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Sing (movie)

Comments on: "Sing (movie)" (29)

  1. Paris said:

    The movie Sing is very good is has some great singing. The Movie is about Mr.Moon and how he gets some of the best singers in the town and make the best concert ever. The people have had hard times with there life but are very talented and don’t get the recognition they deserve. Sing is a great Movie 8/10


  2. Mekah said:

    Hahaha!!!. Sing is a hilarious movie and would extremely recommend to people that love to laugh. The story line is really good, there is a twist near the end and it just brings the movie more loving and proves a really good moral.


  3. Tessa said:

    I went to see this last year not sure what to expect but ended up really loving it. It was so so funny and had me dancing in my seat the whole movie. The singing in this movie is also amazing. Its about Mr Moon holding a singing contest but things didn’t always go to plan. I would recommend this for someone of any age looking for a positive movie with some interesting drama to keep you on a cliff hanger. I would give this a 7/10.


  4. Funniest Movie Ever!! This movie is so funny and great to watch because the storyline and different characters story are just amazing. The amazing cast which I didn’t even realise half of them could sing is absolutely amazing. I love how the movie does get personal at points but always stays a fun kids movie to watch. I love watching this movie with my little brothers and this is the type of movie that just never gets old. I love the whole singing component to the movie and it’s just so fun to sing along. I knew most of the songs but there where some older songs which were sung which are in my head now.
    I would recommend this to any family who just wants to watch a fun movie. Absolutely love it.


  5. Georgina said:

    I recently watched this for the second time round, and if anything enjoyed it more. It had me laughing one moment and nearly in tears the next (some parts were so sweet). I really like the character Gunter, he was hilarious. In any sad times he would lighten the mood and say something funny. He was a very caring and sweet character too. The singing in this was amazing and the message behind it was really nice. I wasn’t too big a fan of the ending though, better song choice! I reccomend this to ages 13 under and I give this movie a 8/10!


  6. Indigo said:

    I went and saw this movie last year in primary school with some classes and personally really loved it. It was hilarious and I loved the message it sent out. I liked this movie because it helps people express who they are and that you are amazing just the way you are. My favourite part of the movie was the part when Gunter and Rosita sing the duet, and even though they have totally different personalities, they found away to make the song flawless. I would recommend this movie to kids aged between 8 and 14. I would rate this movie a 8.5/10. ๐Ÿ˜€


  7. Charli said:

    This movie is amazing and i have been dying to see it for ages. After watching it taught me more about GRIT (never give up) My favourite characters were the little piggies because they were supportive of their mum. Every animal was a good singer, if they didn’t get chosen to perform in the next round they didn’t get to angry or upset.


  8. Sing is such a funny movie, I love every single part of the film!! It is about a koala named Buster Moon who presides over a once-grand theater that has fallen on hard times. An eternal optimist, and a bit of a scoundrel, he loves his theater above all and will do anything to preserve it. Facing the crumbling of his life’s ambition, he takes one final chance to restore his fading jewel to its former glory by producing the world’s greatest singing competition. Five contestants emerge: a mouse, a timid elephant, a pig, a gorilla and a punk-rock porcupine. The singing in the movie is very well done and makes the movie amazing. I would give this film 4.5 stars out of 5. It shows anyone that no matter who you are or what you do, have a go and try your best in everything. Never ever be afraid to be who you are and show everyone what you’ve got!!


  9. Have you ever dreamed of some of the best things in the world: cute animals, singing and dancing, all put into one jam-packed movie? Introducing the movie: โ€˜Sing!โ€™ This film is a fun, crazy movie that is enjoyable for the whole family. It shows how when some regular characters follow their hearts, anything can happen. My favourite character is the mother pig, who always is overlooked and taken for granted by her absent-minded husband, and her twenty-five, crazy piglets. She is a very kind natured character, who I believe is very likeable. This movie shows how important loyalty, courage and honesty are.


  10. Sing is a great movie for the whole family. It shows how anyone can be anything no matter who or what you are, who your family is and what your background is.


  11. Sing is an amazing movie! It included many different characters with different personalities and lifestyles. My favourite character was Johnny because he was so cute and I loved his accent. The movie follows the story of an audition which is held in a town. When the old lady was typing the flyers to advertise the auditions, she accidentally added some 0s to the winning prize so it went from $1000, to $100000. This attracted many people as they wanted to win this prize money. We watch as a major event changes it all and they have to work together to help Buster Moon, the koala who runs the theatre. I recommend this to kids and families and I rate it a 10/10.


  12. I really liked this movie despite being a bit unsure at the beginning. I loved how all the different animals had different ways of doing things and that the main character, Mr. Moon will do anything to save his theater. I loved the way Mr. Moons passion for the art was shown in a funny way and that despite countless bad things happening he stayed determined. My favorite part was when the auditions for the singing competition. This movie sent the message to never give up on your dreams and that you should keep trying no matter how many bad things happen. I would rate this movie a 7/10!


  13. Isabel said:

    Sing was an ok movie, I think it may have better for younger age. Although I thought if I was younger I would find it entertaining and fun. I liked the part when the little piglets and their father were home in the morning and the mother made an assembly line to hep them get ready without her. I thought in some parts the songs could have better and made more sense. I think that anyone under the age of 12 would like this movie. 4/10

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Sophie said:

    I think that this movie is really funny. I like this movie because it has all different animals as the charters. I think the funny bit is when they do the auditions and they have all the different animals doing different things.


