and im definantly team jacob!!!!!!!!!!! Jacob is way better then edward i dont no how Bella can choose edward over jacob!!


  249. This is a REALLY hard decision for me, as much as I loved twilight, I would have to say Harry Potter. My reason for this is that in 20 years time I believe that Harry Potter will still be a favourite book of many, where as Twilight will be forgotten in a few years. Harry Potter is a great book and there is no other reading experience alike. It takes you away into a world of magic and fantasy. My favourite character in the series would have to be Luna Lovegood, even though she is not a main character in the book she still has a unique personality, care-free and sweet and she wouldnโ€™t hurt a fly. Also, Iโ€™m not on team Jacob or Edwardโ€ฆIm team Dumbeldore ๐Ÿ™‚


  250. I think that all people that like harry potter books are insane! I read an entry saying that as soon as you get a twilight book half way through it you put it down but that is impossible! It is actually the other way around! If you start reading harry potter you put the book down after 10 seconds! Anyways I say twilight it is much more exciting with continues fights between werewolfs and vampires and go team Jacob!!!!!


  251. hmmmmโ€ฆ.
    its a tie but im more up to date with twilight but they are totally different story lines so you cant compare them to each other but truthfully id rather watch twilight!!!!


  252. HARRY POTTER! Definitely.


  253. HARRY POTTER! Defiantly.


  254. I love the Twilight movies. They are soooo awesome.
    I have watched all of the Harry Potter movies as well and they go for to long.
    With the Twilight movie they are long too long and too short. They are just right. I believe that
    the Twilight movies are better than Harry Potter.


  255. harry potter al the way, twilight is to weird and silly


  256. twilight all the way!!!!!!!!


  257. The twilight books have very descriptive words all through them, which sometimes can be hard to understand. In the Harry Potter books the chapters are very different things that happen one after the other, which can be confusing. A very tough choice to make. ๐Ÿ™‚


  258. HARRY POTTER ALL THE WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  259. Who doesnโ€™t love Harry Potter? Harryโ€™s been around much longer than Twilight and if it was no good it wouldnโ€™t be such a hit!


  260. Buffy might kill edward but jacob RULES!!!!!


  261. I really like twilight, but as i have read it so many times, i am kinda sick of it. When you pay more attension to the writing, stephanie meyer isnโ€™t that good, donโ€™t get me wrong i LOVE twilight, but harry potter WASNโ€™T famous just for the movies, it was a really popular book that spellbound millions and so THEN they made a movie. Twilight is always popular to anyone who sits down to read it, but not many people knew about until the movie came out and former twilight lovers remembered the cherished novel sitting on their bookshelf, then got the word around.

    Harry potter kept me hooked from the start, but twilight for me didnโ€™t warm up till she talked to edward, and i know of alot of people who have bought the book and still havenโ€™t finished it, because they were so bored.

    I like Harry Potter better because it is better written and has a main plot throughout the whole series while having other ones in everybook, so that the same thing doesnt happen every book.

    Also, about storylines, Stephanie meyer kind of does nothing throughout the book, then makes a plot at the end
    – โ€“ twilight was just meeting everyone, then james at the end, โ€“ new moon bella sulking, then volturi etc


  262. HARRY POTTER!!! i do love Twilight but it is hard to get back into the hype because since Eclipse came out no one really cares anymore but Harry Potter are timeless movies everyone loves reading them because in the third movie they take a break from Voldemort and in the fifth book J.K Rowling kind of left our Voldemort until the very end. I LOVE DOBBY!!


  263. HARRY POTTER IS DA BOM!!!!! You cant get lost in a book that is the same story line all the way through. โ€œBella I love you honeyโ€ said Jacob โ€œI love you too but I love Edward more. To bad heโ€™s with Hermioneโ€


  264. I really dont like either. I havent seen any of the harry potter movies or read any books. I have seen 2 twilight movies but they are pretty scary. In eclips when the wolf bit that guys arm off it scarred me for life oh and when that ladys head fell off. Looks like I wont be watching any more twilight movies


  265. HARRY POTTER defiantly!!!!
    because i donโ€™t like twilight i just find it realllyy boring when i read the books but harry potter is so much better. I have seen some of the twilight saga movies and didnโ€™t like it and the book was worse, i didnโ€™t even get half way. But harry potter, ivโ€™e seen all of the movies and making my way through the books and i love it ๐Ÿ™‚


  266. I have been both a Twilight and Harry Potter fan for ages ๐Ÿ™‚ for me to choose which is a better series I would have to say Harry Potter. I think that it is a better series because we get to see how Harry, Ron and Hermonie (along with everyone else) grow up over the years. It seems like a more fun and magical movie, that you can never get bored with. When we first got the Harry Potterโ€™s I watched all of the first 5 movies each and every day for a month and never got sick and tired of it. This is why I think that Harry Potter is a winner:)


  267. I LOVE DOBBY!!!!


  268. Well i think by along way Harry Potter, i loved reading all the Harry Potter series and had a lot of great fun reading with them. Harry Potter all the way!!!! ๐Ÿ˜€


  269. I have read both series and this is a tough chioce but I have to say Harry Potter is better!!! ๐Ÿ˜€
    and i also love the Harry Potter musical! ๐Ÿ˜›


  270. Yeah! Harry Potter is so much more interesting and the way that J.K Rowling give questions in the first one and then they get answered in the last one โ€“ I LOVE IT!


  271. If I had to choose between Harry Potter and Twilight I would definitely pick Harry Potter. I donโ€™t mind Twilight but Harry Potter is way better because there are no weird vampires and psycho werewolves in it.


  272. HARRY POTTER! GO HARRY POTTER. I have read both seriesโ€™ a couple of times, but i think harry potter is the best. twilight is too descriptive, although it has an awesome plot outline. twilight is a romance and action book, and i am into that sort of stuff. harry potter however is not to descriptive, but you can see the pictures in your head. i cant choose easily, but harry potter would be number one, twilight would be number 2 and another series called the Tomorrow series would be number 3.


  273. In the book store I read the first sentance of twilight and got board with it, harry potter is way better i mean, does twilight have a musical? (AVPM, SOOOO funny)

    Mathilde out! : )




  275. I don’t even have to think to answer this question.
    Twilight is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo boring…… and I am not being a person who makes judgement before reading the books and i have read both full series and i can say that Harry Potter is better by far ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚


  276. I haven’t read either of the books but I have to tell you that I am NOT a Twilight fan! So that makes me a Harry potter fan!!! GO HARRY POTTER!


  277. I can’t believe we’re even having an argument about this. I think we all know who’s going to win… HARRY POTTER!!!


  278. I haven’t read the books but I have seen the movies and I think that harry potter is the winner, because I think that twilight doesn’t really make any sense, and when you read the book or watch the movie of harry potter your just like WOW!!!!!!!!!! And the good part about its that its a magical story, and those are the sort of books and movies that I would rather read or watch. so….GO HARRY POTTER!


  279. i have read both books and watched both of the movies, its a hard choice but i think i’m going to say harry potter. I have read the whole serious and i love the them all and the movies are great. Its not scary but its very intense. i would give harry potter a 9/10. i have never been a twilight fan, i don’t mind the movies but reading the books are very different to the movie, there are some good bits in the book but it feels like forever to finish. I love books that have a bit to do with magic. harry potter was a hard book to put down.


  280. HARRY POTTER!!! i do love Twilight but it is hard to get back into the hype because since Eclipse came out no one really cares anymore but Harry Potter are timeless movies everyone loves reading them because in the third movie they take a break from Voldemort and in the fifth book J.K Rowling kind of left our Voldemort until the very end. I LOVE DOBBY!!


  281. Bridget said:

    OMG!!!! I love jacob but howards looks like a fantastic witch craft and wizardry school I can’t choose.


  282. to me harry potter vs twilight is a bit of an easy question.

    while twilight is an amazing book and the harry potter series are as well the movie kind of lets down the book for twilight. at first i was loving it all but now it is rather one of those books you look back at.

    harry potter for me is better it is detailed and magical as harry potter fights for himself and his friends against the dark arts.

    harry potter is number 1!!!!


  283. Alana said:

    Can’t choose, both FANTASTIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  284. HARRY POTTER IS DA BOM!!!!! You cant get lost in a book that is the same story line all the way through. โ€œBella I love you honeyโ€ said Jacob โ€œI love you too but I love Edward more. To bad heโ€™s with Hermioneโ€


  285. I really dont like either. I havent seen any of the harry potter movies or read any books. I have seen 2 twilight movies but they are pretty scary. In eclips when the wolf bit that guys arm off it scarred me for life oh and when that ladys head fell off. Looks like I wont be watching any more twilight movies


  286. I would have to say Harry Potter. The story line is a lot more complex which leaves room for interesting things to happen. I mean, I will admit, I do like Twilight, but Harry Potter is better. It has 7 different books, each with a different theme. I am more of an action person rather than a romance person, so thats why I think that the Harry Potter books were better for me.


  287. Well, this is definitely a great questions for most people out there, but i have to sayโ€ฆ..
    i HATE both of them! i have always hated harry potter when it first came out, and then twilight came out and i thought i would like it, cause everyone said it was like the best movieโ€ฆ. and i HATED it. i am just not a big fan of magical things, thats just not who i am. and whenever i tell anyone this they canโ€™t believe it! i have never tried reading the harry potter series but i have tried twilight (because people said that they are better that the movie) and i read up to the 3rd chapter or something and i had to stop, i just hated so much. so my answer to this question isโ€ฆ. neither!! ๐Ÿ™‚


  288. I would have to say that Harry Potter is much better than Twilight. Iโ€™ve read all the books from both series and would have to say that Harry Potter is extremely well written compared to Twilight (no offence to the author), and the plot is much more interesting. For me, Twilightโ€™s plot is very confusing, and not much seems to happen, whereas Harry Potter is much more exciting, and keeps you wondering: whatโ€™s going to happen next? So definitely recommend HARRY POTTER! ๐Ÿ™‚


  289. really I donโ€™t like either, Twilightโ€™s just a guy vampire and a girl vampire meet fall in love, then scenes get overdramatic, useless fluff here there, then suddenly itโ€™s over Harry Potter is about a boy who has powers yet barely ever uses them. Sorry I just donโ€™t like them


  290. I absolutely loved reading the Twilight series while when I went to try to read the Harry Potter series I couldnโ€™t even get past the first chapter. No matter what any one says to me Twilight is better!


  291. I love both i mean who wouldnโ€™t love to go to school and learn magic and who whouldnโ€™t want to have a totally hot boyfriend?


  292. Twilight can never be as good as Harry Potter. No matter how much they modify it or change it or even add digital effects, Harry Potter is the best fictional movie ever. Harry Potter can be enjoyed by all ages and is enjoyed by either boys or girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  293. To be honest I donโ€™t really like any of them because Iโ€™m not interested in vampires or magic kind of thingsโ€ฆthis is what I think.


  294. I really love both of the books, they both have the same sort of feeling to them but in different context. i love all the twists in harry potter and twilight and i like both of them for different reasons, harry potter, because of the danger, the magic, and the rest. Twilight for the danger also and the vampires and werewolves and just how the books are written. I think, with both of these books, the movies arenโ€™t as good, they give you more of a thrill because you actually see it in real motion, how the author sees it, but the books describe everything in really good detail and they explain it more


  295. iโ€™m on team book i hate the movie because they canโ€™t seam to get the story rite


  296. HARRY HARRY HARRY when you think about it twilight is really boring and a lot of other movies are like that . when you think about harry potter . i mean i can not think of one book that is like it , its different and when you think about it you would not want to be boyfriends with ah like an 300 year old guy whos a vampire . you want to have magic with in you and use it where ever you go , you want fun and adventure . thats why i would suggest HARRY POTTER . by the way its not all about what the characters look like in the movie . Its the story line in it


  297. How can you even ask that? They are fantastic in different ways, both rich with history and background, strong story line, indepth characters, and actions and romance a plenty.
    Twilight has super human abilities, Harry Potter has magic.
    Twilight has an emphasis on love, and values like family and loyalty, whereas Harry has an emphasis on believing in yourself, and helping others, and values like courage, bravery and family and friends.
    Twilight has Edward, Jacob, Emmett, Jasper, Carlisle, Alice and Seth, Harry Potter has Harry, Ron, Hermionie, Ginny, George and Fred.
    Dude, completely different in different ways. Both amazingly awesome!
    No comparison.
    Shame on you if you tried!


  298. i believe that TWILIGHT is BETTER than harry potter because harry potter never seems to never end and i believe that when a harry potter sequels ends it doesnโ€™t leave you hanging on for more and wanting to for the next sequel butโ€ฆ when twilight light ends it is the complete opposite because you are waiting to see what happens next. when you read twilight books you can never out the book down so i recommend the you read it! So i DIFINATLY believe TWLIGHT is wayy BETTER than harry potter!!!


  299. DEFINATELY Twilight. It makes you want to read more and more and more just a great series that everyone has to read!!! I havenโ€™t even attemped to read Harry Potter because to me it is not interesting at all and way to confusing remembering everyone and everything thats happening.


  300. Harry Potter is the best by far, to me it had more detail then Twilight in the books and the movies. I love how Harry potter had so much drama and me wonder what was going to happen next, but for twilight i wondered how are they going to pit this in the movie, and when is the end of the chapter or page, it wasnโ€™t keeping me engaged as Harry Potter was. Also the Harry Potter movies were so imaginable characters, scenes and magic words like ,
    win-garvier-leveoser and so much more. I think Harry Potter will be a movie that lives on for ever like Titanic, and Grease Lighting , so Go Harry Go !!!


  301. harry potter is wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy better than twilight.


  302. im only reffering to the movies here because im not much a fan of books but twilight is better than harry potter it has more of a interesting and wierd the author stephanie meyer has done a great job in creating these characters especially because a wide range of people at different ages all over the world love her books and i personally think twilight is better than the harry potter books and movies.


  303. Harry Potter was famous right from the beginning where as most people had never heard of Twilight until the movies came out i mean think about it harry potter got so many kids into reading where as people only started reading twilight once the movie came out!!!!!!!!!!! Seriously this is between the books not the movies get real ppl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  304. both there just so good i looove harry potter for the thriller and adventure and twilight saga for the love and compassion and the looks of corse!!!


  305. hey just with what i said before, i still luvvvv all the vampires in twilight! itโ€™s just i like harry potter better. alice is so cool! and i luv jasper!


  306. I canโ€™t pick between the two, they are both superb books. I love to read twilight because it makes me feel romantic and my heart feels warm. The chemistry between Edward and Bella is heart pounding. I just love it. But i love reading harry potter because it is like every second you feel like your sitting on the edge of your seat. The thrills and excitment in Harry Potter is extraordinary.

    My favourite characters are Alice in twilight because she is so open and not the main character so i like things a bit different to everyone else. My favourite character in Harry Potter is Jenny. She is always so confident and out-there. I love it how at the end of the series how her and harry get together. It was my life long dream right from the start.

    I fully recommend both books because they are both amazing books. My favourite Harry Potter book is the Goblet Of Fire, it has adventurous and thrilling challenges. My Favourite Twlight book is New Moon, it is annyoing and frustrating becasue i really wanted Bella and Jacob to get together but things dont always go my way.

    hope my review help ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚


  307. hey everyone
    I LUVV TWILIGHT & I LUVV HARRY POTTER!!!!! i donโ€™t know witch one to choose!! I luved breaking dawn, but jacobโ€™s part of the book was immensely slow and i found it boring. The only part I luved about jacobโ€™s chapters was when he talked with edward and stephanie described the fire in edwardโ€™s eyes. now donโ€™t get me wrong, i luv jacob black. but when it comes to writing in his perspective, leave it. itโ€™s not worth it, to boring.
    NOW, harry potterโ€ฆi have read all the books of both series and i think i have made my decision. I luv twilight because of edward cullen! he is so awesome! but i think thats the only reason why i luv the twilight series. because edwardโ€™s in it! Stephanie made and incredible character, but not quite and incredible storyโ€ฆsorry steph. Iโ€™m not going against ya, but you could have done better. But harry potter has so much description! Itโ€™s an entirely new world with magical schools and creatures beyond our dreams (but not J.K.โ€™s of course) and the millions of characters are astounding. Thereโ€™s a whole new sporting competition, about twenty wild school subjects and millions of books (GO hermione! U R AWESOME! ๐Ÿ˜€ )! So i rest my caseโ€ฆ


    but i didnโ€™t mention the moviesโ€ฆ ๐Ÿ™‚


  308. I personally like both books the same because they both have love, Fantasy, and they always make you want to keep reading more untill you have finished the book. So my opinion is that both of the books are as good as each other!


  309. I think that the Harry Potter series is alot better than the Twilight Series!
    They both include alot of action, but Twilight is too fake even though Harry Potter includes alot of magic.
    Harry Potter also includes alot more detail.
    I recommend Harry Potter for more adults than children mainly because it has some violence included!
    My favourite character from Harry Potter is Hagrid because he is a great actress and doesnt make things seem to fake.
    Not saying that Twilight is bad or anything but i still think Harry Potter is better. Twilight is okayy but the first one carries on more about vampires but the second one is more about love and is doesnt connect as good!


  310. I like both, but harry potter is better because its about magic and stuff ๐Ÿ™‚
    And at the book is waay more detailed than Twilight. And the harry potter movies literally have you on the edge of your seat, but with the twilight movies they just arent as good as harry potter.
    The coolest person from harry potter is Ron Weasley ๐Ÿ™‚
    Also Hagred is pretty cool too with his hands being the size of a plate ๐Ÿ™‚
    Another good thing about Harry Potter is that it has a couple of funny bits ๐Ÿ™‚
    But with twilight its boringโ€ฆa little bit ๐Ÿ™‚
    So at the end of the day i believe that harry potter is much better than twilight ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€


  311. i would definatly say that harry potter is wayyyy better than the twilight series because it is extremely well written whereas twilight is completely full of big holes. some of the things that are mentioned in the books make no sense, and the way that meyer writes it it makes the storyline seem impossible. rowling is a fantastic writer and is a great author of childrens books.


  312. To be honest I donโ€™t like either because Iโ€™m not into things like magic and vampiresโ€ฆand i also so think that there really boring and lame.
    Itโ€™s not really my type of genre.
    Most people like twilight because of Edward, Bella and Jacob.
    this is my opinion i donโ€™t care what you think


  313. i would say harry potter is great because the books have some kind of suction that grabs you in and u just cant put the book down literallyโ€ฆbut then 2yrs ago twilight came out!!!! apart from the popularartity i was gr8 but in some bits predictable so for me they are a tie i havent quite made up my mind ๐Ÿ™‚


  314. Harry Potter is a great magical book. I like it because it really sucks you into Harryโ€™s world. My favourite characters in the series is Ron and Harry Potter. I like Harry because he is very brave and I like Ron because he is funny and sometimes he stuffs up his magic


  315. The 3 main characters in Harry Potter are good because they work together to get out of sticky situations. In the first movie Hermione sort of bosses the boys around. In the second movie she becomes nicer. Itโ€™s good when Hermione gets petrified in the second movie because the boys are on there own and solve it on there own.


  316. Twilight wins!!!!!!!!!!!!


  317. I like both Harry Potter and Twilight the same. I have seen the first 5 Harry Potter movies but I have only read the first 2 books. I need to read the rest. Twilight is good too. I have seen the movie and New Moon but i havenโ€™t read the books yet.


  318. Thereโ€™s no doubt that Twilight is way better than Harry Potter ! I mean seriously the Harry Potter books just do my head in. And Harry Potterโ€™s no where neat as hot as Jacob!
    Team Jacob all the way brew !


  319. I have read Harry Potter and I think its a great book. Though it gets a bit boring at parts its still a great read. I havenโ€™t read Twilight yet but Iโ€™m planning on reading it soon. The movie of Twilight is so good though.


  320. before i read twilight i would of said that there couldnt possibly be a better series that harry potter but there is!
    in harry potter its good but in some bits it gets kind of boring because it drons on and on- but twilight theres no boring bits and you just cant put it down literally!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  321. well i think when harry potter was out everyone thought this was the best but when twilight came out they thought the same.
    but the people that were massive fans of harry potter when it came out they probably still are big fans and dont like twilight that much, but the people that didnt like harry potter in the first place probably have moved on and now like twilight.
    i liked harry potter when it came out and well now i like twilight because it new but because harry potter is making so much movies there both out now so when the next harry potter comes out in the movies i will like that but when new moon comes out in the movies i will like that


  322. harry potter and twilight

    harry potter and twilight are both good because they are both mysterious in some way they keep people interested and make them want to read more.
    so i think that harry potter is not better than twilight and twilight is not better than harry potter they are both equal and i would read both of them.


  323. i so think harry potter is way better than twilight but new moon is really good so i think both in a way!!!!!!!!!
    harry potter and the deathly hallows is the best out of the harry potter series.


  324. I think Harry Potter is better. It has a lot more action, but it depends on what you like most. I think Twilight is a very โ€˜awkwardโ€™ movie, because whenever they kiss, there is no music, so it is so weird. And it has not many effects. You had to have seen the previous movie, or think a lot, before you understand it. So for our age group, NO! You only understand the basic details without thinking too much. You can be any age from 10-18, or even wider range of ages, to love Harry Potter. And to Georgia.Nโ€™s comment about how hot edward is, and all the other Edward fans, itโ€™s not him that makes the movie popular, it is the storyline, about how they canโ€™t be together. And i have read the books, seen the first two movies (all of them at the moment) And they are quite good, but no doubt, you grow out of them. They donโ€™t last. I could settle for having a Harry Potter marathon any day. They both have a very simple thing in common; they are both very dark movies, meaning they are set in very dark places and majority of the movies are both set at night time, which if set differently, could really make a difference. Anyway, I am part of the Harry team, not that these movies are my overall favourites. Go Harry!


  325. I really like this book because normall books dont have vampires in them but this one does and its more interesting. I love the idea about Bella Swan and Edward Cullen falling in love.


  326. Twilight is way better than Harry Potter, and donโ€™t think that I havenโ€™t even read Harry Potter because I have! I used to be a big fan of Harry Potter, until Twilight came out! Twilight has a great author Stephanie Myer. She has given so much detail into how the characters are feeling and what they look like! Totally better than Harry Potter!!!


  327. twilight is way better than harry potter
    harry potter is soooooo old
    twilight is the best
    harry potter does not have jacob
    so twilght is way better


  328. duhhhhh Twilight is way better books and movies. I am definately team jacob!!


    • twiligt is the worst insult to what pop culture calls “fantasy” in the last 2000 years.


  329. i enjoy reading Harry Potter because itโ€™s so creative and descriptive. I also enjoy twilight because itโ€™s one of those books that make you want to read more. iโ€™ve got to say, when it comes down to these two books no oneโ€™s a winner!


  330. HARRY POTTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Harry Potter is so cool, like, how the hell did Joanne Rowling (author) come up with that?? Its so good!!
    I like all the different characters that J.R came up with: Harry, Hermione, Ron, Hagrid, Aragog, Fang gonna post another review!


  331. I could never choose between Harry Potter and Twilight!!!
    Itโ€™s to hard!


  332. i would have to say that harry potter is better than twilight because there is alot more detail in the book and how the author uses her imagination alot in her books ! go harry potttter




  334. Twilight is so better! its for all ages unlike harry potter thats for little kids like 6 โ€“ 9 year olds!! GO TEAM SWITZERLAND!! for you harry potter fans that are stuck in the past im on edward and jacobs side IM NEUTRAL!!!!


  335. and buffy slayed edwardโ€ฆthe end(*clap clap*)


  336. such a tough questionโ€ฆโ€ฆ. not. twilight is way better than harry potter cos harry potter is just so stupid!!!! twilight all the way!!!!!!


  337. I really enjoy reading both books but in my opinion, the Harry Potter series are much more adventurist and exciting to read. I am not obsessed with twilight because Bella to me is really weird and ruins the movie. Unlike Harry Potter, it is weird at some stages but you can never get sick of them. I am all Harry Potter and Harry Potter for life.


  338. I really enjoy reading the harry potter series over the twilight series because there is more to chose from in the harry potter series and itโ€™s way more exciting. Iโ€™m not a fan for team Jacob or Edward because itโ€™s so unrealistic that two enemies love the same girls. Itโ€™s like Harry and Malfoy both in love with Jenny. I would love to be apart of Hogwarts (if it exists) and i would love love love and love to be taught magic. I would hate it if i was a vampire or a werewolf.