  15. I wasn’t really wowed by the movie sing I think I went into the movie with very high expectations that it was going to be really good but it wasn’t the best thing I’ve seen. I found it was very cute and funny but definitely aimed at younger audiences. I still think the storyline was very good but I would keep it to the younger audiences and rate it a 5/10


  16. Despite Sing being aimed at a younger audience, I thoroughly enjoyed the movie and found the characters quite funny. My favourite character was Rosita because she had faith in herself, and she displayed the qualities of a strong mother who doesn’t have much support from the father, which I thought was quite remarkable. Overall, I thought the plot was interesting and the songs were catchy. I would recommend this movie to both children and teenagers. I rate it a 7/10.


  17. Georgia said:

    Want a movie that will crack you up so much your sides will hurt? A movie that you will just HAVE to sing a long to? Well you have no choice but to watch Sing! Sing is such a great movie and is great for all age groups. I went to watch it with my older sister who is 27 and even she was laughing as hard as me. We were nearly falling out of our seats! Sing is a fantastic family movie for a Friday night but is also a great idea for a sleepover with your bestie! I would totally recommend Sing and I would give it a rating of 20/10


  18. I really loved the movie Sing! It is one of the few movies I actually enjoyed watching. I definitely recognised some actors voices too. I saw this movie in the cinema and thought it was hilarious. I loved the storyline and everything about it. The animals were great and my little sister loved it too! The singing was great to hear and everyone sounded amazing! I would recommend to anyone of any age who love a good laugh.


  19. This movie is aimed at a younger audience, 10 and below and I did not really enjoy it. It was a different story but with basic problems. My favourite part in the movie was when the mother of the piglets was getting up early all the time to go rehearse and she made a machine which does all her chores e.g. washing, packing lunches, breakfast, for her. I rate this movie a 5/10 but I believe a younger audience would enjoy this movie a lot more than I did.


  20. Katelyn said:

    By far one of the cutest movies ever. I watch this with my brother all the time and we love it. Great chilled movie to sing along to. Definitely recommend for all ages. The singing in it is incredible and are classic hits that we all know, can sing along to and join in. Highly rate this movie a 8/10. We learn that it’s not all sunshines and rainbows in this movie. You really can see how hard life can be and the up and downs that arise but ‘Sing’ inspires us easier ways to overcome and that life can get better. A must watch if you haven’t already


  21. Hannah said:

    Wow this movie is a really good on, it is great for the younger generation. i would recommend it to anyone over 3 who loves a fulfilled movie. this movie is full of surprises which is one reason i really enjoyed it. I think that this is a great family movie!


  22. This movie was a funny movie that I really enjoyed. It’s a movie that i recommend for everyone. Its a great family movie about a mouse named mr moon who holds a singing competition. Mr moon comes across difficult times but with everyones help they make it work. Sing was a fantastic movie that i rate a 4/5 and definitely recommend everyone watches it.


  23. Georgie said:

    I really enjoyed the movie ‘Sing’ because it was very uplifting and cheerful. There are different characters with different challenges, fears, daily lives and goals. This movie displayed challenges and set backs but each character continued to fight for their dreams. The auditions is probably my favourite part of the movie. However, the ending is pretty much equal. I would definitely recommend this movie for people 5+ I would rate it a 7/10.


  24. I really enjoyed this movie. It is so funny. The characters are all so different and funny in their own way. My favourite character is the gorilla because in the outside he is tough but on the inside, he is soft and sweet. This is a really great family movie and I recommend it for all ages.


  25. Wow what a movie to get you into the singing spirit! Sing is about a singing competition that Mr Moon holds. He has fallen into difficult times with his theatre and thought what a perfect idea to rejig it up. Its not all sunshines and rainbows in this movie, you really learn how hard life can be, but also how strong your passion can be for one of your hobbies. This movie is so inspiring, by telling people to follow your dreams and show the people that tell you, you cant do it, wrong. This is an all age family friendly movie full of comedy, drama and MUSIC!! So what are you waiting for…. Get watching!


  26. I love this movie it is such a great family one. My favourite character is the elephant. I wish it ended differently. I loved how all the characters come from some sort of hardship. Have fun watching it. xx


  27. I loved this movie so much! It was so funny and the singing was amazing. I loved all the little scenes and the backgrounds of the singers because it made it really interesting. I think that this movie is great for anyone because of the messages that there are throughout the whole movie and it tells kids to never give up on their dreams. It is such a fun and lighthearted movie, I couldn’t stop smiling. But, the only downsides for me was that there wasn’t as much singing as I would have though considering the movie is called Sing and occasionally there was a poor song choice. Apart from these, I really liked this movie and I would recommend it to anyone that is just looking for a fun movie. I rate this movie 9/10!


  28. Sienna said:

    I found this movie good, but not great. I feel that this movie was directed at a younger audience. My favourite part in the movie was when the the little piglets and their father were home and in the morning and the Mum made a assembly line to help them get ready without her. I felt that in the finale they could have used better songs. I would recommend this movie to children between the ages of 5 to 12. I rate this movie a 7/10.


  29. I personally did not really enjoy the movie Sing. Though it is aimed at a younger audience, i thought I would still get something out of the movie. However, There were some scenes that I did like, those being in the pigs house with all of her babies. I would recommend it to anyone under 14 and I would rate the movie and 3 / 10


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