  339. I would go for both and then I wouldnโ€™t. They are both fantastic books and movies but Iโ€™m only going to pick one . Harry Potter wants you to keep on reading or watching because of the imagination it brings where as twilight wants you to keep reading for the romance it brings. So out of romance and imagination I would much rather imagination. ๐Ÿ˜€ TWILIGHT ! ๐Ÿ™‚


  340. They are both really good butโ€ฆ twilight kept in interested more. Harry potter just went on and on( the 5th). The movies harry potter wins twilight movies are boring and donโ€™t even deserve to be called twilight. Harry potter movies are the best not as good as the books but still good. You canโ€™t say you love or hate them till you read all the books from each series, then you can make up your mind. But it is Twilight for me! ๐Ÿ™‚


  341. Hmmmmmmm hard choice they are both great but I think Harry potter defiantly wins.Twilight gets a bit boring and drags on about the same thing a lot.Harry potter is more enjoyable to watch it isnโ€™t all sad and gloomy all the time like twilight.Even though twilight is a bit boring and drags on there are some good parts.But my choice would have to harry potter. ๐Ÿ˜›


  342. I like both butโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆ.
    Harry Potter beats Twilight easily!!!!
    They keep you more entertained!!!:) there are so many books in the Harry Potter series and you never know what will happen next! the characters are also better because they are different not just pale white face, i no they may be nerds but hey who cares!!:P and after a while twilight gets a bit annoying. I found twilight a bit boring after a while to. Harry Potter get you imagination going to!
    Go Harry Potter!! ๐Ÿ˜›


  343. I would go for HARRY POTTER ๐Ÿ˜€ this is because i think people just like the movies of twilight and not the actual book ๐Ÿ™‚ Plus Harry Potter is full of great mysteries where as twilight is just about love and vampires comparing the two, harry potter is better to me and its not BORING !! ๐Ÿ˜› And harry potter always gets your thrill going and has great personality in the characters for example.Hermoine Granger, โ€“ smart , pretty , and never getting into too trouble Bella ( from twilight ) โ€“ plain face and boring . See the difference Harry Potter is WAY BETTER ๐Ÿ˜€


  344. The thing about Twilight is that Stephanie Meyer created Bella as an empty shell. Her appearance isnโ€™t described in detail; that way, any female can slip into it and easily fantasize about being her.
    Her personality is portrayed as insecure, fumbling, and awkward โ€“ a combination anyone who ever went through puberty can relate to.

    Now, imagine everything women want in a man, then exaggerate it by ten thousand โ€“ and youโ€™ve got Edward Cullen.
    Edward listens to Bella and hangs on her every word.
    Whether she is complaining about what she got for christmas, or explaining how to properly bounce a ball, Edward still loves her. As far as the reader is concerned, Edward cares about nothing in the world more than her. What the author has done is created a perfect male figure โ€“ a pale Greek statue which the reader can worship and, in turn, be worshipped by.

    Whereas, with Harry Potter, it is based in a fantasy world, and these are books that you can really sink into, forever wondering what magical thing will happen next.
    The reason most people like Harry Potter is because you really get to use your imagination and can just lose yourself into the books. But with Twilight, the reader creates a need for the perfect partner, and dreams of having 3 guys loving her at once.

    That is why I prefer Harry Potter over Twilight.


  345. Team Jacob all the way! I like Jacob way better because he is always there for Bella when she needs him and he always cares for her. I will also say that The Harry Potter movies and books are better than the Twilight saga movie and books because something different always happens in the Harry Potter books, eg. There is always a different story to get up to the ending where Harry duels Voldemort. The Harry Potter books are always more exciting and they actually make you feel like you are IN the book/movie. The Twilight saga books are not as gripping and even though they are very descriptive they donโ€™t make you feel like you are the main character and YOU are in the book/movie.


    i love harry potter but i also love the twilight saga so im going to have to say both its just to hard but i also agree twilight can get a bit boring at times because its the same plot in each movie Bella gets chased by vampires a vampire gets killed its the same in each movie, but then again harry potter can get boring to its just voldamort voldamort was i ment to say that word but i still love them both go team harry potter and twilight โค


  347. iโ€™ve read the twilight saga and i love it i have not read harry potter but i like it to. me personally i like twilight more but i do think harry potter is great.


  348. OMG
    i love twilight
    it is so awesome
    and edward cullen is so hot
    and so is jacob black<3

    harry potter is kind of weird because harry and hermione are nerds
    but i love twilight


  349. Itโ€™s a tie for me i love them both they are my favourite books ever. Ilove the relationship that Edward and Bella have but I alos love how descriptive Harry Potter is!


  350. OMG!!!
    What a hard decision to make!!!! But I choose HARRY POTTER!!! THAT WINS ALL THE WAY!!!!
    HOW THE HELL DOES J.K ROWLING WROTE SUCH GOOD BOOKS!!!!! The last book of the series just blew me away!!!! I know it was sad but hey it was amazing!!!


  351. I think that twilight books are better. Donโ€™t get me wrong the Harry Potter books might be good, but i just never ever got into them. Twilight the book is explained and is very interesting. I love how their is a strong romance level and in is astonishing at how i got glued to these books, i just couldnโ€™t but them down.
    but i love the Harry potter movies!!!

    I LOVE TWILIGHT!!!!!!!!


  352. I love Twilight of course I mean Yeah Robert Paterson Ugly but who cares when Buffy slays Edward and when Jacobs there to save the day also he is so hot! I donโ€™t see what Bell is thinking loving that Ugly Edward I would much prefer Jacob. As for Harry Potter the books are too long boring and descriptive there is no doubt about that So Twilight Light always and if you cant already tell Iโ€™m team Jacob defiantly!!!!!:)



    twilight is the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



    I think that twilight is much better than Harry Potter. Every time I watch Harry Potter I think that it is so boring and I donโ€™t really like it. Twilight is so much better!! I think this because I have read the twilight books and watched Twilight and New Moon and I just loved them and when I try to read harry Potter it doesnโ€™t seem to interest me. I really enjoy twilight i think because it is about vampires and its about a girl named Bella falls in love with a vampire, I think because it is such an interesting story and I really think that TWILIGHT IS WAY BETTER THAN HARRY POTTER


  355. I think that harry potter is more awesome then twighlightcause it is much more creative, and more magical of course. Also because harry potter you can read over and over again without getting bored but Twilight does get annoying after a while I guess.


  356. I donโ€™t think that Twilight Saga will ever live up to the Harry Potter Series. Letโ€™s face it, both the Harry Potter books and movies (despite leaving in some cases a lot out) tower over Twilight. The books of Twilight a good the first time, but after having them raved over time after time you begin to question the sanity of humankind, no?? The movies are horrible. I would want my money back after seeing Twilight in the cinema. New Moon was a small improvement, I admit. The question is, Eclipse? Dying to see whether the director will somehow pull it off this time. I have my doubts. Harry Potter is original, whereas Twilight is not. Want to read the original vampire novel. Dracula!! by Bram Stokes. I recommend that book.


  357. i think that twighlight is better because there is a mix between action and romance where as in harry potter there is just action all the time


    • and??? whats wrong with that??? i see what you said as a criticism on twilight and a compliment to harry potter


  358. TAYLOR LAUTNERS HOT! And daniel radcliff is horrible looking. Twilight is good Harry Potter is not. Steo awwaaay Harry Potter, Twilight isthe best now! XP


  359. Iโ€™m think they are equal I think they are both fantastic books.


  360. I think that everyone has their own opinion, some people might not enjoy books about vampires, and killing and fighting etc but then some people might not enjoy books about magic, spells, etc. I myself prefer Twilight books because I find that I donโ€™t enjoy Harry Potter books as much as watching the movies and also both writers are amazing and make great stories.


  361. HARRY POTTER ALL THE WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I THINK THE HARRY POTTER BOOKS ARE AMAZING!!!!! BEST BOOKS EVER WRITTEN!!!!! I agree with everyone who has said Harry Potter, I LOVE IT!!!
    Twilight is really badly written, itโ€™s so boring, and nothing ever happens. (Apart from the occasional Vamp hunting Bella, but thatโ€™s so common itโ€™s not even exiting) and I HATE IT!!! Sorry to all the Mega-Obsessed-Twilight-Fans out there, but itโ€™s all true.

    Twilight needs a new plot. Itโ€™s the same throughout the WHOLE SERIES!!! And Iโ€™ve read them all, so I can put up a good argument not like someone who read 1 book and said โ€™stuff it, I hate this bookโ€™ like some people did.
    I mean, the idea of Twilight was a good idea, but Twilight itself was not. In another authors hands, the book could have been amazing, phenomenal, but now itโ€™s not. And think of the two authors. On one hand, you have the nice, sweet, generous Joanne Rowling, who has given squillions to charity and even runs her own, and did you know all the proceeds form three of her books went to charity? And on the other hand, you have Stephenie Meyer (Iโ€™m ashamed to share the same first name as her, thank god itโ€™s different spelling) who is a bad writer, she has given NOTHING to charity, and to think of how rich she is, how many stupid fans giving her money for the books, why would they even bother? So that is just ONE of the differences, and I havenโ€™t even started on the actual BOOK yet. ๐Ÿ™‚

    And the fact that Harry Potter is clearly better written than Twilight.
    I mean, in Harry Potter there is so many complex plots, sub-plots, characters, traits and clues you have to pick up along the way. All the characters are very detailed, and all have their own style, traits, personality. In Twilight, the characters are all BORING and REPETITIVE and THE SAME. Theyโ€™re all perfect in Twilight. In Harry Potter, the characters have secrets, and they are complicated, and the reader wonโ€™t fully understand them until the very end, when everything is explained.

    And in Harry Potter, Joanne Rowling is not afraid to kill off some of her characters, whereas in Twilight like 2 people die. In Harry Potter, Joanne knows that to add drama, thrill and suspense to her books she needs to kill off some of her characters like Fred Weasley, Remus Lupin, Nymphadora Tonks, James Potter, Lily Potter, Albus Dumbledore, Colin Creevey, Snape, Bellatrix Lestrange, Sirius Black, Wormtail (Peter Pettigrew) Voldemort (Though no-one was sad about that) Tom Riddle, Crabbe, Karkaroff, and a few more. Harry Potter actually has a plot and sub-plots, and theyโ€™re all different, not like Twilight. TWILIGHT SUCKS!!!!

    Also Harry Potter has a different plot each book, and Twilightโ€™s is pretty much the same throughout the whole series!
    Harry Potter is gripping, and captivating, it sucks you in and leaves you in Harryโ€™s world right until youโ€™ve turned the last page. Harry Potter books are SOOOOOOOOOO hard to put down, and as soon as youโ€™ve read the first page, your already entranced by it, and when you are halfway through Twilight, you can just shut the book, and stop reading it. With Harry Potter that is impossible.
    I have a million more arguements, but you will get bored reading them all, and anyway i think this is long enough.

    I just have one more thing to say.






  362. hmmmm twilight vs. Harry Potter. That is a really tough decision, a really really tough decision. I mean I just watched twilight but I still wonder what I would say if I had just watched Harry Potter. Sometimes it can be a really big decision but actually at the moment I think i might go for the Twilight team.


  363. i have read half of twilight but i didnโ€™t like it because it was a bit too descriptive. i have read all the harry potters and see the harry potter movies and twilight and new moon. if i was to say which one was better then in the books i would say harry potter even though i didnโ€™t read the full twilight series but if i was comparing the movies then i would say that they were both great movies and i think that if you like harry potter movies then you will probably like twilight. although i do like the whole wizard thing in harry potter so i would probably say harry potter but twilight it great too.:)


  364. I LOVE RON!
    won-won where is he?


  365. Slughorn: Harry!
    Harry: Siiiiir!
    Slughorn: How did you get out of the castle?
    Harry: By the front door of course.
    Slughorn: I canโ€™t let you go waundering out on your own.
    Harry: Well then by all means come along with me sir!


  366. Ok I read twilight before it became big and could have made a cult i was so obsessed but after accessing my options, HARRY POTTER RULES!!!! Plus I really canโ€™t defy my father after he risked his life to save the wizard and muggle world alike. Also i would like to announce that I LOVE WAFFLES!


  367. i think harry potter is better. the stories have much more adventure. i really like them both. but harry potter is fantastic. i wish i lived at hogwarts.


  368. No competition, Harry Potter is way better. Harry Potter has more twists, more story line. Twilight is good yet maybe a bit dull at times. I am neither Team Jacob or Team Edward. Iโ€™, Team Emmett, if only that team could exist.


  369. Harry Potter is way better because i say so but the latest movie was a letdown.


  370. hey its sorta hard to say twilight got heaps of action and is squite interesting harry potter is really good with the spells and story lines like EXPELIARMUS but hermionie and ron are always fighting and harry dumbledores man


  371. I have heard a many great debates about whether harry potter or twilight are better.
    In my opinion they are equal to each other. even though harry tends to get dark it is good for all ages.
    whereas twilight is more appropriate for the teenage audience.
    but i believe that twilight is better because it is more captivating than harry potter and i have read the twilight series three or four times and harry potter i cant read again


  372. These stories are completely different how can you compare them to each other!!!!!


  373. Harry potter is WAY better then twilight, ii mean twilight is so boring. GO HARRY


  374. I personally think that the Twilight series are better than harry potter, and more modern than harry, the books are better and more interesting and i love them!
    i reccomend them to everyone!!!!!!


  375. OMG Twilight is the best book ever. I believe that it is better than Harry Potter because it has heaps of on going stories and makes the reader really think about what is going on. Twilight has been a 2008/9 hit because it is a good book to influence many readers. It shows that doesnโ€™t matter what genres you enjoy, I am sure with Twilight it will make you smile throughout the whole book. To think that Stephanie Meyer was influenced by only a short and meaningful dream, is phenomenal. So this has given Twilight another vote from Me!!!


  376. i changed my mindโ€ฆ Harry Potter


  377. I love Twilight!!! especially emmett and i canโ€™t wait till the next movie which comes out nov 19th. I find that i can read these and never be bored. With harry potter i find the books a little boring but the movies are gr8. So my vote is Twilight =] =] =]


  378. I have to say Twilight because i never get sick of reading the books and they are very good and lovely. I love the characters and the romance.


  379. Heyy,

    Sorry guys i loved twilight but it and harry potter just canโ€™t compare. Harry Potter is way better. J.K Rowling is a much better writer and even though i have read the HP series around 15 times i just canโ€™t get sick of it. Twilight though i have read a few times and now i find it a little boring.

    Harry Potter is sooooooooooo much better because there is more adventure and excitment. Twilight is kind of just romance story whereas HP has magic, adventure, comedy & romance. I love how we have listened and watched Harry, Ron and Hermione grow and i think we can relate to their lives a little more. Everyone has a dumbledoor in their life- someone to turn to and spill your heart out to, and a best friend like Hermione who is waayyyyy to smart for her own good. We all know a Ron- someone who is efforstly funny and can make anyone smile. And finally a Harry a strong, brave person who is so dedicated and loyal to their friends.

    I believe that twilight was kind of a โ€˜one hit wonderโ€™ in the book world and unlike HP it wonโ€™t last for decades.

    And in the words of the legendary J.K Rowling Harry Potter is better.

    All is Well =)


  380. Twilight I think everyone should vote 4 twilight cause it could be real and it doesnt drag on and on and on like Harry potter!!!


  381. If you are referring to the books i love Twilight over Harry Potter any day. Even when it comes to the movie i would totally choose Twilight over Harry Potter. So i guess that makes me a twilight girl!!!


  382. For me, itโ€™s hard. Iโ€™m torn between both. Harry Potter is so magical and JK Rowling is such a great writer. Twilight โ€“ well, I just fell in love with it from the startโ€ฆ but the movie wasnโ€™t so good. I just canโ€™t choose! I love them both.


  383. I LOVE TOM FELTON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The new movie is just soooooooooooooooo awesome and I want to see it again. Although I love the Twilight books and movie I have just got back into Harry Potter for the movie. So Harry Potter has just won for me!!


  384. Harry Potter. Harry Potter is a classic whereas Twilight was something that we all obsessed over for a couple of months and people are already starting to get over it. Almost everybody likes Harry Potter, either the movies, books or both, and have liked the books since they came out, years ago. So I say Harry Potter



    Danielle said,

    ON JULY 21ST, 2009 AT 2:14 AM | EDIT
    Harry Potter. Harry Potter is a classic whereas Twilight was something that we all obsessed over for a couple of months and people are already starting to get over it. Almost everybody likes Harry Potter, either the movies, books or both, and have liked the books since they came out, years ago. So I say Harry Potter

    Natalie said,

    ON JULY 21ST, 2009 AT 4:50 AM | EDIT
    I LOVE TOM FELTON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The new movie is just soooooooooooooooo awesome and I want to see it again. Although I love the Twilight books and movie I have just got back into Harry Potter for the movie. So Harry Potter has just won for me!!

    michaela h said,

    ON JULY 21ST, 2009 AT 9:01 PM | EDIT
    For me, itโ€™s hard. Iโ€™m torn between both. Harry Potter is so magical and JK Rowling is such a great writer. Twilight โ€“ well, I just fell in love with it from the startโ€ฆ but the movie wasnโ€™t so good. I just canโ€™t choose! I love them both.

    Caitlin T said,

    ON JULY 22ND, 2009 AT 11:12 PM | EDIT
    If you are referring to the books i love Twilight over Harry Potter any day. Even when it comes to the movie i would totally choose Twilight over Harry Potter. So i guess that makes me a twilight girl!!!


  386. haz pot (harry potter) is the bomb edward cullen is a tool.


  387. WOOOW Twilight is my winner!!!


  388. i like harry potter more its so much better than twilight


  389. harry potter is way better than twilight.
    i dont see why people think edward is hot!


  390. harry potter is sooooooo much better than twilight


  391. Hermione rocks!!!!
    Who cares if sheโ€™s a mudblood. (stupid draco)




  393. I must say Harry Potter beats Twilight by far, i find it hard to read Twilight because it is written badly and i kind of lose intrest half way though. My friend and i have been obsessed with Harry Potter for years and once got up at 5.00am to wait in a line for the realese of the seventh book.So basically Harry Potter is my pick!!


  394. all though i adore
    Robert Pattison i must say that Harry Potter beats Twilight by far my friend and i are absolutly obsessed with harry Potter and who could blame us, i have read the series to many times to count and i find that the Twilight books are written really bad compared to the Harry Potter Books.


  395. HELLO!!!
    Harry Potter is way better than twilight!!!!!!!!!


  396. TWILIGHT!!!!!!
    TEAM EDWARD!!!!!!!!!!
    but rons hot!! jks


  397. heheh twilight but ron weasleys hot


  398. Harry Potter is wayyyy BETTER


  399. Twilight they are the best books!!:D woooo its fascinating


  400. harry potter is cool because there is magic


  401. go harry potterโ€ฆ!



    Twilight Sucks


  403. twilight was good but harry potter was more of a page tunner.


  404. Go Harry Potter! I have read the Harry Potter book so many more times than the twilight saga and its not true how Harry Potter only became famous once the movies came out. remember the HUGE cue to get the book? that just goes to show. . . I vote for Harry!!


    Im Dumbledores girl all the way through




  407. Definitely Twilight is better than Harry Potter cause it is a little more realistic.


  408. Twilightt!!! harry potter i got bored:( teamm edward
    the only good thing about harry potter is robert pattinson in the movie and this isntabout the movies:) twilight are the best




  410. Go Harry! He is much less scary than Edward xoxo


  411. go harry potter


  412. Harry potter is way better its far more complex and interesting. Twilight is to predictable and we can see the ending befor it begins o wait who would have thought Bella ends up with Edward. Harry da Man

    Maddy said,


  413. I like both series of books but when it comes to the crunch, Harry Potter is far better than Twilight. Although Twilight is a good love story, I have grown up with Harry Potter and seriously who wouldnโ€™t want to go to an awesome school like Hogwarts?


  414. As I am the smartest person in the world I know that my opinion is correct! HARRY IS THE BEST!!! Twilight?? Boring!!! And might I just add that Robert Pattinson is UGLY!!! Even Daniel Radcliffe is better looking than him!!


  415. GO TWILIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    TWILIGHT RULZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    GO TWILIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




  417. GO HARRY POTTER!!!!!!!!


  418. Harry potter is way better then Twilight it rocks!!!!!!


  419. i vote for harry potter



  420. id hate to say this but harry potter is better than twilight, but twilight is still good i just like harry potter better!!!!


  421. Twilight all the way!!OMGOSH!!
    teamm edward
    i also love emmett hes soo funny
    breaking dawn is the best




  423. harry potter is by far better. nothing good about a vampire love story, sorry


  424. I read Twilight 2 years before the movie came out and have loved it since, it is definitley a great read, but so is Harry Potter. I would have to say Harry Potter is greater in so many ways, but my vote is for Twilight.


  425. GO TWILIGHT i mean come on it might not be written that well but i mean how cool would it be to be a ice cold, stong as anything, super cute, fast vampire i mean not that harry potter is bad but its CRAP SORRY HARRY FANS BUT GO TWILIGHT and its all team edward and jacob what about all the other people im not saying that they are not awsome it is just there are other people in the book/movie. I LOVE EDWARD AND JACOB


  426. I love both!!!! I think if i had a choice though Harry Potter would win by far!!! Harry Potter books are always so mystyries and they leave you wanting to read the next. I tried reading twilight but yeh it is kind of boring at the start!!


  427. it was hard to decide which books are better because they are completly different. twilight is romance, vampires but harry potter is about learning wizardry and stuff. both very different. i liked both but decided that twilight was better. i wish they were more books in the series. i hope she decides to finish midnight sun, its twilight but in edwards version.


  428. I donโ€™t think that it is possible to compare Harry Potter and Twilight, they are completely different. Harry Potter is an adventure story about witches and wizards who go to a magical school while Twilight is a romance between a vampire and a human.

    Personally I love both series and canโ€™t pick which is better. Though I think that the Harry Potter books have titles which are more relevant to the stories. What does Twilight have to do with a vampire romance?


  429. Hey ive got to say that i love my movie and the books its not like twilight how they make the movie different to the book.So id say harry potter!


  430. I LOVE THE TWILIGHT BOOKS!!! they are way better that harry potter i mean seriously! i have read them so many times i never get sick of them.


  431. I like Harry Potter way better than twilight. The only reason people like twilight is because they like robert patterson, I tried to read twilight but I couldโ€™nt, it wasnโ€™t gripping and the use of language is terrible. Harry Potter is way better, you canโ€™t put it down. I canโ€™t get enough of Harrry Potter!


  432. hey
    I started reading the Harry Potter books when I was in grade 1 so I have loved them for a long time. Some friends introduced me to the Twilight Saga before the movie even came out and I still loved them then. I think a lot of people are a bit confused with which they prefer judging on the books and movies, which it is supposed to be about the books. I personally LOVE them both and I canโ€™t decide which is better so I donโ€™t really mind which one wins.


  433. they both are great books with a great but different story line.
    Twilight gets you all romantic and crushing like a โ€˜mills and boonโ€™ book. Itโ€™s so romantic and you want a vampire all to yourself. It ruined my life because now i wonโ€™t settle for anyone less that a vampire (EDWARD!!)
    Harry Potter is about magic and adventure. It gets you back to your childhood when you wanted to be a wizard and fly on a broomstick. It also has that darker more mature side that suits the older readers and a bit of romance.
    They are both fantastic books and have people reading and re-reading over and overโ€ฆ and over! These books are responsible for getting millions of people who didnโ€™t read before to read and enjoy reading.
    I canโ€™t choose, but i think theyโ€™ll both go down in history!


  434. zee book tvilight eez โ€˜orrible
    der eez no way tvilight weel win
    arry potter
    saved moi sisteerz life how can i not jadore arry.
    arry weel win


  435. I LOVE HARRY POTTER! and i mean edward is hot but the books take to long to read and the start of most of stephanie meyer books are so boring so i would have to say harry potter because it makes u want to read the whole series. a funny thing about harry potter and twilight is that edward is in 2 of the harry potter movies lol its true!!!!


  436. Id just like to say that you dont have to have romance in a book for it to be a great read. i have read Harry Potter many times and i think that J.K rowling is greatest authour. i also like Stephanie Meyer but i prefer Harry Potter. Sorry twilight fans go harry!


  437. That is a question young girls fight about every day who loves twilight? or who loves harry potter? and which ones are better? I love fantasy and when i read harry Potter i couldnt get into it. When i read twilight i couldnt put it down. Not to get on any peoples nerves but i love twilight. I will make it up to those harry potter fans by reading them again and trying to get into them just for you


  438. Has anyone seen my broomstick ?


  439. I adored twilight. The saga was fantastic.
    Iโ€™ve never read Harry Potter because the series just never struck me. I have always considered reading them but never got around to it. The blog is making me think that i should read it. I mean i loved the movies. they were great. the twilight movie wasnโ€™t fantastic but weโ€™ll see about new moon. But enough on the movies. Iโ€™d have to vote twilight because if shown both the books at the same time iโ€™d probably have put my attention towards twilight. I was greater attracted to that novel.


  440. i am sooo stuck between them but i think the twilight books are good but the movie is bad and with harry potter i think the books are bad but the movies are awsome!!!!!!


  441. I love twilight but I donโ€™t think itโ€™s very good writing. Everyone adores it because itโ€™s romantic, exciting and passionate, but Harry Potter is written better. The plots change and the characters are more interesting.


  442. while i enjoyed reading both of the books very much, i felt that harry potter is written at a much higher standard, There arenโ€™t any loopholes in harry potter and the reader must think about what JK Rowling hasnโ€™t told us. (wasnโ€™t told that Dumbeldore was gay yet it was an unexplored plot line.) Harry Potter is very unpredictable while with twilight we always knew that edward and bella were going to end up together. that being said i feel that the characters and plot in in twilight make up for that fact that it is written like a bad fanfiction with numerous gramatical errors.



    Who needs a life, anyway.


  444. man do i wish i could have directed that movie
    harry potter?
    amazing i love those special effects that they have
    oh and come on is professor mcgonagal hot or what
    iv read all the books


  445. that harry potter
    is amazing
    if only he was a werewolf too


  446. Okay yea i have the same damn name as jacob from that horrible book and yes we are both dogs but there is no resemblence between us whatsoever
    you rock your godfathers world
    you father james will be so proud
    and not james from that twilight but james potter were talking about


    Like seriously that guy has my scare on his head.
    How can you guys even be arguing over Harry Potter and that Twilight thing like every one knows harry will win.
    Did you know i dont have paint in my room on my walls i actually have wallpaper and its harry and that gang on all my walls in my rooom.
    I even had a dream about harry and ron once except ron didnt have pants he had boxer shirts just not pants and he was like hey voldy you see hermione and i was like avarda kadarva and he and harry were like dead.
    Woah i have a death eater meeting i have to go muggles sorry. mwahahahaha


  448. I must say that i think that they are pretty even. Whilst Twilight is fantastic, Harry Potter is a household name that even the youngest children know.
    Twilight has also become really popular since the movie has come out and so has Harry Potter so I would have to say that they are pretty even.
    Although the first 3 Harry Potter movies kick butt.


  449. I donโ€™t even consider this a question!
    I attempted to read the first Twilight book, absolutley awful, and I saw the movie and laughed the whole way through with the two guys I saw it with. It was pathetic.

    Now Harry Potter, thereโ€™s a decent series.

    Ily forever Harry.


    • agreed put those stupid “late day” “eirly evening” books down and actually read something with a name.


  450. Twilight is so musch better than Harry Potter.
    My friends luv harry Potter but I really hate it and Twilight is so much better as it is a beautiful book


  451. well, considering my position in this argument iโ€™m going to have to go with harry potter.
    twilight is ok i guess.. but wheres the magic? the quidditch? the ron?
    and edward is not as hot as me.

    so i say deletrius to all you harry potter haters (that makes you disappear)


  452. i love jurassic park they are in my top 10 i have to read the books though. go velociraptor even though in real life you were in a tiny feathery thing.

    i still think harry potter is way better then twilight. like come on did anyone even here about twilight before the movie came out. harry potter was known way before the movie came out. and as for the harry potter books being long, well at least thereโ€™s an interesting plot. unlike some other book which just babble on about nothing


  453. TWILIGHT!! BY FAR!! i loved all the books and the movie of twilight. Honestly, i do like harry potter, but only the moviesโ€ฆthe books were horrible!!!!!!!! and mainly, I LOVE ROBERT PATTISON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so twilight is defenetly a winner BY FAR!!!!


  454. TWILIGHT!! i loved all the books, and the movie was pretty good, and robert pattison is the HOTTEST. i do like the harry potter movies, but i hated the booksโ€ฆ.i red about 3 pages and was bored. SO TWILIGHT WINS FOR ME!!!!!!!! i love rob and taylor lautner


  455. i vote for Twilight.


  456. I Love the Twilight book series so much but the movies arnโ€™t that good and i love the Harry potter movies but the books can get a little boring because they just keep going on about nothing its soooooo boring.
    If i had to choose 1 i would say twilight because we are voting on the books not movies.
    p.s. i hate jacob black!!!


  457. hi kids!!!
    why are you wasting your time reading books???
    go and get some real experience from life!!!


  458. twilight is so good. i am in love with edwardโ€ฆ he is the nicest and most romantic guy in the whole worldโ€ฆ i wish i could just be part of the book so that i could have a chance with himโ€ฆ.. i kiss my posters of him every night and i even bought the doll of him from targetโ€ฆ. even though in the movie he isnt that hot and that when i imagined him when i was reading the book, i saw a completely different personโ€ฆ i am the biggest twilight fan.. the only TRUE one in the whole entire world!! all you people who think that you are true fans โ€ฆ.;YOUR NOT!!!!!


  459. okay first of all anyone who wastes their time writing on this. Get out and see the world you silly heads ( i cant swear in this thing so i must use weak pay outs such as hill billy and your are not nice)
    Second of all meerkat 101 on the geography channel is way better i mean mearkatts are the hottest things alive.
    On twilight edward should have the face of a meerkat and not have lines but just quack. no that is some hot stuff right there.
    Dont even get me started on haz poz i mean it is obvoius that snape is so hot just say his name out loud i mean HOT. and not to mention his hair i just want to roll in it mmm.
    now that girl called laura i never want to meet you gosh


  460. harry potter is the best book i have ever read. i have never looked forward to coming home and reading a book for. Harry potter is read by kids and adults alike, but not many kids read twilight. Rowling is richer then the queen, of course sheโ€™s more popular. HARRY POTTER IS THE BOMB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  461. Harry Potter is definitely way better. now donโ€™t get me wrong i do like Twilight but Harry Potter is in the three most read books in the world along with the bible and ikea catalogue!! Harry Potter is read by all ages unlike twilight which is only read by teen fans who are in love with Edward. So i am definitely
    TEAM HARRY all the way


  462. in reply to laura , the predident of something clubโ€ฆ i think that you should be more considerate for other peopleโ€ฆ you cant just claim tht i am a twihard because i didnt know about the books before the movie came outโ€ฆ so you cant say im not a true fanโ€ฆ becasue ewdard in the movie is the doggest man alive in the world and they should have choosen some1 hotterโ€ฆ seriously peopleโ€ฆ wake up!!


  463. omg! harry potter is soooooo awesome!!! harry potter is so hot! iโ€™m mean how can go you past those hot as round glasses! and his rebellious scar from Voldi is so hot everybody loves a bad boy! also when harry slayed the basilisk and use his parcel tongue i literally cried tears of lust. โ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆ And RON!!! donโ€™t even get me started! like hottest red head ever!! i just want to run my fingers through his orange locksโ€ฆ..*sigh*โ€ฆโ€ฆ

    however twilight isโ€ฆโ€ฆ.LAME!!!
    i meant come on, how unrealistic with the โ€œvampiresโ€ and all!! i mean seriously are we 5??? and all the corny romance i mean that stuff just doesnโ€™t happen in real lifeโ€ฆ. guys like edward do not exist and your dreaming if you think they doโ€ฆ.. sparkly skin only exists in fairy talesโ€ฆ and sucking blood from her when she gets bitten is a bit personalโ€ฆ. come on .. invading her personal space!! pretty sure you need consent for that kind of stuff! and Bellaโ€™s lullaby is soo boringโ€ฆ. as if he made that up himself, he probably got it from beethoven or somethingโ€ฆ. im sure its his 5th symphony!!

    Now Jurassic Park!! thereโ€™s a story you can relate to!!
    Or if you want something to really (quote) โ€œsink your teeth intoโ€ (unquote)โ€ฆ. Try the Babysitter Club series or Sweet Valley High! they are some hard core books about real teens and life!!


  464. i like dragon ball z way better than pokemon but its a hard decision because brock is sooo hot. ash is ok and pikachu is a total cutie but brock and his geodude are totally awesome. except dragon ball z rocks the house down so hands down dragon ball z is the winner.

    p.s twilight sucks. harry potter is the bomb diggety.said,


  465. GO HARRY POTTER! I am so sick of twilight!


  466. oh my god i love harry potter
    it is my life
    ive read the books like 5 trillion times
    i also have a 2 ft tall poster of hamione on my wall
    harry potter must win yayayyaa
    my favorite character is ronald weasly i ily him soo much


  467. harry potter by far. how could harry potter even be compared to twilight. twilight is nothing special and is basically using the ideas from heaps of other stories e.g. buffy, angel




  469. harry potter is wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy coooliier bananas and rules hogwarts along with ron weasley yay yay


  470. in my opinion the twilight books are horribly written. The idea is great but stephanie meyer tells a 700 word story that could be told in 200 words. dont get me wrong i loved reading them but she blabs on quite a lot. J K rowling is an amazing author and it is written very well. I think that so many more people like twilight because of the โ€˜love storyโ€™, whereas harry potter is much more of an adventure! i much prefer harry potter!!!!!


  471. by about a million**


  472. Harry Potter is obviously better written. I vote Harry Potter but about a billion. All twilight has going for it is a lame romance that sucks in 13 year old girls


  473. i vote for twilight. the books suck you in like a tornado. they are also really long, which is good. harry potter is still good, especially the movies, but twilight wins over harry potter. sorry harry.
    bye bye


  474. I think that Harry Potter is just a tiny bit better coz it is better writing. I also like how there are more books in the series and it is a more complex, creative book. Twilight is still great though! I love Edward Cullen and Harry Potter!!!


  475. To be really honestโ€ฆ
    I dont like any of them!
    There isnt really a reason I guess they just arent the books for me!
    Good Luck though to all the Team Edward and Team Jacobโ€™s who want their team to win!!!


  476. WORST BOOK EVER! Even a plain scrapbook would be better than this, well more interesting thats for sure.


  477. Harry Potter for sure.
    There is no comparison its like comparing chocolate with dirt. Chocolate is way better, and if Edward Cullen wasnโ€™t in the movie I donโ€™t think it would be as popular because no one would be running around with pictures of him taped to every part of their body eh? Although I donโ€™t see how they find HIM attractive?

    Anyway itโ€™s gotta be Harry Potter and no I donโ€™t like him, they are definetely better books and you can actually watch the movie in the cinema rather than walk out dissapointed.

    Thank you.


  478. golly gosh, i donโ€™t know why people are so obsessed with Edward cullen. In my opinion he is extremely ugly. the books are so lovey dovey, and didnโ€™t make sence. what was stephanie Myer thinking, the books go on forever, it blabbered on about nothing. Twilight took me for ever to read. Such a waste of time. And as for harry potter, dont even want to go there.


  479. I believe that harry potter is better. Why?
    1. Its written better.
    2. Itโ€™s bigger and always will be bigger then twilight
    3. It has many meanings behind it.
    (Not like twilight; find yourself a hot vampire boyfriend)
    4. J.k rowing is the best! She helps charity.
    What does Stephanie Meyer do?


  480. Oh and who says you canโ€™t relate to Harry Potter but you can relate to Twilight?
    Actually you can relate to Harry Potter because there are Wizards in the world except they use a different name. Magicians. And they do magic.
    Harry Potter still is awsome.
    And I canโ€™t wait for Harry Potter and the Half โ€“ Blood Prince to come out. I have probably read the books โ€ฆ
    almost 300 hundred times or more I lost the sheet with my count on it.


  481. Oh, and can we please have a Harry Potter quiz like we did last year with the Twilight one?
    That would be awsome!
    Go Harry Potter.
    Oh and i even made up a song about Seamus Finighan.
    Those of you who have read Harry Potter will know who Iโ€™m talking about.



    No reason.
    Just because I can + because it is the best.


  483. Even though I love both, I have to say that the movie of Twilight made me appreciate the Harry Potter series a lot more. The book and the movies of Harry potter are just fantastic and Twilight is not hot anymore.ha ha.


  484. I have tied on both thatโ€™s my vote


  485. Okay, Okay. Here is the final answer: They both are shockingly horrible books. Stefany Mayer couldnโ€™t write if her life depended on it, and J.K Rowling stole the idea for Harry Potter. and the books outright are bland.

    They both are poorly written, bland and a bunch of manure.
    If wouldnโ€™t read the books if i got paid.

    and i like books.

    The end.


  486. Well, have read some of Harry Potter, have read other sections to my nieces and nephews, seen most of the movies . . . . and I ALWAYS wanted and still do, a broomstick so I can play Quidditch at recess and lunch . . . as for Twilight . . I must be getting old . . . vampires . . .very messy


  487. I think that Twilight is better, not because Edward is hot, but because I enjoy the story. However, Harry Potter is a great series of books, and will continue to capture the minds of young boys and girls all over the world.


  488. I think what a lot of people are doing is basing twilight on the movie. Now thats just unfair how can you read one series and then watch the other its like watching the first two twilight movies and then reading the next book in the series โ€“ you wouldnโ€™t do it nothing would make sense !.

    But really Harry Potter is the best, well better, kinda any way no matter which you decide both books are great!.


  489. i love twilight and ive read them all
    its written so much better than twilight and there is always something that youโ€™re not expecting. jk rowling is a much better writer than stephenie meyer, especially in breaking dawn, it just seemed all too convenient that the vampires had the exact right powers to beat the volturi. these powers were never metioned before, and it seemed as though stephenie just went โ€˜oh lets give her those powers, and her those powersโ€™ because they needed some way to win. whereas, in harry potter, particular powers or abilities or whatever are introduced in the beginning and then it all comes together in the end and makes sense

    but i wish they had a hot actor to play him


  490. Iโ€™d have to say Twilight. The reason is because I enjoyed the story line of Twilight a lot more than Harry Potter. In Harry Potter the story line is quite basic with really only magic being involved in most of the books. In Twilight there is love, fantasy, growing up and so many more things.
    I also think that even though Twilight has a vampire it is easier to relate to and dream about than Harry Potter. Twilight gives you a better place to escape to where there are gorgeous vampires who are the most perfect things in the world. In Harry Potter the only great part that I found good to escape to was the fact they could perform a few spells.
    Another reason is because I can read Twilight over and over again a hundred times but whenever I try to read Harry Potter again I find myself getting bored and just stop reading.
    Although I still did enjoy the Harry Potter books it is Twilight hands down for me.




  492. We totally think Twilight is better because it has Robert Pattinson in it! HELLO!!!! In saying that, the magical and romantic combination that is present in Harry Potter is just so exciting! It makes you feel like you are part of another world! We just simply cannot decide!


  493. Ok so I have only read the seventh harry potter but even going from just that the twilight series is WAY better. I am totally and completely over them though so iโ€™m not really for or against either,
    I know you said we were only talking books but hey if we were talking movies wizards kick vampire butt!
    But yeah talking books i think twilight is much better because you can probably relate to bella being โ€˜normalโ€™ and all, where as in harry potter you are whisked away to the world of MoldyWart (my wonderful pet name for Voldy), Draco Malfoy and Neville Longbottom.

    I think you should give both books a good go.




  495. Hey!

    I have read through alll of your opinions and i have to say that you all have really good points and arguments. But iโ€™m sorry to sayโ€ฆ..I HATE THEM BOTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I dont know how you guys can read either of them when they are both a load of poop!
    Sorry Again to Harry Potter and Twilight fans.


  496. Jeez! theres no compitition. Harry Potter is heaps better than that boring book Twilight. I mean, Edward isnโ€™t all that great. In my opinion, heโ€™s pretty annoying. Twilight is the only book Iโ€™ve ever, EVER stopped reading because it was so boring. Harry Potter on the other hand, is interesting and exciting. I stayed up like all night to read.
    At first I was superly ubsessed with Harry Potter and read it I donโ€™t know, like fifty million times! But I got sick of it and havenโ€™t readit for ages. Hmmmโ€ฆ.. I might start it again


  497. Guys, these are really great responses but now Iโ€™m sooooo confused to what i like better! Iโ€™ve read all the Twilight books and most of Harry Potter books now but iโ€™m still so confused. I mean Harry Potter was famous before the movies and to be honest Twilight was so not.
    And i think most girls love Twilight because of Edward/ Rob and Jacob/ Taylor. J.K Rowling is a better author but you can not go past a great vampire romance!!!
    Oh, jees iโ€™m now really confused! Also who says Harry Potter books were long??? Well they started off small then got bigger. Just like Twilight. How thick is Breaking Dawn??? Thick!
    I am so torn and i can not decide but i really want to, but i canโ€™t, but i want toโ€ฆ
    Oh Dear!


  498. Comparing harry potter and twilight is like comparing apples and oranges. Theyโ€™re different kinds of stories, meant for different audiences. Personally, i canโ€™t bring myself to choose between them! Harry potter has a very special place in my heart, as iโ€™ve treasured it since primary school. The Sorcerers Stone was the first chapter book i ever read!
    But who can resist the enthralling tale of a drop-dead-gorgeous, golden eyed vampire forever endowed to a clumsy average girl? It gives hope to all us uncoordianted girls that we someday can find our prince too.


    • Hannah said:

      I completely agree with you, nat. I have read the harry potter series 3 times in primary school, and I normally like action/adventure books but then my mum suggested that I read the twilight series…yeah, I may have finished the whole series in less than three weeks *cough* and stayed up until midnight reading, but I was hooked! I keep thinking: Twilight is wayyyyyy better than harry potter, but then I think back to when I actually read the harry potter series and I guess I would have thought that harry potter is wayyyyyy better than some twilight books…as you said, they are COMPLETELY different, so why are we comparing them? Twilight is mostly meant for older kids,(‘tweens’) and is a story about love (mainly). Whereas harry potter is for anyone of any age! they are both amazing series, written by amazing authors, and I like them both in different way. but I TOTALLY agree with your last two sentences…


  499. greetings pplz, on the behalf of the lazy community, i would like to say that i couldnโ€™t be bothered to read either of the seriesโ€™ HOWEVER, i have seen the movies. I know this was not about the movies but thats not fair, I have the right to an opinion. SO in my opinion, they r both a bit boring in some aspects but the r both really good to make fun of. Weโ€™ve all seen the โ€˜harry potter puppet palsโ€™ on youtube at least once and in terms of twilight, you canโ€™t deny that โ€œSay itโ€ฆโ€ฆ.. out loud,โ€"VAMPIREโ€ is VERY funny. Stress less pplz,theyโ€™re just books.
    luv maddy, (representative of el lazy community of G townโ€


  500. OMG! what are you talking about, TWILIGHT! So many people knew about this amazing book, i mean series of books, long before the movie came out and it just became more popular when the movie came out. I donโ€™t know what you mean when you said that you didnโ€™t understand the book until the movie was released. The movie was edited to leave out some of the best aspects of the book, mind you i loved the movie aswell. This book is brilliantly written with something for everyone, romance, action, suspense, it has you hooked from the cover. Twilight fans will back me up when i say that there will never be anything like it again. Harry Potter isnโ€™t as thrilling for me, i didnโ€™t enjoy it as much, but iโ€™m not knocking Harry Potter of J.K. Rowling she is a master of writing. Anyway go team Edward, so hot! Love him forever!
    xo Georgia xo


  501. Okay, stop denying your love. You know you love twilight, and are only angry and dont like it anymore because you arent the โ€œonlyโ€ one. That is not what you call dedication. All us who have READ ALL the books MORE than ONCE before it came out in the movies are the only ones who can say whether or not it is good or not. ALL you supposed โ€œTWILIGHT LOVERS/TWIHARDSโ€ are not really in love, the true fans are the ones that can READ the books over and over again and dont care and dont call themselves silly names. remember young ones, labels are NOT GOOD !! harry potter and twilight are completely different. One is wizards and flying cars, the other is about hot vampires and werewolves. They are completely different, so shoosh, and let the real fans have their time with the book they have loved for longer than 6 months since the movie came out.
    The president robsten club, laura !!


  502. you know what ??? most people love the twilight series and i do 2 but j.k Rowling does a much better job. i donโ€™t mean to criticize Stephine meyre but nobody really understood the book until the movie came out but i do agree that the harry potter series is to long and that Stephanie Meyers books are very gripping. as much as i love happy potter and all of his secrets and magic twilight is just that little bit better. but other than that twilight and harry potter have tied. especially the last books.

    Harry Potter and the deathly hallows
    breaking dawn
    were just so gripping when harry and Ron had to solve that secret that dumbaldore left them was great. but Stephanie Meyer bet that by a mile when she wrote breaking dawn. i love that book and for the people who havenโ€™t read it i wonโ€™t explain it.
    any way the books are both just as good to me.


    go harry potter and twilight

    i love both movies and canโ€™t wait for new moon and half blood prince.



  503. harry potter books are too long and their are too many even though the twilight books are long their arenโ€™t very many


  504. OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!
    TWILIGHT is soooooooo much better!!!!!!
    NO ARGUMENT!!!!!!
    AND GOOO TEAM JACOB!!!!!!!!!!!
    he is sooooooo awesome!
    Edward is still cool but New Moon makes me love Jacob even more!!!!!
    New Moon is waaay better than Twilight!!!!!


  505. This may cause a lot of controversy but, honestly I would have to go with Harry Potter, mainly because Iโ€™ve loved Harry Potter since I was in like grade 1 or something, they go to a sick as school with little goblins and cool animals like buckbeak and they have soooper doooper cool as magic tricks such as: โ€œEXPALLIARMUS!โ€ โ€œEXPECTOPERTRONUM!โ€ โ€œOPTIMUS REPAIRANCE!โ€ โ€œCRUCIO!โ€ โ€œWINGARDIUM LEVIOSA!โ€ etc. Plus harry potterโ€™s a great series of books and thereโ€™s never a limit to how many times y can read them (:
    Finally Harry Potter the book series as some pretty cool dudes in it like harry, ron and nevel longbottom (:


  506. Iโ€™m torn between both. I would love to go to a magic school like Harry, I mean come on guys itโ€™s a school far away from annoying sibblings and nosey parents and you learn magic!!
    I also love the world Stephanie Myer has created. Who wouldnโ€™t want a totally hot vampire for a boyfriend?


  507. hello twilight is WAY better! the only reason that harry potter got popular is cause of the movies, every time the next movie comes out people read the books again. Twilight, new moon,eclipse and breaking dawn was popular before the movie and the movie just made it more popular.


  508. Iโ€™ve always had my own opinion, but i want to know what you think. Is Twilight better than Harry Potter? And why?
    I am also ONLY refering to books here and NOT the movies!
    Personally I like Twilight better, but hear me out! I just can not stand the Harry Potter books! Although i am going to give it another try!!!


  509. i cast my vote for twilight cause i think that it has the best desciptions in the books and the books are really hard to put down i have read them 4 times through ahaha go twilight


  510. they both are great books with a great but different story line.
    Twilight gets you all romantic and crushing like a โ€˜mills and boonโ€™ book. Itโ€™s so romantic and you want a vampire all to yourself. It ruined my life because now i wonโ€™t settle for anyone less that a vampire (EDWARD!!)
    Harry Potter is about magic and adventure. It gets you back to your childhood when you wanted to be a wizard and fly on a broomstick. It also has that darker more mature side that suits the older readers and a bit of romance.
    They are both fantastic books and have people reading and re-reading over and overโ€ฆ and over! These books are responsible for getting millions of people who didnโ€™t read before to read and enjoy reading.
    I canโ€™t choose, but i think theyโ€™ll both go down in history!


  511. Of course Twilightโ€™s better, Maddie i totally agree with what you said, itโ€™s all so true. Twilight warms up your heart, it just a beautiful story that makes you want to kill Bella so that you can have Edward <3. Where as Harry Potter, the love and romance isnโ€™t passionate, itโ€™s pretty crummy actually. I โค Twilight forever and NO Harry Potter books/movie is going to change that!!


  512. Twilight is so better! its for all ages unlike harry potter thats for little kids like 6 โ€“ 9 year olds!! GO TEAM SWITZERLAND!! for you harry potter fans that are stuck in the past im on edward and jacobs side IM NEUTRAL!!!!


  513. i would chose Harry Potter any day because it is a great novel and once started on Harry Potter you cannot stop.It is a great fantasy filled with stuff everyone can enjoy.


  514. i liked both the movies but i didnt even consider reading the books coz i think that they r 2 fat and y read them wen u can watch a movie! but i liked them both!! ๐Ÿ™‚


  515. I preferred the twilight books. But the movie disappointed me because i had a different image of the characters than what they were in the movie. I made an attempt to read harry potter but it didnโ€™t really interest me but iโ€™ve seen all the movies and really enjoyed the fifth and sixth movie.


  516. I think that twilight much better than Harry Potter, Twilight books and movies are so good!!! Harry Potter is alright but not as good as Twilight!!!! TWILIGHT IS AWESOME!!!!
    Twilight = 100,000,000/10


  517. I love TWILIGHT way better than the harry potter books. who wouldnโ€™t love them. harry potter is boring and just about magic where is twilight is about vampires. i loved the twilight series and i recommend it to anyone who loves vampires. the movies are really good toooo but i think the books are better


    • Rachel said:

      How many times have vampires been written about? That’s right a lot. I’m not saying that I hate the idea of vampires because Dracula was an amazing book but the difference between the 2 books is superior writing. When you read Harry Potter you can’t help be awed by the (excuse the pun) magic of it all. Harry potter clearly has better writing and storylines that make you want to keep reading to find out what the next twist will be.


  518. I would have to say twilight because the books have so much in it. I love the story and what it is about. The books are great and have lots of detail. TWILIGHT


  519. I think that twilight is better. The movies are much more interesting and theyโ€™re not boring like harry potter. im not saying that i hate harry potter its just that twilight is better and goes into more detail. Team JACOB 4Evah!!


  520. i love twilight. i love the movies and the books. same as harry potter but i donโ€™t read his books cause there to long, i love his movies.
    i carnt pick witch one i love because there both awesome!!!


  521. I like them both because i have read Twilight three times and Harry Potter twice.
    They both have good story lines but they are completely different story lines.
    I canโ€™t pick because they are both really good.


  522. I liked the harry potter books better. They had a lot more detail and description. There was always something going on so they were never boring to read. I have read all of them.


  523. TWILIGHT is like totally better I donโ€™t see why everyone likes HARRY POTTER. As soon as I picked up one of the books I put it straight down again cause I hated it.
    Some of you guys may like HARRY POTTER but TWILIGHT is way better!

    TWILIGHT = 10/10
    HARRY POTTER = 0/10


    • Rachel said:

      And what would you say makes Twilight better? The flat, unoriginal characters and storylines, or the fact that Twilight is built on the belief that beauty is everything?


  524. I think harry potter is better then twilight well thats my opinion so dont take it the wrong way,,,.. Every single character in harry potter is so strong and powerful. I love all the books and movies they are very detailed and strong and i love them. ๐Ÿ™‚

    I love everything about the books even though they are bad i dont care i just love reading it and i never put the books downn.

    so harry potter is betterrr ๐Ÿ™‚ :)โ€ฆ


  525. I totally agree with Tonks. And anyway. People are only interested in Twilight because of the โ€œcuteโ€ guys. And iโ€™ll be the first to admit that Harry Potter (aka Danial Radcliffe) could be a bit more attractive. But people are way to hard on him. His not that bad. If you look at some scenes he is really hot. But iโ€™m getting abit sidetracked here. The books for Harry Potter are something you donโ€™t come across everyday. The way the storyline is set out is amazing. J.K really knows how to put a book together and make it WORK. Who can agree with me? But i do have one question i would like to ask J.K if i ever had the chance. (what are my ods?) And i have read the books so manny times itโ€™s no longer funny to my English teacher, so my friends think itโ€™s strange i donโ€™t know the answer but how come in the series Harry can only see thestrals in the 5th book. When he was 1 he watched his mun die and he saw Quirrell die and he rides in the carrages twice before the 5th book. So i donโ€™t understand how J.K can say that he can only see them in the Order of the Pheonex. )Everyone who has read the HP books will know what i mean). Who can help me? Now i know iโ€™m suppose to be disscussing how much better HP is then Twilight so HP is WWWAAAYYY much better. Wake up and smell the pheonex feather you doshbags.


  526. Wotcher people,

    Harry Potter all the way!!!!!!!
    Itโ€™s a much better book than the crap called Twilight. HP is much better written, has a more complex story line, and its characters are so much more interesting. What I really donโ€™t get is why people love Edward Cullen (or why they want a boyfriend like him). Heโ€™s controlling, abusive, possessive, and he SPARKLES!!! I mean come on, give me a break.
    For those people who say that HP isnโ€™t romantic, Iโ€™ll say this: Harry/ Ginny, Ron/ Hermione, Remus/ Tonks, Sanpe/ Lily. And this romance isnโ€™t overdone. There are other types of love you know!!!
    What about all the names Stephanie Meyer copied from HP: Bella (Lestrange), Black (Sirius), Clearwater (Penelope), James (Potter, both of them), Alice (Longbottom), and Rose (Weasley). Well thatโ€™s enough ranting for now, donโ€™t you think?

    peace out!


  527. Twicrap fans need to get a life. It you support any twilight teams you have a few lose bolt up top. Harry Potter has been around for years. and yes as far as i know. Twicrap has been around for a bit as well, but HP is written with pure talent. J.K has woven the most awsome web of a story it is almost unbelievable. And for the record, wearwolves went out of fasion in the arly years of the first haloweensโ€™. LOL! Harry Potter actually has a story to tell and a mystery WORTH finding out about, where as Twicrap is all about loveโ€ฆ. HP has it all, adventure, breathtaking moments, mystery, dark and scary moments, laughter and yes romance, but not taken to the extream. And HP is always unexpected. Particuarly the charactors. For example, Snape. At first we hate him, then his part of the Order and suppose to be a good guy, then he kills Albus and we all loath him and then if you will he was a doubble doubble agent. To clear matters up, he was good guy. Harry Potter is AWSOME. Forget about loving DEAD people Twicrap fans. At least Harry is alive. And you know, it just occured to me that Edward also Known as CEDRIC was in the HP films. So HA. If you like Edward, some part of you likes Cederic so Some part of you likes HP.


  528. i really dont see all the excitement in the twilight series, the books are great but edward cullen is soo uglyโ€ฆ
    i give it 2/10


  529. i myself would have to go with the Twilight Books. i have read each one at least 3 times, while i only read the hair potter searies 2 time. so i would have to go with Twilight, though i couldnโ€™t say that i like edward cullen. no, if you ask me, i think edward cullen is overrated, and i would rather go with jacob than edward.


  530. Are you kidding me! Twilight is waayyy better than some freckly little freak called Harry high pants Potter. I mean if i had to choose between a beautiful sparkly,golden eyed vamp or a squeaky little midget with a pair of permanently broken glasses I would so choose the Cullens, Itโ€™s really not that hard people. VOTE TWILIGHT!


    • i am kidding you harry potter is and will always be the boy who lived in his readers hearts twilight is just a bunch of people with tans trying to look good all the time


  531. I think twilight is the best ever!
    Its way better then harry potter by far.
    Every part of twilight i love all the parts are good its all positive.
    In the book i dont think there are know negitives.


  532. twilight books are better but harry potter movie is better so im undecided


  533. Harry Potter all the way. Cโ€™mon people! Harry has captured the hearts and minds of MILLIONS of people all around the world waay before the movies came out. Twilight is read by teenage girls and middle-aged mums, which Iโ€™m no saying is a bad thing but Harry Potter apeals to a much wider audience (Iโ€™ve seen five year olds to grandparents and high security prisoners reading HP). JK Rowling is also much more matured and developed in her writing, thereโ€™s intricate stories behind every character and as for all the people who think itโ€™s too long I say take the time to actualy become engrossed in the story and youโ€™ll soon realise you donโ€™t really want it to end. Twilight is good but itโ€™s definately not AS good as people are making it out to be. I believe itโ€™s merely a flash in the pan whereas Harry Potter will continue to be a timeless childrens classic.


  534. harry potter is okay but i like twilight better and Robert Paterson is so ugly, but in the book Stephanie Meyer has described him better than Robert Paterson, as for Harry Potter J.K Rowling is a good writer.


  535. TEAM JACOB BECAUSE EDWARD IS UGLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love Jacob soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much but I also love Emmett. I even met him. He is the coolest guy in the WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love him soooooooooooooo much but I HATE EDWARD!!!!!!!


  536. Now For all of you who are saying that J.K Rowling stole the idea for Harry Potter, lets not forget that Stephanie Meyer is getting sued at the moment by her past college roommate for stealing the idea of Twilight from her. Heidi Stanton had used the ideas for vampires and romance plot etc in a short story she wrote when she was at college. Stephanie Meyer is in hot water now!!!



    NOT EDWARD CULLEN, ROBERT PATTISON! THERES A DIFFERENCE PEOPLE! ok so im addicted to twilight, and harry potter has a special place in my heart. I HAVE THE ANSWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    THERE ARE BOTH THE BEST !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!there everyones happy


  538. also, harry potters plot twisted so many times, i loved it how everyone thought snape was bad, then good and all over again. harry potter kept you always guessing whereas at times twilight was boring because all she was doing was obbsessing over edward.
    and all the things jk rowling came up with in the end to tie up harry potter was amazing.


  539. i think harry potter is way better. It is heaps more creative and descriptive.
    although i love twilight too, ill always go for harry potter.


  540. Harry Potter!Harry Potter!! Is way Better and deep down in your heart you know it to. it is so much more magical and is at no point boring. while Twilight is so boring is so very depression. Harry Potter is so much more believable. i just canโ€™t get enough of Harry Potter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  541. HOW IS IT POSSIBLE 2 CHOOSE??????????
    i am ADDICTED to Twilight but i LOOOOVVVVVEEEEEE Harry Potter i love them both. they both include romance, horror, magic(in kind) and adventure. A MUST READ


  542. OH MY GOSH
    and twilight only revolves around bella and edward besides the books are sooo bad there is no description and like every paragraph has โ€œmarble skinโ€, โ€œliquid topazโ€ and other random stuff. harry potter is enjoyed by many people at VARIOUS AGES not LIKE SOME WHERE ITS LIKE ALL TEENS *twilight * HARRY POTTER RULES.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  543. I hate Twilight
    Jess ๐Ÿ™‚


  544. Harry Potter

    Way better then Twilight by far!!!!Its the best ever

    The acting is so much better from what i think there lines that they say are good and very understanding.

    In the book you feel excited on whats going to happen next and after that and after that you cant stop reading it.

    Some bits are really sad and some are happy most of the time happy and that a good thing. You get more out of harry Potter then Twilight i think

    Harry Potter is a GREAT!!!! book to read and i wish there was more!!!!!.


  545. Harry ๐Ÿ™‚ Harry ๐Ÿ™‚ Harry ๐Ÿ™‚

    I just really cannot stop my admiration for those books. I think the difference between the two seriesโ€™ is the writing. Stephanie Meyer had a great idea for a story, but she didnโ€™t write it well at all. The plot holes are bigger than Aunt Margeโ€™s butt (and thatโ€™s saying something) and the characters (especially Bella) are as flat as a tack. All Bella ever thinks about is how hot her husband is. Really, the story itself could have been really good โ€“ it was just in the WRONG hands. Twilight is just sex appeal, and if you think otherwise please feel free to search in vain for a person who is an absolutely huge twilight fan but does not think that either Edward, Jacob, Emmet or Jasper are so good looking that they too, like 2-demensional Bella, would ditch their families, their friends, their education and their fertility to be with them. WHeras the fans of Harry Potter do not worship the book because the characters are good looking. There are also no morals in Twilight. At all. Itโ€™s pathetically written. Sorry, but true.

    But Harry Potter! What can I say? It is absolutely fantastically written! It is so witty, and has a purpose behind the writing. The charcters, even the minor ones, have been thought through so much, they have traits and flaws (unlike twilight where everyone is convientently PERFECT). Also, the HP books have subplots. That is where Twilight also fails. A lot of the story of Twilight can be found in SUBPLOTS in Harry Potter. A large portion of Bella and Edwardโ€™s story is prevalent in Tonks and Lupinโ€™s romance in the HP books. Also, JK Rowling also had the guts to kill her characters and hurt them (SPOLIER: Dumbledore, Dobby, Mad-Eye, Fred, Tonks, Lupin, Hedwig, Cedric, Lily, Snape, Quirrel, Crouch, Aragog, Crabbe, James, Wormtail, Colin, Bellatrix, Tom Riddle (Jnr and Snr) and Harry Potter). She knows that the author does not have to be nice to the charcters. In the whole Twilight series about 3 main characters die. Whereas 3 main characters die in the first HP book. And HP is just heartbreakingly sad (e.g. Snape&Lily, Petuniaโ€™s rejection, death of chaarcters, Nevilleโ€™s parents, Harryโ€™s story etc.) yet it is also gripping, funny, adventurous and gorgeously romantic (Harry and Ginny are so cute together and Bill and Fleur, Ron and Hermione, Tonks and Lupin โ€“ I could go on all day!), but the romance is not overdone like Twilight. I also find JK Rowling to be a nicer person than Stephanie Meyer, and I know that I donโ€™t know them personally, but JK gives ALOT of money to charity (she donated ALL the funds from three of her books to charity, and runs her own charity), wheras Stephanie: Nothing to charity. JK seems to appreciate how lucky she is, going from a single, struggling mother to a multi-millionaire through her fantastic books. It seems she wantes to give back to the community. Also, I think that the HP characters and actors are better role models than Twilightโ€™s. I mean, look at Emma Watson. She has been a child star since she was about 9 years old! And yet she has been able to keep her feet grounded, she got Aโ€™s in all of her High School exams (whilst she was filming HP at the same time), and she has enough money to never have to work again, yet she is still going to College to further her education.

    And also, I am not prejudiced because I actually have read the entire Twilight series and seen the movie, and I used to like it. And then I realised how shallow the books are and how predictable the plot was and how UTTERLY cliche` they are. I mean come on! Bella and Edward = Lion and Lamb?? WTF!? Twilight also had reallllyyyyy boring chapter titles. e.g: New, shiny, phone call, waking up, friends, vote. They are so boring! Yet Harry Potterโ€™s are things such as: The man with two faces; the flaw in the plan; the battle of hogwarts; the life and lies of Albus Dumbledore; the lightning-struck tower; lord voldemortโ€™s request; the beginning and flesh, blood and bone.

    HarryPotter is just so much more detailed and the characters are sensational. I loved Dobby, Gilderoy Lockhart, Lee Jordan, Ginny, Professor Trelawney, Tom Riddle, Merope Gaunt (Voldemortโ€™s mother), Lily Potter, Fleur Delacour, Snape and of course, Harry, Ron and Hermione.

    Wow, this is really long! Iโ€™ll stop now after one last argument. JK Rowling actually cares about her fans. For example: did you know that JK Rowling spent A-G-E-S deciding the name for Hermione, not because she was picky or obsessive, but because JK didnโ€™t want a name that was too common, because JK Rowling didnโ€™t want the girls who shared Hermioneโ€™s name to get picked as Hermione is a nerd who has bushy hair, buck teeth and is a teacherโ€™s pet? So she picked a name that was really rare, so that there would be a lesser chance of young girls out there sharing the name, and getting teased about it. Wheras Stephanie Meyer, had a huge hissy fit about Midnight Sun getting partially leaked that she told everyone she would stop writing it to punish those who leaked it, as well as her loyal fans that gave her all the money she now has!

    Harry is eternally better! End of story. All is well ๐Ÿ™‚


  546. HARRY POTTER is the bestttt ever you can never put one of those books down when you get reading.It is sooo much better then twilight harry potter is a favourite remember the lines to get his books well that was a sell outt.The potter books are way more exciting and interesting and just cant wait to see what the next book is like!!!!


  547. I think that Harry potter is way better then Twilight because Harry potter is way out there and more exciting and gets you thinking.Twilight is interesting but not as good as harry potter i think


  548. I think the Twilight books are way better than Harry Potter ones. I find Harry Potter boring, but when I was reading the Twilight ones, I couldnโ€™t put it downโ€ฆ I was in my own little Twilight world. =] Twilight is better, in my opinion.




  550. Greatt book but twilight wins ! Coulnt put this book downn loved it


  551. Twilight!
    Twilight is so much better you get stuck into this book and with harry ploper you just put the book down straight away !!! Twilight wins hands down !


    • Rachel said:

      And what does Twilight teach you? That you should fall in love woth the first person you meet because they’re “hot”? Harry Potter teaches you that you should always fight for what you believe in, to embrace yourself no matter how different you are, and above all that love conquers all. And that doesn’t mean just relationships it can mean between students, teachers, parents, etc. So I don’t know how you could ever compare Twilight to the amazing story of The Boy Who Lived.


      • Riley Athena Bloff said:

        While I wholeheartedly agree with what you wrote about what HP teaches you, and that Twilight and HP can’t really be compared (although I only think that because they’re so different), I don’t really think that this comment had much to do with the post you replied to. The original post was about which book captivated the original poster, and your post seemed more like you were just pointing out what was wrong with Twilight and how HP was better. This would be fine as a separate post, but doesn’t seem to make much sense as a reply to the original comment, if you get what I mean.


    • Stephanie said:

      Harry Potter is a mystery, it’s not as if everyone likes mystery. To be quite honest Harry Potter scares the bejebbers out of me. Harry Potter has heaps of action. Twilight is a love story, but in all honesty Twilight is just another book, there are so many books like Twilight like “Nikki And The Vampire” by Yaritza Garcia, “Vampire Kisses” series by Ellen Schreiber, “The Vampire Companion” by Katherine Ramsland. I could list more but who would want me doing that? I like Harry Potter because the world is so unique, so different as if you were brought into the world itself! Soooo I’m Harry Potter all the way!

      Bunnies out!


      • Riley Athena Bloff said:

        While Harry Potter definitely has many mysteries, I don’t think that I would consider the overall genre Mystery. I think Fantasy/Adventure fits more nicely. I also have to say that the idea of a magical school was also a pretty popular one, even before Harry Potter. What made it so special was Rowling’s many brilliant twists on the overused idea. Apart from that, I agree with all the rest of your points, although I also don’t think this reply has much to do with the original posts.

        Also, I love your signature!


    • Riley Athena Bloff said:

      I have to disagree with that. I personally could not stop reading Harry Potter, even if it started off a little slow. I suppose it’s just a matter of personal preference, so there’s really no need to act like everyone feels the same way as you, because that’s not the case.

      If this comment comes across as rude, I’d just like to clear up that I really didn’t mean to be disrespectful at all. Sometimes I say things that people may find offensive without realizing it, and while I was going over this comment it seemed a little disrespectful. I didn’t think it was too terrible, so I decided to leave it as it was, but I just don’t want people to think that I meant anything disrespectful toward the original poster.


  552. Definitely twilight, itโ€™s got it all. Who needs harry potter when theres twilight!


    • cause twilight is a love story harry potter is a fantasy story and everyone with a mind that as not been demented should know fantasy beats romance everyday


      • Riley Athena Bloff said:

        People are entitled to their own opinions, and everyone has their own personal preferences. Besides, Twilight also has some Fantasy/Paranormal elements, and Harry Potter has Romance elements as well. Also, I really don’t approve of the ‘demented’ part of the comment. It seems to be bordering on ableist.

        (When I say I don’t approve, I don’t mean to come off as arrogant, as if you need me to approve of what you write. I was just expressing my opinion, and happened to use the word approve. Just thought I’d clear that up.)


    • Riley Athena Bloff said:

      I do. I literally grew up with Harry Potter (not as much as the fans who read the books when they were first published, but I didn’t really get that opportunity) and I just get so emotional when I reread the books. I’ve read so much fanfiction, so many Harry Potter-related posts on the Internet, so many HP facts, and I’ve reread the books so many times now, I’ve honestly lost count. They have been my favourite books since I started the first one, and they are the reason I decided that I want to become a writer. The characters have so much depth, I honestly can’t believe it. J.K. Rowling managed to take a fairly overused idea (magic school) and spin it into something the likes of which the world had never seen before. No matter how many other books I read, Harry Potter will always have a special place in my heart.

      Sorry about the little rant up there. Harry Potter always gets me so emotional.


  553. Harry Potter is wwwaaaayyyyyy better twighlight is soooo boring and is just trying to copy harry potter. Harry potter is so much more interesting and has a great storyline.


    • Riley Athena Bloff said:

      I don’t think Meyer copied Rowling. From what I know, the stories are drastically different. The only things that she may have copied were a few things about Sirius – his surname, the whole ‘turning into a canine at will’ thing, and the motorcycle. I definitely think Harry Potter had a great storyline however. You can really see that almost all of it was cleverly planned out from the start. For example, she knew Snape’s story (to avoid revealing any spoilers for people who haven’t read DH yet) at least six years before publishing DH (because she told Rickman all about Snape while he was working on the SS movie so that he could get his character right if I’m making any sense right now)


  554. There is no question whatsoever that Harry Potter is better than Twilight
    Not to say that i havenโ€™t read and was absolutly hooked on the Twilight series โ€“ its all about harry, imagine going to a school of magic.
    J.K rowling is a great writer who has written an amazing plot through all of the 7 books.
    Not to say it must have been annoying for those had to wait for the next book to come out.
    This is also why i like Harry better because the book of Twilight only became popular when the movie came out and still did not earn as much money as the phanonomen that was harry potter –
    I still love Twilight and think Stephanie Meyers is an amazing writer to have thought of a hot vampire like edward, but hands down i will always love Harry Potter more and even the movies count towards harry aswel they are not as good as the books but i still love harry potter

    the philosopher stone
    the chamber of secrets
    the prisoner of askaban
    the goblet of fire
    the order of the pheonix
    the half blood prince
    the deathly hallows

    love harry potter


    • Riley Athena Bloff said:

      Well, I can’t say I agree with the ‘no question whatsoever’ part, because there certainly is a question. That’s why there are so many posts about this all over the Internet and so many comments favouring Twilight here (not as many as for Harry Potter, but still). However, this may also have just been a way to get your point across, so really I’m just nitpicking. Apart from that, I agree with all your points (except the one about being hooked on Twilight, because I haven’t actually read them, so…) I honestly can’t imagine the torture HP fans must have gone through while waiting for the next book… I go through that every year with Heroes of Olympus, and Harry Potter is even better (in my opinion, of course) and more loved AND there were longer waits for the next books. *shudder* This is why I’m glad I didn’t have to wait, as I started reading the series after all of the books were published!


      • im also waiting for the blood of olympus can’t wait 7/10/2014 4 days after my birthday


  555. meh, neather gets my fancy. Sorry, like to be differernt. I dont really like any fantacy books unless they have pictures in them.+ my sister absolutely LOVES both of those books and the movies and the music in the movies and the characters and the EVERYTHING!!! could go on forever for her.
    and thats why I dont like them both.


    • Riley Athena Bloff said:

      Well, since they’re not your style, I won’t bother you about reading them, but I really don’t think that your sister liking them should be a reason for you not to. However, I guess I can’t really make an informed decision, and I may even have misunderstood your post. You might have just been saying that without meaning to make it seem like a reason (if that makes sense).




    • Riley Athena Bloff said:

      Alright then… Well, you certainly managed to get your point across. Concise but clear… I like it. I really think you shouldn’t be so openly antagonistic (does that work? I’m not sure if that works) towards Twilight, but everyone has their own opinions and I’m sure you have a valid reason.


  557. i cant choose, they are too long for me but i like both the movies, so with the movies i cant decide


    • Riley Athena Bloff said:

      Fair enough. You should really give the Harry Potter books a try though (this is assuming you haven’t already done so, because a lot can happen in five years). I don’t know about Twilight, because I’ve never read them, but Harry Potter was my childhood. I was six years old when I started them, and I had a pretty short attention span back then, but I still managed to finish them fairly quickly, so I’m sure you could too. As much as I like the movies, they just can’t compare to the books in my opinion, and they leave out so many details.


  558. Well, of course you know ,i despise Harry, the blood traitor and the mud-blood but i have to say that i not a fan of vampires either and with my experience with Lupin i have grown to hate the werewolves. My father was the one who enforced Dumbledore to fire Lupin, it was about time. My father and i tried to get Harry and his disgusting followers expelled to but it was with false hope. Anyway I place my vote with Harry Potter.


  559. Mark my words i will get Potter back with a new spell calledโ€ฆ AVADA KEDAVRA!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Riley Athena Bloff said:

      AVPM references aside, I think this is a bit dark for Draco. He may be annoying and have made some pretty bad choices, especially near the end, but I don’t think he’d be able to kill someone. Just look at the end of HBP! I’m not going to write anymore, ’cause, you know. Spoilers and all that.

      (And yes, I know this was posted in 2009. I know that the original poster will most likely never see this. I’m replying anyway. Let me have my fun, people!)


      • Riley Athena Bloff said:

        Just to clarify, the AVPM references part referred to something that I had written but that got taken down. You know… What Dumbledore always said to Draco… Yeah… I mean, I censored it but I can see why it was taken down. If anyone reads this, recognizes the quote and think that was terribly harsh, I was talking to the character Draco Malfoy (I KNOW he’s not real, I just… argh) not the original poster. I didn’t mean to offend the original poster when I said that, but I can see why it would have, and I understand why it was edited out.

        Also, I’m NOT complaining that it got edited out. I get that. I just want to clear up what I meant when I said ‘AVPM references aside’. That’s all.


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